♧Chapter sixteen

♧chapter sixteen

Audra wakes up to the sound of screams and crying. She opens her eyes, it's not coming from her space. She stands up and moves her divider. People are rushing around trying to help from the attack from last night. She sees Regan, Chelle, Jared and Ballele coming through the doors. Ballele and Chelle rush to Audra as they see all the commotion going on.

"Are you okay? What happened last night?" Ballele says as she hugs Audra. They're more attached than she thought.

"Why are you guys here? I'm getting out soon." Audra looks around at the nurses moving things around.

"We just came to check on you, Audra." Chelle says as she puts her hand to Audra's face. Audra flinches backward before she realizes it, thinking of the man from last night. Chelle looks at everyone to confirm what she just saw.

"You need to tell us what's going-" Jared says but gets interrupted by Audra shouting

"I dont need to tell you anything, your not my parents you shouldn't care." Audra almost screams at them, Chelle moves back.

"Audra-" Regan moves closer also tries to say but gets cut off.

'Especially you, you are sick. I can't look at you!" She says turning her back to them. She feels a tear coming down her face. What was she doing? She shouldn't be doing this.

"Woah, Audra just calm down-" Ballele tries but gets shot down.

"I need you to go. All of you, NOW!" She says as she opens her divider to step into her space. She sits on her bed as she lets the tears fall. She doesn't care if it hurts her as much as it does, it will keep them safe.

The group leaves Audra and heads out to classes. a few minutes into second period, Audra comes in to chemistry. She doesn't sit or talk with the group, she sits by herself. When going into groups she goes with random people she doesn't know. Regan and Margot try to come over but Audra just ignores them. As the students are doing their experiments, the teacher, the old man from the league room tells everyone to pay attention.

"Attention, class. Eye's up here or you're all doing drills! Drills I tell you! Now," He says with a smile and a little clap. "These are our new students, Martha and Zeke Lee and Vella Nelson."

Audra turns to see Vella, Zeke and Martha. She's been so close to her little sister for god knows how long. She's alive and right in front of her. But if she tells her she may run away from her or leave, gone forever, again. Zeke and Martha find tables while Vella walks around trying to find a seat. Audra almost waves her hand to signal her over but stops herself. If that guy knows that her little sister looks like that and they find that they've been talking they'll kill her. She can't even talk to her just found,little sister

She can't believe it. When she was little she used to wish that the rest of her family would find their way to her and Regan. Who knew she was wishing upon a star? Audra focuses on the task at hand. not blowing up the school with whatever crazy chemicals are in this room. Her partners seem to know what they're doing. They haven't blown everyone to pieces yet. She looks over at her friends, who are in two groups. Jared, Margot, Regan, Piona and Chelle. Zanara, Olly, Ballele,Vella and Melona. They look like they are actually bonding, becoming real friends. She should tell them, they have strength in numbers. They can take down whoever the hell is doing this to her. Whoever has information on where are parents are.

Audra must have been looking for very long because everyone from the two groups are looking at her. She quickly turns back to her group who are still mixing blue and green liquids. She could tell them, everything the man said, they'll forgive her. Would they? She doesn't really know them. Besides Regan and Margot and maybe the twins they might just bail on her. Why shouldn't they she's ignoring them. She looks back at them from her side. Looking out the window she sees the man from yesterday outside with a gun. He starts waving it maniacally.

"Can you pass the mercury please!" One of the girls says at the table. She doesn't look at what she's grabbing but she grabs it and starts extending her arm for the girl who spoke to take it from her. Still looking at her friends she starts letting it go out her hand for the girl to take it. She hears a big crash and everyone is standing up she sees the group getting up and looking at her.

"Ms Roux! What are you doing! You are endangering the students! Please go get yourself together." He says coming over with the pass.

Audra gets up from her seat and walks to the nearest exit where the man was outside. She sees him near the trees, waving at her to come over. She walks to him and he starts talking, or giving orders is more what it felt like.

"Glad to see you caught the invitation." He says waving his gun again.
