Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast

  "So how do you think last night went?" Katia asked Elma as the two women laid the kitchen table for breakfast. "There wasn't a fight that's good" Elma said. "That's cos Molly was so surprised Irina was here that she forgot to yell at Cris for forgetting that she told him she wouldn't be in the house yesterday afternoon" Katia said. "I thought I was going to have a heart attack when Rodrigo asked Irina if she was Junior's new mama" Elma said. "It's certainly going to be a fun visit" Katia said. "It's not going to end well. I could kill our brother sometimes" Elma said.

"Bom Dia" Cristiano grinned walking hand in hand with Irina into the kitchen. "Bom Dia" Elma said. "Did you sleep well Irina?" Katia asked. "When I was let fall asleep" Irina smirked at Cristiano as she took a seat at the table.

"Too much information" Elma said. "Where is everyone else?" Cristiano asked as Irina ran her fingers along his arm. "Not up I guess" Katia shrugged. "Mama" Rodrigo shouted. "Someone is up" Elma smiled at her sister. "Mama, mama, mama" Rodrigo shouted as he ran into the kitchen. "Hey buddy what's up?" Cristiano asked grabbing his nephew from the floor and lifting him into the air.

"Tíó Cris" Rodrigo giggled. "Rodrigo what have I told you about shouting in the house" Katia said. "You said no shouting at home. But this is Tío Cris's house" Rodrigo said. "He has you there" Cristiano smirked at his sister. "Can we go play?" Rodrigo asked. "After breakfast. I hope you haven't woken Dinis" Katia said.

"Molly" Rodrigo shouted as he saw Molly slowly walk into the room. "Put me down" Rodrigo said wiggling in his uncle's grip. "Molly can we play?" he asked running to the couch. "Later" Molly sighed grumpily as she slumped onto the couch.

"Good morning Molly" Cristiano smirked taking a snip of his orange juice. "Ya whatever" Molly muttered as she stretched her legs out on the couch. "Molly" Rodrigo said. "Cuddle" Molly said holding out her arms as the little boy climbed next to her on the couch. "That's Rodrigo distracted for a while anyway" Katia said moving to find the frying pan.

"Molly" Elma said. "Don't Elma. She's cranky" Cristiano said loudly so Molly could hear. "Maybe she should find somewhere else to be cranky then" Irina muttered and Cristiano frowned. Irina hadn't been happy when she found out Molly was Cristiano's nanny. She had always disliked the way everyone used to speak about her when she had moved away from Madrid. She had no idea why Molly was even around.

"What's you plan for the day Irina?" Elma asked quickly in case Molly heard what Irina had said. "Oh I have so many meetings today. And tomorrow I have a photo shoot. But I'm going to have lunch with my man too" Irina smiled kissing Cristiano's cheek. "Well don't work too hard" Elma said. "I love working. We can't all stay lounging around watching TV all day like some people" Irina said as Molly rose from the couch.

"Some people were up all night trying to get your boyfriends son to sleep" Molly said as she past the table.

"Is Junior ok? I didn't hear him" Cristiano asked Molly who was looking for some bowls. "Well sweetie you were a bit busy to hear a screeching baby" Irina smirked. "Like he hears him anyway" Elma sniggered. "Don't start Elma. Is Junior ok? How come he's not down here?" Cristiano asked looking at Molly.

"I thought at least one of us should get a sleep in" Molly mumbled pouring some milk over the cereal in the two bowls. "I can have my breakfast in peace then" Irina mumbled. "What's the matter with him?" Cristiano asked. "He just didn't want to sleep I guess" Molly shrugged. "Or he knew you weren't sleeping in the same room" Katia whispered to Molly as she took the milk from her.

Molly knew Katia was right. She had slept in her room instead of the nursery last night in case Irina started to asked questions. Although she wouldn't be the first nanny to sleep in the same room as the child they were minding. "So I can't see him before I go to training?" Cristiano asked Molly asked she walked back to the couch.

"He's your son. Why can't you?" Irina asked. "Ever heard of letting sleeping babies sleep" Molly said handing a bowl to Rodrigo. "Ever heard of knowing where you're not wanted" Irina smirked. "Someone is a little cranky I think" Dolores said walking into the room with Junior in her arms.

"Bom Dia Maé. How are you this morning?" Cristiano asked thankful for his mother's arrival. He didn't need a fight between Molly and Irina. "Don't think he wants his lie in Molly. Sorry" Dolores said as Junior became restless in his grandmothers arms.

"Hello my little boy" Cristiano said holding out his arms towards his mother. "Oh what's the matter? Sssh there's no need to cry" Cristiano said as Junior began screeching. "Oh is he always this loud?" Irina asked. "He's a baby" Molly said rolling her eyes as she placed her bowl on the coffee table in front of her.

"I'll take him. He's probably hungry" Molly said walking to Cristiano. Cristiano watched as his screeching son stop crying as Molly took him in her arms. "I'm sure he'll be in a better mood when you come back from training and will be looking for a cuddle from his papa" Molly smiled at Cristiano. "Thanks Molly" he smiled.

"Why don't you just feed him his bottle?" Irina asked her boyfriend.  
