Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me

  "Oh Junior I'm trying here. Please" he begged as his son screeched. "What did Molly say?" he muttered to himself. "Oh" he said remembering and he held Junior close to his chest and rubbed his back and bounced his knees a little and Junior quietened. Cristiano breathed a sigh of relief.

"So listen to Molly more. I get you my boy. Papa will make everything right I promise. I hope" he whispered as he comforted his son in the middle of the room.

Molly shut the door and yawned. Junior waking her up, she didn't mind. She was used to it. But Cristiano and their early morning talk had made her even more confused. He seemed sincere but she was used to him apologising just to get some peace. Molly didn't know if she was being too hard on Cristiano or not hard enough. Is it that easy just to forgive him?

"You just want anybody that's not me. Don't you?" she heard the sound of Cristiano's voice and frowned. "What?" she said confused as she looked around her empty room.

"And it's all my fault. I promise it will be different" she heard again and Molly heard Junior's wines. "I've made Molly miserable. You sick. My family think I'm horrible" she heard him sigh as she picked up the baby monitor on the bedside table. Junior screeched again and Molly thought she should go back to the nursery when Cristiano said.

"What did Molly say?" and she paused as Junior's screeches softened. "So listen to Molly more. I get you my boy. Papa will make everything right I promise. I hope" she heard him say and she turned the monitor off. He's trying she thought.

"Oh hey" Katia said walking into her nephew's nursery. "I wasn't excepting you" she said. "I know I'm a crap Dad so don't start" Cristiano said. "I meant that I was excepting Molly" she said. "I told her I would get him ready" he said.

"I came to take him down. He might show Dinis how to behave at breakfast. He just threw porridge onto Marcosa. Thank God Rodrigo is still in bed" Katia said. "Kids" Cristiano said. "I'll take him so you can get ready for training" she said and they left the room.

"Molly" Rodrigo shouted and Cristiano turned his head to see his nephew rushing towards Molly. "Hey cutie. You're very awake this morning" she said. "Can we play? Can I show you my picture?" he asked quickly. "Rodrigo come have your breakfast" Katia said. "And then we can play" Molly smiled at the young boy who should hadn't seen much of in the past few days.

"Yeah. Tío Cris, Molly is going to play with me" he said running down the stairs. "Lucky you" Cristiano muttered. "I was just taking Junior down. Hungry?" Katia asked. "Starving" Molly replied. "Well Maé might make some pancakes if we ask nicely" Katia smiled and Cristiano groaned.

"What?" Katia asked her brother. "He can't eat them this close to a match. But don't worry. I'll make sure your pancakes go to a good home" Molly smirked at Cristiano. "With Nutella" Katia smirked. "You two are so annoying" he groaned. "Nothing new then" Molly smiled at him and he smiled. "Come on I need food" Molly said walking towards the stairs.

"And here I thought she would be cranky after your morning chat" Katia said. "Maé told you" he asked. "It's a start Cris. Molly wouldn't be around you if she didn't want to be" Katia said. "I better get ready" he said walking to his bedroom door.

"Oh Katia. Don't call her cranky. She spoke more than two words to you this morning. She needs to talk to someone in this house" he said opening the door.

"Where have you been?" Irina asked from his bed. "With Junior" he mumbled as he went in search of clothes. "Come back to bed" she pouted. "I have training" he said. "After training then" she said.

"I'm spending time with Junior" he said. "Oh let Molly watch him. I'm leaving soon" she said. "He's my son and I want to be with him" he said. "Cristiano" Irina said as she felt the coldness from her boyfriend.

"You spoke to Molly on Tuesday" he said with his back facing her. He knew when Molly said she had told Irina where she was that Molly was telling the truth. He knew it but did nothing.

"I'm sorry" Irina said sitting up in the bed. "You let me worry and shout at her, when you knew where she was" he said. "I...I may have spoken to her. I'm not sure. Cristiano my mind was a little preoccupied. On you" she said.

"Molly is here to mind Junior. Nothing else. If she cooks dinner or does something she's not meant to do, it's because she's a nice person" he said.

"Nice. Did you hear what she said to me? And you still have you working for you. Living in this house" Irina said. "Molly is here to look after my son. My son who is the most important person in my life. And if you can't handle that, then you know where the door is" he said.

"Cristiano" she wined. He turned and stared at her.

"If you want to be part of my life, then start showing my family and friends respect. Stop with the snide remarks and start being involved" he said. "I.." she stuttered.

"And don't ever lie to my face again" he said and slammed the bathroom door shut.  
