Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter

  "Ouch" Cristiano groaned when Nuno's hand connected with the back of the footballer's head as he stood at the top of the stairs. "If it was any of your sisters you'd be going down there" Nuno snapped gesturing to the stairs in front of them. "What for?" Cristiano asked rubbing the back of his head. "You are a jackass" Nuno said jabbing his finger into his cousin's chest. "Bringing up the doctor and frightening Molly. What the hell were you thinking?" Nuno asked utterly furious at what he had heard. "It just slipped out" Cristiano said. "Just slipped out" Nuno scoffed.

"I was just trying to..." he paused. "Trying to what? Scare her. Cos I think you managed to that" Nuno snapped. "I wasn't trying to scare her. I just wanted to make sure she's safe. We all want that. She doesn't know the guy" Cristiano said. "She didn't know you at first either. And she's not going to be having his kid" Nuno snapped. "Will you keep your voice down" Cristiano hushed. "Making sure that she's going to be safe is one thing but bringing up the one person and one traumatic event she wants to forget was a jackass move even for you" Nuno said. "I'll try apologising again once she's calmed down" Cristiano said.

"She was in a good mood and looking forward to her date until you opened your mouth. Now she's in her room crying. She probably won't come out again for days" Nuno snapped. "I didn't mean...." Cristiano sighed hating the idea that she was crying because of what he said. "You never mean to but always do when it comes to her. Forget about having talented at playing football. You have more of a talent at making her miserable" Nuno said before walking down the stairs.

Cristiano banged his fist against the banister of the stairs and turn towards the bedroom doors. He reached Molly's door when Irina stuck her head out his bedroom door. "Cris" she wined. "Ya babe" he half smiled. "I'm going for a bath" she smiled. "Ok" he said clasping the doorknob on Molly's door. "Come wash my back" she winked. "I just have to have a quick word with Molly" he said. "It can wait" she said. "I'll only be a minute" he said. "And I need help now" she said flicking open the buttons on her blouse. "Come on" she smiled. He lifted his hand from the doorknob and walked to his girlfriend who kissed him hard on the lips. "I'll make it worth your while" she winked pulling him into the room.

Molly sighed as she placed a sleeping Junior on the centre of her bed. She placed a pillow at either side of him in case he rolled over and when she was confident that he was ok, she headed to the bathroom, leaving the door open for any cry. She gripped the bathroom sink and lifted her eyes to the mirror. The mascara she had applied to one of her eyes was smudged along her cheek from her tears. She picked up a cloth and began wiping her face clean. She stared at her freshly cleaned face in the mirror. She should just climb into bed and forget evening going on this date she thought. She didn't know Luke.

She could be walking into another Dr.Frenz situation she thought. "Cristiano's right" she muttered and then shook her head. "No he isn't" she snapped throwing the cloth against the mirror. She stormed back into the bedroom and picked up her make up bag. "I'm not going to let that ass and Dr. Frenz stop me for living my life" she mumbled as she began reapplying her foundation. Her phoned beeped and she took the phone into her hand. "Be at yours in 15" Anderia had sent. "15 minutes. Ok I can do this" she mumbled.

"Oh hell what am I doing" she said as she quickly finished her make up. Once her make up was ok and her hair had been loosely half tied up, Molly turned her focus on choosing an outfit. She took the red dress in her hands. "Wonder how your papa would react if I wore this one huh" she said looking over at Junior as he slept soundly. "If it didn't make me look like a cheap fat hooker then I would wear it, but think I'll go with this one instead" she mumbled picking up the navy dress.

"Wow" Nuno said letting out a whistle as Molly came out of her room with a sleeping Junior in her arms. "Can you get his door please?" she whispered. "Thanks" she said as she walked past him and into Junior's room. She placed the baby into his cot, fixed his blankets and placed a kiss on his forehead before turning back to the door. "Hopefully he'll sleep the rest of the night. He's not used to his last feed from me this early" she whispered as Nuno closed the door shut after them.

"Well Cris can deal with him if he does" he said smiling. "What?" she asked. "You" he smiled. "Me what?" she asked. "You look beautiful Molly" he said. "It was a bit of a rush to get ready" she shrugged. "You can't tell" he said. "Thank you Nuno. I'm happy that you are here. You're a good friend" she said. "As long as you remember that I'm your friend just as much as I am Cris's cousin" he said and she frowned. "I could be nice and try and defend him for well there's a lot but I'll settle for what he said to you earlier" he said. "Nuno" Molly warned.

"But I'm not. So instead as your friend I'm going to give you some advice" placing his arm around her shoulder as they began to walk towards the stairs. "And what would this advice be?" she asked. "Forget everything. Don't think about the past few months. Don't take any notice about Cris's words. And have fun" he said. "I'll try" she smiled as they descended the stairs. "So do you have a rule about kissing on first dates?" he smirked. "Shut up Nuno" she laughed smacking him lightly on his chest.

"Oh Molly you look beautiful" Dolores beamed as the pari came into Dolores's sight. "Thank you. And that is Fabio and Anderia" Molly said as the gate buzzer sounded. "I'll let them in" Nuno said. "Junior is fed and I put him down into his cot, so you should have any problems for the night" Molly said. "I'm sure we will be alright. Now go and enjoy yourself. And tell this Luke man that he better take good care of you or he'll have me to answer to" Dolores said. "Not just you Dolores" Nuno said. "Well I'm sure he doesn't need any warning but I'll pass on the message" Molly smiled as how nice it was that someone was thinking about her. "Night" she said kissing Dolores's cheek. "Night Nuno. And if I do have a rule about kissing on first dates, I might just break it" she whispered before winking at him.

She reached the front door when she heard someone call her name. She clenched the cream bag in her hands. "Molly wait" Cristiano called out once more and she turned to face him as he came rushing down the hall. "Fabio is waiting" she said. "Let him wait" he said as he fixed closing the buttons on his shirt. "Well I don't want to" she said opening the door. "Molly" he said pushing the door closed. She took a step back as they swapped places so now he was leaning against the front door. 

"I'm sorry about earlier" he said. "I don't want your apology" she snapped. "Well you deserve one. I just wanted to make sure that you are safe that's all" he said. "Your son is in bed. If he wakes looking for a feed then there's a bottle in the fridge. But I doubt he will. Now would you mind moving?" she asked. He pulled the door open and took a step back.

"Molly" he said as she took a step through the doorway. "What?" she snapped turning to face him. She didn't want to hear any more of his stupid apologies. "You look stunning" he smiled as he admired the knee length navy dress she wore. "It's more you" he smiled and she nodded.

"Ok so just say the word and I'll make up an excuse and we will get you away from him" Fabio said as they climbed out of the car in front of the hotel. "She won't need to. Now where is this hottie?" Anderia winked at Molly. "Hottie? Wow I'm flattered" Luke said and Anderia jumped in surprise. "Hi Molly" he smiled. "Hello" she smiled. "Nice to see you again" Luke said shaking Fabio's hand. "You too. This is my wife Anderia" he said. "Hello" Luke said shaking Anderia's hand. "Hello" Anderia smiled. "Right let's go have our evening out and leave Molly and Luke to their date" Fabio said grabbing Anderia's suitcase from the car. "Have fun" Anderia smiled at Molly giving her a thumps up of approval of Luke.

"You know where we are" Fabio said to Molly. "Anything happens to her and you'll there are plenty of people who will show you it's not just a football they can kick hard" Fabio warned Luke who nodded. "Goodbye Fabio" Molly said shaking her head. "Sorry about him" Molly said as Luke stood beside her. "He's just being a friend. And I would be protective of you if I was him" Luke said.

"Well I should warn you that you'll have to answer to a scary Portuguese lady if you don't take good care of me tonight" Molly smiled brushing back some loose hair from her face. "Just as well I intend to take very good care of you tonight then. Shall we go?" he asked holding out his arm. "Where are we going?" she asked linking their arms and the began to walk past the hotel. "Just a restaurant not too far from here. If you had let me pick you up tonight i could have saved your feet from having to walk" he said. "I don't mind walking. And you had work today you didn't need to be driving out to get me when Fabio and Anderia were coming here anyway" Molly said. "Well it was more practicable I'll give you that. You're very smart" he said. "Well I'm also cranky when I don't eat so I hope this restaurant that you are taking me to has nice food" she joked.

"You'll love the food just as much as you'll love being in my company" he said and she giggled. "That is so cheesy" she laughed. "I spent all day trying to think of my best pick up lines for tonight" he said. "You need more time" she laughed and he smiled. "Anyone ever tell you how beautiful you look when you smile?" he asked. "A few, but I won't mind you saying it" she smiled. "Here we are" he said placing his hand on her lower back as he ushered her into the restaurant. Molly followed the waiter to their table and smiled when Luke pulled out her chair for her. "Thank you" she said. "Thank you for agreeing to come out with me tonight" he said taking a seat opposite her. "Well since Ana was the one who phoned you she probably deserve you thanks" Molly said. "And I will thank her when I meet her" he smiled. "You sound fairly confident that you will" she said gazing over the menu.

"Never helps to be a little confident. Plus I'd be stupid not to know a good thing when I see it" he said and she frowned. "A good thing" she said annoyed. "I meant I'd be an idiot not to see how amazing you are. I didn't mean anything" he said. "It's ok" she said. "Right so let's see if there's anything nice for you to eat so you won't be cranky" he winked. "I'm sure there's something" she said scanning the menu. "Just so you know. I got a full night sleep last night so I won't be cranky" he said and she laughed remembering their first conversation at the photo shoot.

Molly's phone began to ring and she frowned. "I'm sorry I thought I had it switched off" she said pulling the phone from her bag.

"Everything ok?" Luke asked when she frowned. "Just an annoying muppet" she said cancelling the call from Cristiano. She sent a text telling where she was and to piss off. "I'm sorry" she said placing the now turned off phone back into her bag. "It's fine. You need to sort something?" he asked. "Trust me if I was to sort something it would be shoving the phone somewhere very uncomfortable for a certain number seven" she mumbled and he laughed. "Trouble with the boss?" he asked. "There's always trouble" she muttered. "What is it like? I mean working and living with him. Must be cool?" Luke asked. "It's fine most of the time" she replied. "Most of the time?" he asked. "He just doesn't know when to stop pushing. Stop....can we talk about something other than Ronaldo?" she asked taking a snip of water.

"Oh ya of course" he said. "I'm sorry it's just" she said. "There's more to you than who you work for" he said and she smiled. "Exactly. And don't get me wrong I love minding Junior and the other kids. And Cristiano can actually be a really good friend at times. He just needs to shut his mouth a little more often. Or think before he speaks or" she paused when she saw Luke smiling at her. "Sorry" she said. "Hey I was the one who brought it up so it should be me saying sorry. It's mad though I've met a few celebrities during my job and never know how to act around them. But the other day you were so natural like you didn't care that the guys were world famous footballers" he said.

"I don't really see them as world famous footballers. They are just the guys. They are annoying, chatty, love to eat all my food but are just normal guys" she said. "Even Ronaldo?" he asked. "Even him. The poser you saw the other day isn't how he is. When I see him with Junior, it makes it easier" she smiled sadly. "Easier how?" Luke asked. "Been away from England. Living with strangers I guess. So enough about me. Tell me some of these pickup lines you've been working on all day" she smirked.

"Your sister really did that?" Molly asked as she strolled side by side with Luke as they headed to his parked car. "Yup she used to pour warm water on me at night. I thought I'd wet the bed for years" Luke replied and Molly laughed. "Man that makes me glad I never had any siblings" she laughed. Molly couldn't think about the last time she had laughed as much as she had the past few hours. Luke and Molly had discussed their families. Molly giving him the PG version of her childhood. She never liked talking about her childhood and she didn't know him that well to discuss her parent's addictions. Maybe another time in the future she had thought. Luke had told her about his brother and sister and how even though working at GQ was great he didn't want to do it forever.

"Here" Luke said shrugging off his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Thank you" she smiled. "So did you enjoy your dinner?" he asked. "It was lovely" she smiled. "Lovely enough to do it again?" he asked. "Maybe" she smiled. "Maybe. Ok well that's better than a no" he said. "Let's see how you manage getting me back to the house before I give you an answer" she said as he opened the car door for her. "Ah so maybe isn't your final answer. Great" he winked and she giggled as she got into the car.

"I guess it pays to kick a football around" Luke said as he pulled up outside Cristiano's closed gate. "Ya I guess. The neighbourhood is really nice. And Anderia and Ana are only down the street" Molly said. "Bonus for being a live in nanny" Luke smiled. "Ya" she sighed. "So here you back safe and sound" he smirked. "Yes I am" she smiled. "So how is that maybe looking now? Thinking about changing it to a yes?" he asked. "Maybe" she smiled before erupting into a fit of giggles. "Well I'm not sure if it's a good thing that I had you laughing so much tonight but it's a nice sound to hear" Luke said. "Trust me it is a good think you made me laugh so much tonight. I had fun. Thank you" she said unbuckling the seatbelt. "Thank you for coming" he said.

"Oh and thanks for your jacket" she said shrugging it off her shoulders. "You know all the things I have said to you tonight I forgot to say one thing" Luke said shifting in his seat to face Molly more opposite him. "And what was that?" she asked. "You look beautiful tonight" he smiled. "And you already said that" she said. "Well it's so true I need to say it again" he said and she laughed. "This is very pretty" he said taking her palette necklace between his fingers. "It was a gift" she replied. "It suits you. Aww the artist Molly of course" he said noticing the different paint colours. "Exactly" she said. "So" he said bringing his hand to her jaw. "So" she said taking a deep breath.

"I'm really glad you came tonight" he said stroking her cheek. "Me too" she smiled and he leaned further towards her. They both jumped when a knock came to Luke's window. "What the" Luke muttered as Molly moved back against the door. He slide the window open as a flash light shown into the car. "Can I ask why you are parked here?" a man asked. "Amm" Luke said trying to see the person who the voice belonged to. "Dante it's ok. He's just dropping me back" Molly said. "Oh senorita Molly I'm sorry I just saw the strange car" Dante one of the security guards said.

"It's ok. I was just heading in. Goodnight Luke" Molly said leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Molly" he replied as she climbed out of the car. "Buenos noche Ms Molly" Dante smiled at her. "Noite Dante" she waved as she walked up to the gate and Luke pulled away from the curb. Molly smiled to herself as she walked towards the front door. She quietly opened the door and waited for Marcosa to come running towards her. "Hello boy" she smiled once the dog came running up to her. "Were you waiting for me to come back?" she smiled rubbing his head. "Let's go to bed" she said and followed the dog down the hall. She rubbed her arms as she walked remembering how sweet Luke had been all night and shook her head at how silly and nervous she had been before she left. She nearly didn't go she smiled at her silliness.

"Wow" Cristiano said as they collided and he grabbed her waist to keep her upright. "Hi" he smiled. "Hi" she said pushing his arms away. "What are you doing up?" she asked surprised to see anyone up this late. "I just settled Junior back to sleep. Was just getting a drink before going back to bed" he said. "Is he ok? He hasn't awoken at this time of night in ages" she said. "He's fussy all night. Woke up at 11 for a feed and eventually took a bottle" he said heading to the kitchen.

"But he was full when I left. I know he normally wakes for a couple of minutes around 11 but...maybe he didn't want his final feed to be a bottle" she said feeling guilty. "He was just being fussy. That's all. So how was your night?" he asked. "It was good" she said. "Just good?" he asked. "It was nice" she smiled. "Good" he nodded. "And I made it back in once peace so everyone should be happy" she said. "I was just

"I know Ronaldo" she said cutting him off. "I should have done it in a better way and I am sorry" he said. "Well I'm tired and it looks like I'm going to have a cranky baby to deal with tomorrow so I should head to bed" Molly said. "I'll tell Nuno not to be cranky" he joked and she laughed. "I'll tell him you said that" she laughed walking. "Noite Mols" he called out. "Night" she said. His phone buzzed in his hand and he bought it to his ear.

"Óle" he said. "Hola Senor Ronaldo I just wanted to tell you that it was just Molly and her friend in the car outside your house. So nothing to worry about" Dante said. "Thank you for your help Dante" Cristiano said. "No worries sir. Any other concerns you have you know where I am. Buenos Noches" Dante said hanging up. Cristiano placed the phone on the worktop and a smile appeared as he took a sip from his drink.  
