Chapter 15 (The Discussion)

Chapter 15 a special chapter for Christmas.




This story is almost over. Aaww, but not to worry I will make a sequel of this story!!!!

Anyway just enjoy the story on how a detective and a theif became part of the most powerful mafia in the world.

Enjoy the chapter!!! I really love you guys for voting and reading this story!!! Ti Amo!!!!


"Come with me to my office, we need to talk." Tsuna ordered. Seeing the looks of defiance and fight rising up in the eyes of the two on the floor, Tsuna added "Don't worry I'm not going to harm you. I'm not related to this Snake person you seem to think I am." I am not related in anyway or even want to meet Snake. I may be a mafia but I use the power for good to help and protect the innocents. 

Leading them through the corridors of the Vongola Underground, Tsuna nods and acknowledges the men around him, as he usually did. It was important to him that the men under his and the Ninth's command were able to talk and interact with him normally. If it wasn't for the orange tint in his eyes, or for the fact he was leading two strangers around, the men would have been a lot friendlier.But these were trained Mafioso, and knew that image and reputation meant a lot for a Boss. So, they kept their hellos to small bows of the head and respectful calls of Boss.

The Vongola Underground was the collective name for the Mafia side of the Vongola Mansion. As the name suggested, it was directly under the mansion, and extended far out to either side. Above ground was a 'normal' mansion belonging to a successful business man and his men. This was where the Boss, his Guardians, and other friends and family members slept, ate most of the time, and spent their free time. Anything mafia related happened Underground to avoid suspicion. Underground there were offices, Training rooms, laboratories and Garages, Sleeping quarters for specific Mafioso, kitchens, and medical units. There were quite a few different access points that lead to places around Nanimori.

Tsuna leads the pair to his main office, along a corridor with red carpeting and gold gilding on the woodwork. This corridor is lined with paintings on either side. Kaitou KID looks around with interest, noting the cost of the solid gold frames. Conan is a little more interested in the people that had been painted. Along both sides of the corridor, leading to a pair of huge Oak doors, were paintings, depicting other people looking regal but commanding. Nearly all were men, but there was one woman with a flower tattoo running down her face. The little plaques underneath are written in Italian, stating different numbers, odds on one side, evens on the other. The closer they got to the office, the lower the numbers became. As they approach the door, one black suited man stands to attention and opens the door.

"Thank you. Could you bring us some coffee please." Orders Tsuna with a smile on his face. The man nods in response and closes the door behind them. It was a spacious office, but a cluttered one. Paper files were everywhere on the tables in the room, some stacks looking like they would fall over. Along the walls were filing cabinets and bookcases, all filled to the brim and overflowing. The only clear space in the room, amazingly, was the huge desk at the centre of the back wall. Behind this was an ornate orange leather chair, the orange looking faded and muted, the chair warn and very comfortable looking- the look of a chair that has seen much use. Tsuna indicates for the pair to sit down while he walks around the desk and sits in his own chair. Gokudera takes his place behind Tsuna on his right. Tsuna watches the pair look around the room, looking behind themselves and analysing the door.

The older one, Kaitou KID, looks about the room with a sharp eye, looking at every corner and wall panel. Hmm, this is interesting, they are both looking for any exits. The thief has noticed all of the cameras, whilst the small boy has been analysing me and Gokudera. The way they have sat, still facing me but with their backs slightly facing each other, shows a huge amount of trust in one another. What an unusual pair they are. There is a knock on the door, which Gokudera opens, and he brings in the tray of coffee. Placing it on the table, Gokudera pours coffee for the four of them, handing Juudaime's his first, before handing Kaitou KID his. He frowns at the child before him, wondering if the kid drinks coffee. Not caring either way, Gokudera places the cup infront of the kid, before taking his own and returning to his spot. He too has noticed the wondering eyes of the pair, but quickly their eyes return to Juudaime. They did that a little too quickly for mere curiosity. It seems like they have had some training. Thought Gokudera, growing more suspicious every minute.

"Wow, Onii-san, your office is huge! There is so much paper. Back at home Ojii-san's office is messy, but there isn't nearly this much paper. How do you know where everything is?" chirps the small boy, his eyes wide with astonishment. Head tilted to the side, the boy returns his gaze back to Tsuna, a confused look in his eyes.

Tsuna chuckles at the antics of the small boy and the innocence of the question. "well, since I made these piles I generally know where everything is." Tsuna places a smile on his face, looking the boy straight in the eyes. "And who might you be, little boy?" leaning forward, Tsuna rests his elbows on the desk, and friendly smiles at the boy.

"I'm Ichigo !" states the boy, sitting up straighter. That's not his name. My intuition tells me that's 100% a lie. Why would he lie to me, children never lie like that. Also why would he lie? I watched the heist and the report also stated his name, so I know his real name. Hidden under his folded arms, Tsuna taps his finger twice of the desk, knowing Gokudera can see it. Gokudera doesn't visibly react, but his hand does twitch, offended that anyone would lie to his boss.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ichigo-kun. And can I assume that your friend here is the world famous International Phantom Thief 1412. Also known as Kaitou Kid?" Going along with the boys lie, Tsuna turns to the teen.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Replies the thief, tipping his hat. "And who do we have the pleasure of addressing?" His face looks calm and nonchalant, as if he's talking to a friend and not someone he thinks kidnapped him.

Tsuna wonders about how to answer this. Gokudera had already called him Juudaime infront of them, and others had called him Boss along the way. Then there were the paintings of Vongola Bosses along the corridor. But more than that, it was his intuition, jumping around like crazy, that made him decide to tell them the truth.

"I am Sawada Tsunayoshi, 10th generation Boss of the Vongola Familiga". A disarming smile on his face, his body language non-threatening as he said it. Immediately he could see a reaction from Kaitou Kid, though whether it was from the blatant mafia connection, or from actually knowing what the Vongola Family was, Tsuna wasn't sure. "And this here is my right hand man, Gokudera Hayato." Gokudera straightens up more, pleased at being called a right hand man as usual, and nods his head to the pair.

"Ooh, that sounds posh. 10th Generation? Are you some kind of Noble? That's so cool. But what's a Von- Vongola Fam-famg…" the boy rattled off, seemingly pleased to meet a member of nobility.

"Vongola Famigila" Tsuna supplies "It means Vongola Family in Italian. And no, I'm not a noble. I'm the boss of a mafia family." Tsuna watches as the boy gasps, noticing the way in which he fingers his watch, and brings his feet up to rest on the chair. Kaitou KID seems to not be bothered by this statement, but Tsuna caught the tightening of fists, and the slight movement closer to the boy.

"The mafia! That's amazing. Oh, so you're the Godfather, and I bet you have a gun too. Can I see it, please?" The ecstatic boy infront of him looks up with a pleading face, drawing out the 'please'.

"No I don't have a gun, and neither does Gokudera, so I'm afraid that I can't show you." Tsuna looks at the crestfallen boy, wondering where this conversation is going. His intuition is still flashing at him like crazy, but Tsuna can't figure out why.

"Yeah, I suppose you don't need guns when you can shoot flames out of your hands and fly." At this Tsuna raises his eyebrow. How does the boy know that I can fly? He was unconscious before I caught him, so was KID. Neither should know I can fly. Even if he wasn't, I was under Chrome's illusions, he wouldn't have known it was me anyway.

"Fly? I never said that I could fly. Did you mention it, Gokudera-kun?" Looking at his friend, he sees the suspicion in Gokudera's eyes. Both know that every few people know Tsuna can fly, especially not the public, and certainly not a junior school child.

"No, Juudaime. I never mentioned that you could fly. Neither did any of the men when we came here, nor when they were chasing the pair about earlier. So kid, tell me why you think Juudaime can fly?" A gaze as intense as a storm falls singularly on the small boy.

As soon as the boy realises his mistake, his hands fly to his mouth and he stops looking at Tsuna. Conan silently curses himself in as many languages as he knows, before trying to think of a way out of his slip up. He couldn't exactly say that a magical jewel told him.

Kaito looks at Conan eyebrow raised. The chibi detective was not known for making wild accusations. In answer Conan taps the jewel. Kaito just nods and looks back at the Mafioso infront of him. "Umm…Umm" Conan tries to think of any way out of this corner he's backed into. After a while, Tsuna sighs. "Look you can stop this charade now. I know that there's something different about you. For starters, your real name isn't Ichigo." Tsuna looks straight at the boy, eyes boring into his soul, looking for any emotions hidden there. Shock and suspicion can be clearly seen, as can a little confusion, and even a tiny bit of fear. "Juudaime can tell whenever anyone is lying. Go on try it out." Challenges Gokudera, proud of his friend's skills.


(KID's P.O.V.)

I was freaking nervous and panicking when we were caught! I was kind of relieved that the guy with a lion cub said that they have no relation to Snake but I was still worried where we were and who we are dealing with. I-I didn't know what to do but follow the two guys to the messy brown haired guy's office. As Co- I mean Shin-chan and I were being lead, the men in black suits we walked by, bowed to the two men. I knew then that they were important but the white haired guy called the other Juudaime, so that means the guy is the boss. 

I looked around the place and it was amazing everything most of cost a fortune. We entered the office and was offered to sit down, so we sat down. Both Shin-chan and I looked around the office to find an escape route incase something goes south and our lifes will threatened. Wow, I was amazing the place was filled with expensive decoration and furnitures but also had mountains of paperworks everywhere laying around. 

I watched and listened to the conversation between the Boss and Shin-chan. When I was addressed, I greeted him and asked his name and who he is. I was mentally flipped out that we were captured by the mafia. But I heard the name Vongola somewhere before, I have a feeling that I have seen and heard the name countless of times but I can seem to remember where, when, or how. 

I was shocked by what Shin-chan said. "Yeah, I suppose you don't need guns when you can shoot flames out of your hands and fly." Yes, those are the exact word that he said. Really?! I mean, how can somebody shoot flames out of their hands and fly! but I did watch him try to melt the Pandora with his hands so it might be possible for him to shoot flames but Fly? That's impossible, that's crazy talk and how did Shin-chan know about that and not only that the two guys, Sawada, Tsunayoshi "The 10th generation boss of the Vongola Famiglia" and Gokudera, Hayato "The right hand man", acknowledges that Sawada can fly? 

I looked at Shin-chan to know how he knew, then he tapped the Pandora. The Pandora must have shown Shin-chan about them, like it had showed him about me. I was surprised when Sawada said that Shin-chan was lying about his name. But they could have researched about Shin-chan easily because he was on couple of magazine and newspaper because of my heists. What really surprised me is that he stated that he could tell anyone if the person is lying or not, no matter how good liar or professional actor the person is. 

I wanted to test him and Gokudera, was it his name? was all high and mighty with a smug full of pride. It kind of pissed me off a bit and I wanted to wipe that smug of his face and make him cry. And the best way to do that is to make his Boss humiliated but I was also interested if he can really tell if a person is lying or not. 


Happy New Year Guys!!!

Wow, 2014 already time sure flies by fast! 

Anyway hope you will continue to read and support this story this year too!

And also support the sequel of this story!!!! But don't worry this story won't end yet. 
