Chapter 3 (The Sky's Worries / The Heist Part 1)

Chapter 3! Chapter 3! Here is the 3rd Chapter!!!

I'm sooo feeling happy but blue cause there is a typhoon at my place today is Saturday here and I have not gone to school since Monday cause class is cancelled the reason is the typhoon. I'm happy cause I don't have to go to school and I can continue to work on the story but I have homeworks and I have to study for exams but to lazy to do them. Anime/Manga over studies!!!! Tehehe~

I said it before and I will say it again! I do NOT! I repeat NOT own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Detective Conan, and Magic Kaitou!!!!

If I did that would be awesome~ I would have continued the manga and anime of KHR and I would let Hatori, Shinichi, Kid, and Hakuba appear more and I would have continued making more manga of the Magic Kaitou.

I know I suck, A failed story is a Failed story~ Any way enjoy the failed story that I made.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(@'w'@) \( ' [] ' )/ (@へ@) (@-@) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 3 (The Intuition of the Sky)

Tsuna and his Guardians has finally arrived to Japan. They went straight to the hotel they were temporarily staying to relax and unpack, but sadly for Tsuna he was forced by Reborn to continue working on the paperwork. Time passed and it was already 5pm, Tsuna and his Guardians left the hotel for Shinjuku.

It was already around 6:30pm when they arrived to the place where the meeting was held. They went inside the lobby and as soon as they went to the front desk, they were greeted by the Secretary of the Shining Corps.

The secretary was a man who looked and sounded like a girl. The man had long pink hair that was fashionably styled with accessories and he wore yellow long sleeved dress that reach 3 or 4 inches above the knee and wore white heeled boots with pink ribbons that reached up to his knee.

The man introduced himself as 'Rinko.' Tsuna quickly noticed that Rinko was a man because of the hyper intuition, but the other Guardians are clueless or they knew and kept quiet.

Tsuna and the Guardians where led to the top of the building and they were soon greeted by the president. The president had red hair and was chubby but very energetic for a middle aged man, he wore bright colored suite that actualy looked good on him. Even though it was almost dark outside , he wore dark tinted flashy sunglasses. The president introduced himself as 'Shinning.'

The meeting was long so they ate dinner while discussing about the contract. After the dinner they were able to make a great deal and signed the contract. After the signing of the contract Shinning noticed that it was 25 minutes before the heist. Shinning invited the Vongola to the balcony to have a better view of the heist.

Everyone who wanted to watch Kid's heist gathered outside.

(Tsuna's P.O.V.)

 We were preparing to head out to the balcony when my hyper intuition acted up, I quickly put my gloves on. Gokudera, Hibari and Mukuro noticed I have put on my gloves and tghtly grips their hidden weapons.

When we stepped out to the balcony, I suddenly felt like something bad will happen. My hyper intuition was never wrong.

I immediately ordered the Guardian of the Cloud 'Hibari, Kyoya', he wore a black suite with a voilet necktie and his face was handsomely sharp and he had black hair, to prepare a helicopter incase the bad feeling I had will happen.

Hibari-san quickly pulled out his cell and prepare a helicopter.

I turned to the Guardian of the Mist, 'Rokudo, Mukuro,' he also wore a black suite but had a indigo necktie and his hair was styled like a pineapple and one eye was red with a kanji of 6 on it, to get ready and be prepared to do anything.

Mukuro-san laughed his signature laugh and nodded, he quickly took out his trident and gripped it tightly with a smile.

After few minuets a limo arrived and out comes the rest of my Guardians, all dressedin suitable evening wear. When they arrived to the balcony, I greeted them and quickly positioned themselves.


I sat in a chair with Lambo on my lap so he could get a better of the heist. I looked around and noticed that everyone was excited, even the medias, tv crews, news journalists and cameramens are everywhere.

I know that the heist is a big event but I still don't understand that why anyone should get excited about a thief stealing some kind of jewel and I still don't know who is this Kaitou Kid.

"It's sooo Exciting!! Kaitou Kid haven't made his appearance for awhile, so everyone is excited!" Shinning exclamed while striking a pose.

I looked at him and sweatdropped. I asked Shinning who is Kaitou Kid and why is his heist is like a very big event. I soon learned why Kaitou Kid was famous and learned about a famous little detective named Edogawa, Conan. I looked at the clock and it was 5 minutes until the heist.

I looked back at the people who came to the heist and hoped that they wouldn't get involved or get hurt. I sighed and  gathered a lot of courage and turned to 'Decimo' or 'Boss Mode' others called it.

I watched the people and looked for anything or anyone suspicious. I checked the clock and it was 30 seconds before 10. I had a bad feeling that something terrible happen and it greatly involves Kaitou Kid and Edogawa, Conan.

 But I also had a feeling that something good will come out of it. 

\(◎o◎)/!(^_-)-☆(=^・・^=)ニヤリ(('^ω^))♪~('ε` )(^.^)/~~~

I know that this chapter was shorter than the other chapter and I am truly sorry.

The reason this chapter was shorter is because my younger sister complained that she got bored reading because that chapters are too long.

If you want to have the chapters long again please send me a comment of a request.

Please continue to read my story and also vote and comment my story.  

If you don't 噛み殺す。
