Chapter 2 (The Preparation)

Well I'm happy few read my story, I should work harder on it so peaple will read more of my story!!! It's still my first work and I just started. I really hope peaple will like my story. Enjoy the 2nd Chapter!!!

I Do not own any of the characters in the story. I do not own KHR, Detective Conan and Magic Kaitou.

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Chapter 2 ( The Moon and the Star)

Somewhere in Japan there is a 17 years old teenager with a secret that no one knows. His name is Kuroba, Kaito. He is just like an ordinary teenager who loves to do magic tricks and dreams to be the world's greatest magician but he has another identity.

He is the famous international criminal thief Phantom 1412. His father was the former famous phantom thief until he died eight years ago when he was performing a magic trick and died, the police confirmed that it was an magic accident.

After years pasted, Kaito discovers and learns that his father didn't died in a magic accident but was killed by an unknown organization and that his father was the famous international criminal and found out that the organization and his father was looking for a jewel called "Pandora."

The Pandora is a mystical stone said to shed a " tear " during a passing of a particular comet, the consumption of which bestows immortality, Kaito's dad became the phantom thief to steal the jewel so that the unknown organization won't get their hands on it.

Kaito became the next phantom theif to steal the jewel and to find the unknown organization to get his revenge for killing his father.

Kaito has been stealing the jewels in a showy way and became like an event for people to enjoy to watch from real close and his heist has been aired on televisions to make himself the bait to find the organization. After Kaito has inherited the job of a phantom thief, people called him Kaitou Kid (Phantom Thief Kid) instead of Kaitou 1412 (Phantom Thief 1412).

(Kaito's P.O.V.)

'Just another peaceful morning in class, students talking to each other or talking to their friends or groups on something they like or gossiping on the latest news. Yup, nothing out of the ordinary.' I was looking out the window.

Out of nowhere someone was shouting my name from the halls, then suddenly the door slid open with a slam. A girl came in with a newspaper in her hands and came running to me.

"Ugh! Kaito, look at the newspaper's front page!" The girl slamed the newspaper on my desk with rage.

I looked down at the paper to see why she was in rage. I saw the picture of Kaitou Kid, that's me, and a warning letter that he will steal another jewel tomorrow.

Kid spoke in my mind, "Hey, Kaito, its us on the front page. I look amazing on the newspaper." Kid chuckled.

Now I understand why the girl was in rage, the girl is my childhood friend and we have known each other for a long time since we go to the same school since elementary and played with each other all the time when we were kids, her name is Nakamori, Aoko and her dad is a policeman and he is in change of capturing Kaitou Kid but always fails. Me and Nakamori Kebu is like in the anime of Lupin the third. Aoko has been very supportive of her dad so she really hates Kid and his guts, ouch even though Kid is actually her childhood and best friend. She doesn't know that I'm Kid so it's obvious she acts like this in front of me.

"Kaitou Kid, has announced his next heist. His next target will be the 'Angel's Tear.'The heist takes place at Shinjuku, exactlly at 10:00 pm tomorrow." I read outloud so Aoko will know that I'm paying atttention to her.

Then I looked up at her, I saw that her eyes was on fire with determination. "Kaito, My dad will definetly capture that no good phantom theif Kid this time! I'm going to go there tomorrow to give support to my dad and see dad capture Kid myself."

Kid commented in my mind, "Wow, the girl is on fire! I can't wait to see Nakamori-keibu again and see how he will fall into my traps." Kid laughed with excitment and enjoyment.

She continue to blab about it, so I drifted off about the jewel I am about to steal tomorrow.

'The Angel's Tear, known for its unique or missmatch name and shape. The jewel is a shape of a box and rumored that the tear of an Angel's was inside of it. The jewel was brought from England and said that it belong to Merlin, given to him by his mentor before he passed away. There is rumor that the jewel itself or the tear inside the jewel give the holder long life or magical power.

I have seen files of the jewel in my father's files that was on his list to steal. The jewel's desciption and rumors fits to the jewel my dad and I have been searching for, 'The Pandora.'

Kid spoke, "Kaito, It's almost too perfect to be true, a jewel that gives its holder a long life can be interpreted or mistaken with immortality. Although all of the holders have become famous, started at the very beginning of records with Merilin. Kaito, You and I, the famous International Phantom Theif 1412, will be the next on its long list of holders."

Kaito replied, "I agree with you Kid! I can't wait for tomorrow! Aah~ I wonder if our little tantei-kun will stop us again.!"

Kid smirked, "Ah, yes our little sherlock holmes. I wonder what he actually is, his mind is of an adult but his appearance of a kid."

Kaito smiled, "He is what he is, Kid, our little detective! Edogawa, Conan."

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Somewhere else there is a 7 years old boy wearing a glasses, blue tux, with red bow tie and sneakers was at a detective agency. The boy's name is Edogawa, Conan.

Conan may look like a elementary student but he is actually a 17 years old high school student. Kudo, Shinichi is his real name a high school detective who helps the police solves cases.

During his date he spots an illegal trade and investigates, then he was attacked by Gin and Vodka who belonged to syndicate known as the Black Organization. They force him to ingest an experimental poison called APTX 4869 to kill him without leaving evidence. A rare side effect of the poison cause him to transform him into a child instead of killing him.

He changed his name to Edogawa, Conan to hide his identity to investigate and find the Black Organization. Later, Miyano, Shiho, a member of the Black Organization creator of the APTX 4869, tries to escape the syndicate after they killed her older sister.

She attempted to suicide by taking APTX 4869 and like Shinichi she as well transform into a child. She escapes and went to Shinichi for help. She changed her name to Haibara, Ai and attends the same school where Conan enrolls.She helps Conan to make the antitode to make Conan, Shinichi again and help him find the Black Organization.

During the rare encounter with the Black Organization, Conan helps the FBI and a CIA againt, Kir, inside the Black Organization as a undercover spy.

(Conan's P.O.V.)

It was another day nothing changed just the usual routine for an elementary student. I was drinking coffee and eating breakfast while watching the morning news with Ran-neechan and Oji-san.

I have been staying with Ran-neechan ever since when she met me and took me to stay with her. Even though I am actually her childhood friend and goes to the same school and class with when I was still Kudo, Shinichi. Oji-san is Ran's father, Mouri, Kogorou.

Oji-san runs a detective agency, he was just a unknown detective until I arrive. Every time there is a mystery on the hand, I will always solve it and knocks out Oji-san and use his voice to solve the mystery as if Oji-san is the one solving. Because Oji-san is knocked out while solving, he was dubbed as the Sleeping Kogoro.

The phone suddenly rang, Oji-san answered it when the news changed topic. The phone call was from Megure-keibu. The inspector is a veteran police office who worked with both Mouri, Kogorou and Kudo, Shinichi. I continued to watch the tv. Then Megure-Keibu and the news report announced the same thing.

I suddenly stood up and at the same time Oji-san and I shouted. "KAITOU KID!??!"

Oji-san and I turned to eachother and pointed to the reason of the outburst. Oji-san pointed at the phone and I pointed at the tv with a shocked jaw dropped face. Ran was also shocked by the news. Oji-san talked with Megure-keibu before he ended the call and I sat down to finish the meal.

Oji-san came to the table and announced. "Well, kids we will go to the heist tomorrow to support the police, help protect the jewel, and to capture Kid. As the news said Kid's heist is at Shinjuku, we will go there tomorrow and you better not get into any trouble there."

Ran was excited and called Sonoko, her rich best friend who is the daughter of the Suzuki Company, to inform her and invited her to watch Kid's heist with at Shinjuku. Of course Sonoko scream with excitment and joy. I have invited the Tantei Dan, Haibara, and Agasa Hakase, they all agree to join watch the heist.

The Tantei Dan or the Junior Detective League consist of Yoshida, Ayumi , Tsuburaya, Mitsuhiko , and Kojima, Genta. Haibara, known as Haibara, Ai formerly known as Miyano, Shiho. Agasa Hakase or Agasa, Hiroshi he is an inventor.

All of the gadgets I have and used were created by him. Hakase also knows that I am Shinichi and Haibara is Shiho and she is the one who made the poison that shrunk our body. I use Hakase's invention to help protect, save, and solve crimes and mysteries.

Tomorrow as well I will use my brain and gadgets at Shinjuku.

I intended to capture Kid myself, since I am the only detective who was able come close to capture Kid.

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Finally I'm done with the 2nd chapter!!! Yay ME!!! I'm sooo tired. But I'm happy that people read my story. Thank U! Love U! Kiss U!

I'm already working on the 3rd chapter. The 3rd chapter will be the heist!!! Hurray Hurray!! The Theif, Detective and Mafia will finally be able to meet each other!!!

Well Please vote the story to make me happy and comment if you liked it or if you have suggestion to make the story better or make the story interesting in the future.

Continue to support or I will Kamikorosu. Ciao Ciao! Ti Amo!
