♤Chapter twenty

♤chapter twenty one

As soon as Audra cuts to the cafe she sees no one around. How can no one be here? Someone just got shot at. Would they be in the infirmary or did the school take them to the hospital? Audra runs down from the cafe all the way to the beginning of the dorm rooms, where the infirmary is. She rushes in and looks around for any nurses. It all seems quiet, too quiet. She goes to the nurse all they way in the back of the room.

"Hi, I'm sorry did you get any new patients? Were the people who were shot here?" Audra asks trying to make herself believe that maybe it was warning shots.

"We didn't get any new staying visitors but, um hold on." The male nurse checks out his clear clipboard that has doodles all over it. "We did get two people who were shot"

"Why aren't they here? Oh my- holy shit- their dead! That's why there not here?" Audra says as she tries to hold in her fears with running her hands through her hair.

"No, miss. They are fine they were shot with tranquilizers. Pretty strong doses though but just tranqs." He says smiling at Audra.

"What are their names, tell me their names." Audra says cooling down from her worries

"One female Margot Fallen and One male-" He starts to say but Audra cuts him off

"Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you thank you I have to go!" Audra shakes the nurse's hand and runs all the way to her room.

As audra opens the door she sees everyone gathered around Margot on her bed. Regan looks over and sees Audra and he motions for her to come closer. She does as she tries to see why they are all gathered around Margot. Then it hit her, Margot was very pale and her eyes could barely stay open and she had the sweats. Audra takes Margot's hand in hers.

"Margot thank god you're safe, I don't know what I would have-" Audra starts to say but Margot interrupts her

"You probably would have went to the ends of the earth and made a deal with the devil." Margot chuckles as she starts to cough and shiver.

"I would do anything to get you back. No matter the length, price or amount of people I would have to kill." Audra answers her, a tear almost falling.

Audra let's go of her hand and walks over to Regan who is sitting on Audra's bed.He looks as if he is a lost puppy.

"I guess, she's gone isn't she?" Regan asks his sister not bothering to look at her.

"She wanted to leave, to live a better life for herself. She told you not to be hung up on her. " Audra says thinking also about the other part that Nicole said.

"She said one day that here were things that I wouldn't understand until I looked at it by myself. That's what she meant." Regan pouts sadly.

"What's going on with Margot? Why is she-" Audra scrambles for words. Her best friend is hurting and she wants her to get better.

"The tranq hit a soft spot, she passed out and has been dazed since. She'll be okay, the nurse said she just needs to get some rest." Regan says now looking at Margot with big lustful eyes.

"I can see- nevermind. Who else got shot?" Audra asks.

"Melona, she's actually taking it better than we thought she would. She got the league to agree to let her have some time off and get a spa day too." Regan says smiling

"I like when she gets what she wants. She deserves it, we all do." Audra says looking at the group who are still gathered around Margot.

"Speaking of, can you help me with something?" Regan tells Audra as he starts playing with his fingers.

"Oh, The big and great Regan Roux asking moi for help? How the rocks have turned!" Audra says putting a hand on her chest.

"HA HA. But seriously-" Regan starts to say but gets interrupted.

"How the cookie crumbles, how the apples are ripe! How, how. I'm done, alright, tell me."

"We can't talk here let's go to the cafe I don't want someone to hear me and mess this up." Regan says as he stands up and opens the door for the both of them.

Audra walks with him all the way to the cafe and he finds a seat near a window. Regan likes to look at something other than the person he's talking to when he's nervous. This has to be about Margot, if it's not she has the right to slap him.

"So, since Nicole is gone and- no that's not right. Since we came here I-" Regan looks at Audra who is looking at him strangely.

"Regan, you're in the eleventh grade, I would have thought you would know how to form sentences." Audra says chuckling at her brother. "What is going on with you?"

"I never said this out loud, I mean I did but only to myself." Regan tells her while dodging her question.

"Spit it out big brother. Or I'm gonna get up and go back to my room and watch-" She starts to say but Regan answers her.

"I LOVE MARGOT!" Regan says as he smiles slowly at his sister.

"How long was that? Like fifteen seconds? Yet you waited like six years?" Audra says crossing her arms.

"Wait, you knew? You knew?" Regan squints his eyes in confusion towards Audra.

"I knew since the moment you stepped into practice on the second day and you let her kick your ass." Audra tells him laughing at her brother again.

"So? What do you think? Do you think she likes me back? Do you think she loves me back? Or does she see me as her brother." Regan says trying to get it out of his sister.

"How about I set something up and she'll do the questions part? And ew who would want you as there brother?" Audra laughs as she gets up from her seat. "Do you want to do this now or later?"

"It's been long enough, too long. She's weak and in bed coughing it up-" Regan says as he also gets up to start walking back to the room.

"That is not an excuse! Do you know how long I- it's been? if you can do this now I'll clear the room for you so you guys can talk." Audra tells her brother in hopes of a relationship blossoming out of this.

"Alright, let's head back then," Regan says as he and Audra start to walk side by side back to the room. "Audra,"

"Yeah?" She says looking at him.

"Thank you, for everything." He says as he grabs her shoulders. "You're still making me vomit in my mouth, though." He laughs as she hits him over the head.

They continue to walk to the room. As soon as they get there, Audra tells the group that they should head out and go do something fun. Leaving Margot and Regan. Only they will know what happened in the room. Until Audra gets back and Margot spills like an overflowing cup.
