Chapter 86- Doubting Mind

  "I am going to be having words with her after this" Molly said into the phone as she went search of a place away from listening ears. "I'd like to say something to your friend" Luke said. "You would?" Molly asked confused as she stepped into the office. "I'd like to thank her" he said and Molly's shoulders untensed.

"Why?" she asked. "For being the reason I am on the phone to you right now. I was wondering when or if you were ever going to call me" he said. "And why is that?" she smiled. "Well for one it means I don't have to ring Mendes with some fake problem in order to speak to you again" Luke said. "And why would you want to speak to me again?" she asked. "Because it was the highlight of my day getting to spend more time around you again" he said.

"Do you use that line often?" she asked. "Ouch I think you've hurt my feelings" he faked hurt. "Well I'm very sorry if I have hurt your feelings" she said. "I think it would only be far if you attempted to make up for hurting my feelings" he said and Molly giggled. "And just how am I to make it up to you?" she smiled.

"You could start by having dinner with me tomorrow night" Luke said. Dinner? Molly thought. Dinner with him. "Molly. Are you still there?" Luke asked. "Huh ya sorry I just..." she paused. "Now you aren't going to hurt my feelings again by turning down my dinner invitation?" he asked.

"Why do you want to go to dinner with me?" Molly asked softly. "Well I've got too eat" he said. "Ok" she replied. "Molly I'm kidding. I want you to have dinner with me for the exact same reason why I wanted to speak to you again" he said. "And what is that?" she asked. "Man you really don't like to make things easy" he laughed. "Well I'm sorry if-

"I like that about you" he interrupted. "Huh?" she asked. "Look you're funny, gorgeous and I don't know how you haven't been snapped up yet...But I would really like to take you to dinner so please say yes or well then my feelings will really be hurt" he said. "Well I wouldn't like to hurt your feelings" Molly said. "So that's a yes?" he asked. "It's a yes" she smiled not believing she was saying those words to him.

"Now this really has been a good day" he said. "If you say so" she said. "Oh I do. So tomorrow night?" he asked. "Tomorrow night" she said. "Well since your friend phoned me I'm going to assume that its not your number that I have right now, so why don't you text me later and we can figure out our plans" he said. "I'll do that" she said. "Good. I'll see you soon then" he said. "Tomorrow night" she said.

"Huh" he said and Molly couldn't help think he was about to break their date. "What?" she asked. "Guess tomorrow will be an even better day now I'm having dinner with you" he said and she smiled. "I wonder if you'll still think that when I make you change your mind about Carter" she smiled. "Trust me the only thing that will make me change my mind about tomorrow been a great day would be you not turning up. So make sure you do" he said. "Goodbye Luke" Molly said. "Goodbye Molly" he said.

Molly covered her face with her hands. Had she just made a silly mistake by agreeing to go to dinner with him she thought. She took a deep breathe and walked back towards the kitchen.

"The real question is why he would want her to phone him" she heard Irina say. Why would he want to go on a date with me Molly thought.

"So?" Clarice asked as Molly came back into the room. "I cannot believe you just did that" Molly said to Ana. She had never expected that to happen. "I'm sorry. Now what did he say?" Ana asked. "I'm going to get Junior ready for bed" she told Cristiano. "Molly you can't leave us hanging" Marcelo said. "Good night everyone" she said. "Mols I'm sorry I shouldn't done that. I just knew that you wouldn't ring him. At least not straight away. Please tell us what he said" Ana begged.

"He's taking me for dinner tomorrow night" Molly smiled and Cristiano clinched his fists as he sat back down on the couch."And you said he didn't like you" Ana smiled before hugging Molly. "Where's he taking you? Oh what is she going to where?" Clarice asked.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Irina asked as everyone turned to look at the model. "Who's supposed to mind Junior while you are out socializing?" she asked. "His father" Ana said glaring at Cristiano who was rubbing Marcosa's head as he stared at his dog and not listening to anyone speak.

"It's her job" Irina pointed at Molly. "And she's entitled to a night off" Ana said. "She is here to watch the child" Irina snapped. "She's right. I don't know what I was thinking" Molly said shaking her head. "You are not cancelling" Ana said to sternly to Molly. "And this has got nothing to do with you" Ana snapped at Irina.

"Now ladies" Marcelo said. "She works for my boyfriend. And we might have plans tomorrow night" Irina said. "Ronaldo" Ana called. "Ronaldo" she said clicking her fingers into front of the footballer to get his attention. "Huh" he said lifting his head to look at Ana. "Do you have plans tomorrow night?" Ana asked. "Huh" he said. "Oh for heaven sake" Ana said.

"We are going out tomorrow night so Molly has to watch the baby" Irina said. "Are we?" he asked. "Look Molly is going on a date tomorrow night. If Junior's father" Ana said glaring at the man in question "isn't able to then I'll babysit. Or one someone else will. But Molly is going out and that's final" Ana said. "Jezz you'd swear it was Ana that Molly was going on the date with not Luke" Marcelo joked.

Date Cristiano thought.

"Are you just going to let her tell you what to do with your son?" Irina asked her boyfriend. "Ana" Molly said. "You aren't at Ronaldo's beck and call Molly. You are entitled to live your own life" Ana said. "She's right" Cristiano said standing and Ana crossed her arms waiting for him to speak. "And I'll watch my son tomorrow night. Thank you for the offer though Ana" Cristiano said to her. "Cristiano" Irina wined.

"I don't feel like going out anyway so I'm spending time with my son, Molly is going out- On a date" Clarice smiled and Cristiano clinched his fists even harder. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to check on Maé" Cristiano said. "See you later" Pepe said to him. "Well now that everything is settled Molly can tell us what he said on the phone" Ana said turning to look at Molly.

"No she won't" Molly smiled. "Clarice does it look like she's blushing to you?" Ana asked. "Oh now I see" Clarice said. "I am not" Molly said before she began to giggle as Cristiano moved past her. "I should be angry with you" Molly said turning from looking at Cristiano to Ana. "But that smitten face of yours says you aren't" Ana smiled.

"Oh it's just a date. Jezz he probably won't even turn up" Irina muttered. "Don't" Molly said to Ana. "I'm not going to let anyone ruin it for you" Ana said.

"Someone is up early" Elma said and Molly turned to find Elma at the door which lead to the kitchen. "I could say them same to you" Molly replied turning to stare out at the garden once more. "I'm heading to Lisbon for a couple of days. Have a few things to do before my flight" Elma said walking towards the railing which Molly leaned her elbows against. "So Dolores is making sure you didn't change your plans then" Molly said. "She just didn't drink enough. I know that. So I'm not going to worry" Elma said.

"I'll be here to keep an eye on her. So don't worry" Molly said as she watched Marcosa run around the garden. "Keep an eye on Cris too. He worries a lot about her" she said. "I know" Molly sighed. "So I hear you've got yourself an admirer" Elma smiled at Molly. "And where did you hear that?" Molly asked. "Ana and Clarice were practically going to explode if they didn't tell anyone as I met them on my way home" Elma joked. "I don't even know how it happened. One minute I'm handing Ana back her lipstick and the next thing she's phoning a number on a card" Molly said.

"And now you have a date" Elma smirked. "Oh don't" Molly groaned. "What you don't like him? You don't want to go?" Elma asked. "I do it's just..." she paused. "Like he could ask any girl he likes to have dinner with him" Molly said. "And he asked you" Elma said and Molly sighed. "Mols" Elma said. "I'm just not used to it" Molly said. "You have to be used to guys flirting with you. Your gorgeous" Elma said. "No I'm not and I'm not. This dating thing..." she stuttered.

"You don't like going on dates?" Elma asked. "I've never really had one" Molly muttered. "What?" Elma said rather loudly. "Will you be quiet" Molly said. "Sorry I just. Wow" Elma said. "Exactly" Molly said rubbing her arms. "How? You surely got asked out before?" Elma asked. "I was too busy with school and trying not to let my parents ruin things. I guess my mind was on other things" Molly shrugged. "You were sensible" Elma said. "I bet Irina would have a different word for it" Molly muttered. "Forget what she has to say" Elma said.

"Maybe I shouldn't go" Molly said. "Molly you have to go. This guy obvious likes you" Elma said. "And he could pick any girl. Someone with more dating experience" she said. "You have to go on a date to get experience Molly" Elma said and Molly rolled her eyes. "There's nothing to be nervous about" Elma said.

"I'm not nervous" Molly said. "Ya cos you can't sleep cos you're too busy thinking about what you have to do today" Elma said. "I do have a lot to do" Molly said. "Like figure out what you are going to wear tonight for starters" Elma smiled. "This is all strange. The first guy I ever kissed was some lad I sometimes hung around with a group from school and it was during a game of spin the bottle. And the first guy I ever..well you know..was well with you know who" Molly said.

"Molly" Elma said. "And that was for a specific purpose. Which I clearly fulfilled since there's going to be a baby looking to be fed in a few minutes" she said. "Molly it's one dinner. It's not like you are marrying the guy" Elma said.

"Who's getting married?" Cristiano asked and Molly jumped and found him standing at the door. "How long have you been there?" she asked. "I saw the door was open. He's looking for a feed" he said nodding to a babbling Junior in his arms. "Come on little man. Let's get you fed and ready for the day. Shall we go visit the ducks?" Molly smiled taking Junior into her arms. "Mana" Cristiano said to her. "Mana" she muttered before stepping inside.

"What time is your flight today?" Cristiano asked his sister who had been leaning against the railings. "Not until this afternoon" Elma said moving towards the door. "Leave her" Cristiano said walking towards the railings. "Excuse me?" Elma asked. "Molly. Leave her. She's feeding Junior. She doesn't like to be pissed off when she's trying to feed him" he sighed watching Marcosa run after a bird. "If you or whatever you did hear, I would suggest you forget it all" Elma said. "She doesn't have to go tonight. If she doesn't want to" he said.

"Molly doesn't do anything that she doesn't want. You should know that better than anyone. And she will go tonight. She needs to go" Elma said. "Needs?" Cristiano asked turning to face his sister.

"She's not going to be here forever. It was never the agreement. She needs to live her life. Otherwise it's going to hurt even more when she leaves that baby boy behind" Elma said.  
