Chapter 16 (Challenging the Hyper Intuition)

Chapter for January!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Happy BirthMonth for Me! 

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Tsuna just shakes his head at Gokudera, and turns back to the pair, this time addressing Kaitou KID. "Ask me three questions, I'll answer true or false. Let's see how many I get right" 

Kaito, never one to back down from a challenge, leans forward in his seat, head placed on one palm. "Okay then. Question 1, something easy. The leading police detective of my Task force is called Nakamori Ginzo" Everyone knew the answer to this, Nakamori had become famous as the one to chase KID.

"True, but that's common knowledge. Try something a little harder." Tsuna looked disapprovingly at the thief, knowing that he could have come up with a better question than that. Although truthfully, since Tsuna had never ever heard of Kaitou KID before, he didn't actually know. It was Gokudera's 'Che' and flick of his head, that provided the information that this was an easy question. Tsuna just assumed it was common knowledge.

"True, true. Okay then. I have been a jewel thief for over 12 years." With KID's face in the shadow, it was hard to tell his age, apart from the fact that he wasn't extremely old. Again, everyone knew that Kaitou KID had been stealing jewels for a very long time. This 'Boss' was sure to say true.

"Now, now Phantom Thief, that's sneaky of you" Tsuna replied, wagging one finger in a mock telling off. "That is a half-truth. Kaitou KID has been stealing jewels for a lot longer than 12 years. But you yourself have not." The shock in the Phantom's one visible eye was clear, but quickly covered up. Again, Tsuna's intuition had supplied that it was a half-truth. From the information Gokudera was telling Tsuna earlier, Kaitou KID had disappeared about 10 years ago, to reappear 8 years later. Tsuna suspected that the name was handed down to a successor. His intuition suggesting he was correct.

"Hmm, again true, but some people have been thinking this for a while. It's a common rumour on the internet after all. People seem to find the 8 year gap a bit suspicious. Okay final question, not quite a true or false, but I'll still be able to tell if you are telling the truth. Out of these three names, which one is my real identity? Moriyama Makito, Kuroba Kaito or Takahiro Shiro" The thief smiles one of his predator smiles, sitting back confidently in his seat. Most people would go for the last one. The double 'm' from the first one sounds like it's too made up. Most people have different letters for their first and last names. A defence for his real name was one his classmates had come up with when Hakuba had accused him of being KID: Kaito sounded too much like Kaitou, no one was that stupid. Well actually his parents just had a weird sense of humour.

Tsuna's intuition supplies the answer though. It was the middle one. His intuition had spiked when the Thief said it. "Your real name is Kuroba Kaito. But before you ask no I didn't hear your companion call you it. Apart from him stating he was scared when I entered the room, and what he has said here, I have never heard him talk. I did not participate in the chase you see." Both the boy and the thief looked shocked, but again they quickly controlled their facial expression. The thief's hand went closer to his jacket, and the boy started to finger his shoes. I suspect that KID has a weapon under his jacket. And now they are both suspicious of me. My intuition has calmed slightly, but it's still bouncing around. There must be a lot more to these two than meets the eye. Especially that kid.  "So now that you know that I can tell if you are lying, why don't we start again. So little boy, who are you?"

(Conan P.O.V.)

I mentally whistled this guy is good! I was surprised that he got all of them correct, he even knew that the questions are only saying half of the truth! But most of the questions are common knowledge like the question about Nakamori-keibu. The question for number two about Kaitou Kid, if you common logic and there are lots of rumors because of the age and disappearance gap. 

But what can't understand is how he knew Kaito's name! from the choices it is more likely for a person to pick the last choice but this guy, got it right it is Kuroba Kaito! How! How! How! Maybe, just maybe, the guy is telling the truth about how he can detect lies and truths. 

Sigh, it is the only reason and explanation I have on how he answered them correctly. But this.. this just.. impossible! No normal person can do this and scientifically impossible unless there is a trick like Kid's magic, there is scientifical explanation and devices. But I don't see any devices or tricks on him or us that tells him the answers. This is just scientifically impossible! It's we are in some kind of comic books or shounen manga.

But then again not all things can be scientifically explained like the Pandora and the vision it showed me.  What have we gotten ourselves into Kaito!?!


"Okay then. My name is Edogawa Conan." Replies the boy, eyeing Tsuna suspiciously. He was sure that no one knew Kaito was 1412. Tsuna sits back in his chair and huffs, shaking his head. Gokudera takes offence at them lying to Juudaime again, and reaches for his dynamite. "How dare you lie to Juudaime again! Why I ought to-" Conan knew from Pandora's vision that Gokudera was reaching for some dynamite. They knew I was lying. But many people know me as Conan, I'm often seen with Kogoro. There is no reason for him to suspect that I'm lying. But anyway, I'm not going to get hit with those dynamites. Opening his watch, Conan takes aim, and fires the dart, sending the raging man to sleep. Luckily he didn't hit the desk on the way down. Kaito too had drawn his card gun, assuming that Gokudera was reaching for weapons, but he lowers it after Conan put him to sleep.

"Oh, another nice gadget you have there. You two really are interesting. But boy, that was another half-truth. I want the full truth now please. And it had better be the truth, I'm not happy as it is, and now you've drugged my right hand man. I'd think carefully if I were you." Orange tinted brown eyes start straight at Conan, looking menacing. Impatience is written all over his face. "Fine, then. My real name is Kudo Shinichi. There you happy now." The small boy huffs and sits back in his chair, scowling in defeat.

"Kudo Shinichi? But he's a famous high school detective. He's famous even out here. Not that he's ever solved a case here" Tsuna's intuition was contradicting his brain. His intuition said that that was the right answer. But his brain has seen Kudo in the newspapers and on TV. Kudo was supposed to be the same age as him. Conan on the other hand, noticed how Tsuna never stated where they were. "So what happened to make you… like that?"

"Like I'm going to tell a mafia boss that." States Conan, head held high, a defiant look on his face. "Heeiii, it's not like I wanted to be a mafia boss you know." Tsuna's eyes lost their orange tint, as he sighs, looking away from the two. "I was forced into this position. But I'm going to change Vongola. It's going to return to how it was. A Vigilante group to protect those close to us where the law cannot." Turning, Tsuna looks fondly at the sleeping Gokudera, looking softer in his sleep.

Hearing the sincerity in Tsuna's voice, Kaito looks at Conan and raises an eyebrow. Conan raises one of his own and shrugs, implying that he thinks the boy before them is okay. "Sawada-san, could you explain that please. If you didn't want to be a mafia boss then why are you one?" Questions Kaito, wondering at the change of atmosphere and personality of the teen before them.

Tsuna's intuition told him that he should tell them everything, so Tsuna did. "Well, I'm vaguely related to the current Boss. But all of his sons are dead, so I was one of two candidates to take the position. The Ninth sent Reborn, the world's best Hitman to Japan to tutor me. Believe me it wasn't very fun." Tsuna shuddered at the thought of Reborn's so-called 'Training'. " Eventually all of my friends became involved. Before I knew it there was a succession battle between me and this other candidate Xanxus. There was this huge battle. I would have lost it if I could. But the guys we were up against were the Varia, Vongola's elite Assassination Squad. So with them it was defeat them or be killed. I forfeited at one point, since I interfered with a battle to save one of my friends. But I still fought with Xanxus, and lost, so he was to be given the title of successor. But in this Family there are these rings, and they have to accept you to become the heir."

Kaito and Conan watch Tsuna fiddle with his ring, whilst he looks away from them. "And these rings rejected Xanxus, so I was named successor. We've fought a few enemies since then, but the whole time we have only fought to protect either each other, or those around us. Me and my family, we never fight for power or money." Tsuna looked back at them, passion in his eyes. "But then we learnt about the History of Vongola, and how, 400 years ago, it was designed to be a vigilante group. Over the years, other bosses had different ideas and we became the strongest Family in the Mafia. But I just want to protect my friends. And this is the best way I can. I'm not officially Boss yet though, the Ninth is. But here in this base, everyone calls me Boss." It was all there and visible in Tsuna's eyes. Being the people they are, both Kaito and Conan are good at reading people.

Both could tell that what Tsuna had just told them was the truth. He only wanted to protect those closest to him. With this revelation, both Kaito and Conan relaxed. "I'm sure that you will do. Change the Vongola I mean." Seeing Tsuna's sharp eye on him Conan quickly adds "It's a … feeling that I have" I'm not going to tell you a jewel told me so. I don't even know if this future will become true yet. Seeing Kaito's gaze on him once more, Conan taps the Jewel again. I suppose this is the start of the 'immortality' that Pandora wanted for us. Might as well go with it. It'll give me something to do. And maybe the mafia can get rid of the Black Organisation for me. If not, then they'll be another layer of protection for me and Haibara. 

"I believe what you have told me, so I'll be truthful with you in exchange. I'm Edogawa Conan, but I used to be Kudo Shinichi." Conan stated truthfully.


That's the end of the chapter! 

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Until next month, see you again Desu~ 

Ciao Ciao 
