Chapter 26-Protecting Him

  "I'll get you something to eat" Cristiano said kissing Irina's cheek as she sat slumped on the couch. "Get Molly to do it. I want you to sit with me" Irina pouted. His eyes glanced to where Molly stood in the kitchen and he could tell she wasn't happy. "I'll be back in a sec" he said placing another kiss on her cheek.

"Bom Dia" he smiled at Molly before placing a kiss on Junior's forehead as he sat on her hip. "You probably should ask what she would like in case her breakfast doesn't meet her requirements" Molly said remembering how Irina had given Molly a long lecture the previous morning when Molly asked if the model would like an omelette. "Mana" Rodrigo yelled rushing to the couch. "Oh don't speak so loudly. Has anyone ever told you that children should be seen and not heard" Irina groaned. "Maybe that saying should be about adults. Or some anyway" Molly mumbled quietly. "Molly" Cristiano said.

"Here take him for a second" she said handing him his son. "Are you looking forward to spending the day with your papa?" Molly asked Rodrigo as she carried a bowl of coca pops to him. "We're going to the park" he smiled. "Urgh seriously Cristiano can you not find someone who can make a decent breakfast. Coco pops. The child will be fat before he's out of school" Irina said. "Well lucky for you that your boyfriend is making you breakfast then. Although this might help you mood" Molly said placing a glass of water and a paracetamol on the coffee table.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Cristiano asked. Molly handed Rodrigo his book and turned to Irina. "It's not me he's asking" she said. Why anyone would ask what she would like, Molly thought. "I would have thought that would be obvious" Irina smirked. "There's a box of Irina's cereal in the pantry. As per her request of course" Molly said. "That low carb, no sugar- no taste Cristiano mumbled as Molly walked back to where he stood earning a laugh from Molly.

"Ah she laughs" he grinned at Junior who smiled at his silly father. "And she'll be laughing even more as she tidy's up this little one's nursery while you spend the day with him" Molly said squeezing Junior's cheeks lightly. "Molly you can't clean on a Sunday" Katia said walking towards them. "I won't. Plus I'm going to Ana's at lunch to help her choose something to wear for her dinner with Pepe tonight" Molly said.

"Cristiano" Irina moaned. "Almost ready" he said. "Wasn't her birthday a few days ago?" Katia asked. "It was but she was in Portugal so Pepe decided he would take her out for a special meal tonight" Molly said. "Special as in" Katia said waving her left hand. "Not that special. I don't think anyway. Sure I helped him pick the bracelet he got her for her birthday. He'd hardly ask me to choose something with him and not need help choosing a ring" Molly said. "Probably not" Katia said. "Right I'll go get this fella dressed and fed" Molly said holding her arms out towards the baby in Cristiano's arms.

"Urgh that stuff looks like rabbit food" Katia said in disgust as she noticed the bowl Cristiano took in his hand. "Well if you want a body like mine than you have to work for it" Irina said. "That's funny, Molly seems to eat what she likes and still has a fab body" Katia said. "Depends on the eyes who are looking at her" Irina said rubbing her forehead. "I'll bring him down when he's dressed. You'll be ok without me until this afternoon?" she asked Cristiano as they walked towards the couch.

"I'm sure we can cope for longer if you want to give it a try" Irina smirked as she took the bowl from her boyfriend. "And I'm sure that you'll have a lovely day with Cristiano and Junior. Lucky for you he's not his usual cranky self after being awoken during the night" Molly smirked at the model. "The baby is staying?" Irina asked. "It's my day off. That gives us a chance to spend time together" Cristiano said. "Yuck" Irina said spitting the cereal back into the bowl. "Ah Cristiano, surely you know that your girlfriend only likes the low fat skimmed milk on her cereal" Molly said before heading upstairs.

"Don't tell me that you are bored" Molly joked to Katia. "Zé has both of my sons" Katia said. "They're his sons too Katia and you could have gone with them" Molly said. "And miss the chance to lounge on my bed and watch tv" Katia grinned. "With chocolate" Molly nodded to the bar in Katia's hand. "Of course. "Have you seen them outside?" she asked. "Who?" Molly asked. "My brother. Irina's trying to get some sun and he's trying to settle Junior" Katia said.

"What's the matter with Junior?" Molly asked. "Nothing" Cristiano said coming in through the doors. "I'm heading to Ana's. I left a bottle upstairs if he gets hungry. Call me if you want me" Molly said. "I can look after my own son Molly" Cristiano snapped. "Ok. Enjoy your quiet time Katia" Molly said before leaving the room.

"Am I keeping you for somewhere Molly?" Ana asked as Molly looked at her phone for the tenth time in a minute. "What. No. Sorry. Junior was a bit fussy when I left" Molly said standing from the bed in Ana's room. "How does Irina like been the step mama?" Ana asked. Or mama Molly thought remembering the question Rodrigo had asked days ago.

"Molly are you ok? You look like you're about to get sick" Ana said concerned. "I'm fine" Molly whispered. "If you're are worried about Junior, I can manage" Ana said. "I'm fine. He's with Cristiano anyway" Molly said standing to move to Ana's dressing table. "It's sweet how you worry about him and Rodrigo and Dinis. Especially when their not your kids" Ana said clipping a necklace around her neck. "So how is Irina fitting in?" Ana asked. "Fine I think" Molly shrugged. "Really. I heard she needs to watch what she says" Ana said. "She does have a habit of saying things she shouldn't. I still hate what she said to Andreia All her snide comments" Molly said. "Don't let Irina's snide comments get to you. She'll probably won't last anyway. Their relationship doesn't scream long term to me" Ana said.

"Can we stop talking about them and pick a dress for you to wear tonight please?" Molly asked. "Short, long, sparkle or plain. Urgh why does he want to go out?" Ana groaned. "Cos he wants to treat the woman he loves" Molly smiled. "I guess. He's always good like that. Really listens to my opinion on everything. And always considers my feelings. Well most of the time. He is a man after all" Ana joked. "You're lucky to have found him. It would be worst if you were ignored or your feelings didn't matter" Molly said and Ana got the impression she was feeling that way but didn't want to push her to talk. "I think you should wear this blue one" Molly said holding up a blue lace dress. "It's a bit bright" Ana said. "You bought it for a reason. There's no point it sitting in your closet. You'll look fab. Although Pepe might not want to leave the house when he sees you in it" Molly said and both woman erupted into laugher.

"Molly" Rodrigo screeched as she closed the front door shut behind her. Ana had picked an outfit for her dinner later in the night and Molly had been happy to spend time away from the house. Although she couldn't wait to get back. "Hello" Molly said lifting the boy off the ground and putting his feet back on the ground.

"How was the park? Did you have fun with your papa?" Molly asked. "Ya. We went on the swings. And Papa said that I was very good at teaching Dinis how to play on the swings" he said in a joyful mood. "Did you? That's great" Molly said. "Hey Molly" Zé said from the kitchen. "You're cooking. Ok have I come to the wrong house?" Molly joked. "Very funny. I'm just helping Dolores start dinner. She went for a lie down" he replied. "Is she ok?" Molly asked. "Couldn't take the Russian any longer" Rodrigo said. "Rodrigo" Molly and Ze said in shocked. "That's' what she said" he replied. "Well she was only joking. Where is Cristiano?" Molly asked.

"Amm" Zé said. "Zé" Molly said. "Tío Cris is in trouble" Rodrigo said running towards the stairs. "I did try to tell him" Zé said indicating his head to the outside. Molly moved to the doors and clinched her fists.

"See I told you this would be fun" Irina smiled as she held Junior in the water. Cristiano smiled next to her enjoying the sight of his girlfriend spending time with his son. Although Junior didn't seem that happy since they got into the pool nearly forty minutes ago. Irina had suggested going swimming when Dolores spotted the model handing Junior back to Cristiano after a couple of minutes.

"Oh does he ever stop crying?" Irina asked annoyed as Junior screeched in her ear. "He's probably crying cos he's freezing" Molly yelled walking to the edge of the pool. "Do you mind? We are having some family time. Our family" Irina said clutching Cristiano's shoulders. "Give me the baby right now" Molly shouted.

"Molly" Cristiano said. "The water is too cold for him. I told you no swimming till it got fixed" Molly said. "He's fine" Irina said as the baby cried. "Ronaldo" Dolores yelled from the kitchen door. "The water is fine" Irina said. "Get him out of the water now" Dolores yelled. And Cristiano took his son from Irina and swam over to the edge where Molly took him in her arms.

"Oh sssh. It's ok. It's ok" Molly said as Dolores handed her a towel. "You should get him warmed up" Dolores said to Molly who wrapped the towel around the boy as her hand shook. She could kill him. She was so angry at Cristiano. "Honestly talk about over reacting. The water is fine" Irina said. "Irina not now" Cristiano snapped. He knew the water was cooler than normal but he had been swimming around so had gotten warm.

"Is he ok? Maé told me what happened. If I had seen them, I would have stopped them. Even Zé and Rodrigo told them" Katia said walking into her nephew's nursery. "He's only just stopped crying" Molly said as she held Junior close to her as she sat in the rocking chair.

"How could he be so irresponsible? The baby can't swim around the water to get warm. Even if the water was fine I told him no swimming. He just ignored what I said" Molly said angrily. "He's being different the past few days" Katia said. "No don't do that. Don't blame her. He's an adult. He knows what he is doing" Molly said. "Has he warmed up? Maé said he looked quite pale" Katia said.

"I rubbed him with a towel and then gave him a bath, but he's still a bit shaky. It wouldn't surprise me if he gets a fever" Molly said. "He'll be ok. He has you" Katia said as she watched Molly hold Junior close to her.

Protecting him with all she has. Protecting him like a mother Katia thought.
