Chapter 4 (The Phantom Thief's Fun / The Heist Part 2)

Chapter 4!!!

I'm dieing from the exams but I will survive and I did but I'm not sure in History. I'm a foreigner and so I had to study history of the country I'm staying. What sucks is that all of my classmates are from the country I'm staying so they learnt it during elementary!!! Why fate, why are you so cruel to me??!! I may have asian blood but I'm born and raised an American! My mother and father are both asians but from different country. I hate it when locals tease me about my nationality and tease me on how I don't spoke and understand their language. College sucks, people say college was the best thing that happened in their life but it's not to me but high school was. During high school time to time there was teasing about my nationality but rest of the years I was left alone and treated me nicely because I wasn't the only foreigner, in each class there is at least 3-4 foreigners. I hope you guys are enjoying your school life.

Well, enjoy the next Chapter VIEWER!!! :)

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Chapter 4 ( Shinning Moon )

10 seconds left till the clock strikes 10.

'9 seconds'

The crowd started to fluster with excitement.

'8 seconds'

Waiting patiently for the fated event.


The police positions themselves.

'6 seconds'

Every looks and stares at the clock.

From the dark sky a beautiful perfect rose, as dark blue as the sky above them, landed on a teen sitting at a balcony watching the heist with a cow patterned clothed kid sitting on his lap. But this rose, its corner tucked into the petals, holds a card; a pure white card, gilded in gold with the number 5 printed boldly in the centre.

The teen whispered, "5?"

But his whisper was heard across the crowd, because of a hidden microphone in the rose that was connected to the sterios and speakers. 

Out of nowhere from the sky a single card from down to a pair of father and daughter. The daughter looks at the card and their was Kaitou Kid's famous doodle and a big bold number 4 written to it.

The daughter shouts, "We got 4!"

This time instead of a single card a red rose was attached to it came down out of nowhere to a group of kids. (It's the Junior Detective League/ Shounen Tantei Dan) The kids squeals with joy, the girl with a headband (It's Ayumi) detached the rose and the card.

The kids reads the card and shout, " We got 3!"

Another rose and a card came down to a pair of two 17 years old girls. (It's Ran and Sonoko) The girl with a long hair picks up the rose and card and when she was about to read the card a girl with a short hair grabs the card and rose.

Sonoko read the card with a squeal and exclaimed with joy, "I got 2, I got 2!!!"

Another red rose with a card come down to a 17 years old girl. (It's Aoko) The girl takes the rose and looks at it and the card with annoyance.

Aoko reads the card with annoyance and shouts, "11, What!"

Then suddenly a loud bang was heard and a smoke burst out on top of a lamp pole. When the smoke cleared a figure appeared in front of a full moon, the full moon was huge and made it look like the figure was small and the moon shined so brightly a shadow was made over the figure and the figure looked like a shadow. The figure seems to wear a long cape and a top hat. The figure opened his cape and out stretched his arms, then suddenly lights turns on and shined at the figure causing a spotlight at the figure. The figure showed his identity and the crowd roared with excitement.

(Kid's P.O.V.)

'This is gonna be awesome!' I smirked at the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you tonight and grateful that you will be my witnesses!" I smiled with enjoyment.

I pressed on a button of a switch that I hid in my gloves then suddenly a on a huge screen showed a boy with a glass holding the 'Angel's Tear,'  and around the boy were cops surrounding the boy and the room. I smirked that it was going well like I planned.

"Tonight you will be my witnesses that I will steal the magical jewel from the princess and successful escape with the jewel from her knights!"

The crowd was pleased with my entrance and speech, they chanted me name and gave me a big applaud.

" Let the show begin!"

I snapped my fingers and poof a smoke appeared and when the smoke quickly faded I was nowhere in sight. I quickly went inside the building and sneaked my way headed to the jewel.

I first kidnap a cop and took him into a bathroom and disguise myself as the cop and went pass the cops who were guarding the halls. I went inside the control room and changed again to my original attire.

I opened an air vent and crawled my way to the room where the jewel was kept. I saw my little detective, Conan, holding the jewel and was sitting on top of a podium and few cops, including Nakamori-keibu, surrounded the little detective. I pressed on a button and suddenly the lights turns off. 

 Nakamori quickly reacted and yelled, " It's KID, protect the Jewel!" In the background Conan shouted, " Be prepared!"

The lights turned on again and silence can be heard. The Task-force ,or was the task-force, were shocked with each other. Now standing in the room was the task-force dressed in medieval court, knights displaying full armor.

Sat on top of the podium, was not a small boy, but a princess in a pink frilly Victorian Era dress and a brown curls of hair went down her back with a tiara on the top of the head. And finally, Nakamori-keibu, the court jester, slowly turning as red as his hat and bells titters as he shakes with anger and embarrassment. 

Nakamori shouted that would make any person deaf, "Catch that THIEF! That -" 

I snickered as he cusses, I continue to make comments on the screen for the audience who were watching to enjoy. 

I saw that Conan has moved away and the knights and the faithful jester chased after , Conan, the princess.

As the knights followed after the jester, I quickly down the knights with the trap I prepared and commented again to the audience. Now the knight were in mid air struggling to get down. I laughed and quickly chased after the princess and the jester. 

I went ahead of them and stood in front of a door and opens them then I threw a capsule on the ground,covering the floor with oil. Scrolling the bottom of the screen, in bold red text, is the phrase : 'Don't try this at home. These are down by Professionals.' Then I commented again to the audience.

Then suddenly, rounding the corner at top speed, the Conan attempts to skid to a stop when he saw me, standing by an open door, but his feet find no purchase on the floor, and as he backs up, he starts to fall backwards. Straight into Nakamori-keibu.

The force of the detective rounding the corner pushes the boy and the man to the floor, where they slide along the floor, and straight past me, through the door. When they when past me I quickly stole the jewel from the little detective.

I commented and winking cheekily at the camera and grinned, I stepped into the room.

A pile of red and white cloth moves, and bells chime as Nakamori-keibu stands up and helps the squash Tantei-kun up too.

I stepped forward, my shoes were silent on the wooden floor, and Nakamori-keibu charged at me. I looked crookedly at him, and jumps, placing my hand on the jester's shoulders and flips over him then kicks off of the jester's back.

The jester went flying straight to the wall and lands on a portait of a queen. Placing his hands against the wall attempting to push off, but finds himself stuck. A man getting stuck to the wall is funny already but it's the placement of his hands and face that made it funnier.

His faced is pressed against the ample of the bossom of the queen and his hands placed on either side and just below, as if cupping the breasts. I chuckled at the site and heard tantei-kun released a small chuckle, as the man turn through every shade of red possible.

I walked to the window and waved, as cheers rised from the ground. We were at the front of the building again, few floors up from before, about 3/4's up the building.

I heard a small click and turned my attention to the little detective. He was crounching down for balance and one arm crossed of his body as the wrist of the other balanced on it. Using his watch, a small target cross hatch steadies on me.

I smiled smiled and grasps the corner of my cape and extends my arms to present myself as a target. The boy shoots and I pulled the fabric forward and blocks the sleeping dart.

Leaping onto the window's ledge, I grinned and commented to the boy and at the camera. The boy stands tall, and pushed on a button of his belt and quick as a flash, a ball appears. The trainers are charged, and a flaming comet is in route to me.

I smiled again and grips the right side of the window frame and leaps out, followed by a streaking football. I spinned on the window frame, flying horzintally in an arc, to crash my feet into a window next to the one I excited out off. 

Pushing off of the new window frame, I rocketed over the boy and falls into a forward roll, comes up and runs past the jester out of the door. The camera pans back around to see a small boy sat under a net, staring it down, as if, if he stares hard and long enough, the net will get scared and fall off of him. 

I commented to the audience and the camera, then a load of confetti burst and loud applaud was heard, as well as gasps as I maked my exit from the roof.

I released my dummy and quickly the cops followed it. I took my microphone off and examines the jewel. Then I heard foot steps, then sound of the door opening, I didn't need to turn to know who it was, it was my favorite little detective.


I'm done hurray hurray!!! I will check for mispelled words and grammers next time. 

I'm so happy am top 6 in my HRM21 exams but I don't know the others yet. 

I will make Conan's POV in the next chapter and after that I intend to make a Third Person POV Chapter about the heist.

I know I know that I'm just repeating the same chapter but from a different person's point of view but it's not my fault that I can't think of any ideas for the next chapter but I will eventually before Conan's and Third Person POV finishes. 

Please continue to read and support this story and I would appreciate if you would vote and comment a remark or ideas for the next chapters. 

Ciao Ciao P.S. If you don't 加味殺す。
