Chapter 39- That's What I Get?

  "Hey man" Pepe greeted Cristiano as he caught up to Cristiano as he walked towards the training ground entrance. "Hey" Cristiano mumbled his eyes on his phone. "Man you look like crap" Pepe said. "Thanks" Cristiano muttered. "Irina keeping you up" Pepe smirked. "No" Cristiano said.

"What's up?" Pepe asked concerned. He didn't like seeing his friend like this. "Everything "Is this about Molly?" Pepe asked. "What about Molly?" Sergio asked appearing at the side of the Portuguese defender. Cristiano groaned. He didn't need Ramos annoying him about Molly. Especially when the woman in question hated his guts. "Nothing" Pepe said. "She's not annoyed with me. Is she? "Sergio asked.

"Wait why would she be annoyed with you?" Cristiano asked shushing Pepe before he spoke. "I told her that I make better looking pancakes than she does" Sergio said. "Pancakes" Cristiano said. "She sent me a pic this morning of her breakfast. I made a joke that mine were better. But I thought she was fine with me in the rest of her texts" Sergio said. "It was Maé's pancakes not Molly's so you didn't insult her cooking" Cristiano said. "Oh good. Don't want her to be annoyed with me. Especially since she seems happy unlike the past few days" Sergio said walking through the glass doors.

"As long as she's not annoyed with the lovely Ramos" Cristiano mumbled. "What?" Cristiano asked when he saw Pepe looking at him. "What have you done to annoy Molly?" he asked. "Why do you think that?" Cristiano asked. "Cos you don't seem happy that she's not annoyed with Sergio. Plus you've been miserable the past few days and so has Molly. So talk" Pepe said. "I've being miserable?" Cristiano asked. "Yes. And I'm willing to bet it's something to do with why Molly is also miserable" Pepe said.

"She was already miserable before me" Cristiano sighed. "And now?" Pepe asked. "Now I feel like a cruel jerk and she hates me" Cristiano said. "Hate you? Come on Molly is used to you annoying her" Pepe said. "We had a fight" Cristiano said. "And? Ronnie you two have bickered since she's being here" Pepe said. "We weren't bickering. It was a full on fight. We ended up in the swimming pool" he said. "She pushed you into the pool?" Pepe asked.

"No Zé did cos we were creaming at each other. And I mean screaming. She lost it with me and I snapped" he said. "Ok if she was the miserable one what did you have to snap at her about?" Pepe asked confused. "I said things that I really shouldn't have said. And I mean cruel words. She hadn't spoken to me until this morning" he said. "And what did she say?" Pepe asked.

"Told me to stop apologising. I couldn't take it any longer and I knew that I needed to make things right. Ramos is right. You all are. She is miserable. And it's my fault" Cristiano said. "Are you two ladies coming or what?" Marcelo asked walking past the two men. "In a minute" Pepe said. "What did you say to her during your fight?" Pepe asked. "It doesn't matter" Cristiano muttered knowing that he couldn't explain everything about Molly's life and why she was really living at the house. "So how bad are things with her?" Pepe asked.

"She wasn't exactly Ms social with everyone this week. Though she did smile at me this morning" Cristiano said. "A smile instead of a scowl. Good start" Pepe said. "Oh and it's not just Molly who is annoyed with me" Cristiano said. "Your mother and sister too" Pepe said. "How did you guess?" Cristiano asked. "Cos they adore Molly. And I can think of a lot more people who would be annoyed with you for upsetting Molly if they found out" Pepe said. "Ya everyone likes her" Cristiano muttered. "I'm sure things will be alright" Pepe said as they two men walked down the corridor towards the dressing room.

"Oh I also told Irina to start acting like she's part of the family" Cristiano said. "Wait" Pepe said pulling at his friend's arm. "You did what?" Pepe asked in shock. "I told her to start being nice to my family and friends. To start being involved with me and Junior. And to stop using Molly as.. well just stop" Cristiano said looking at his friend who had a big grin on his face. "Would I be correct in guessing your fight with Molly started cos of Irina?" Pepe asked.

"Irina was the match but I was the one who lit the fire" Cristiano said. "Well go Ronaldo. You finally put Irina in her place. Man I can't wait to tell Ana" Pepe grinned. "She's not that bad" Cristiano said. "No but if she doesn't listen to your advice than you'll only have more trouble. Look mate, you've apologised to Molly. You're trying to make things right. I'm sure she will see that" Pepe said. "I'm not sure it's that easy for her to forgive" Cristiano mumbled. "Jezz what the hell did you say to her?" Pepe said annoyed at his friend for upsetting Molly. "Look give her time. You'd be worse if you didn't feel bad for fighting with her Cristiano" Pepe said when Cristiano didn't say anything.

"She said she hated me" Cristiano said. "Ah she's a woman they say that all the time. I swear Ana has said that to me at least twice this month" Pepe joked earning a laugh from Cristiano. "Come on let's get training" Pepe said grinning.

"What's so funny?" Cristiano asked. "I can't believe you told Irina off" the defender said smiling. "Well she didn't tell me something and it half started my fight with Molly. Plus she wasn't that nice to Andreia and the others" Cristiano said. "Aww Ronnie's looking after his friends" Pepe said slapping Cristiano's back. "Piss off" Cristiano replied.

"Just remember how good Molly is with Junior. It would be hard to find someone as good as her if she left. Plus you'd loose a good friend. So try not to upset her after she eventually forgives you" Pepe said. "Ya I'd loose a good friend" Cristiano mumbled to himself as Pepe opened the door to the dressing room. "Hey lads, guess what, Ronnie told Irina off for being a bitch" Cristiano heard Pepe roar.

After a tough training session, Cristiano had club duties but his mind was on his fight with Molly. Did he even have a right to ask for her forgiveness? He had being so cruel. He was to blame for the lost look in her eyes.

"Shit" he heard someone shout as he closed the front door to his house. He walked towards the kitchen and found Molly mumbling curse words as she held her hands in pain.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "Do I look it?" she snapped grabbing at the roll of paper towels. "What happened?" he asked tearing a strip of the role. "I was slicing carrots to make some carrot sticks and sliced my finger instead. Ouch" she said when he held the paper towel hard against the bloody cut.

"Move over to the sink. You should rinse it" he said and she didn't fight with him. "It might sting" he said as he knocked the tap on and water flowed over her cut. "Shit" she said biting her lip. "Carrot sticks?" he asked. "That's what I get for trying to be healthy. Next time I'm going for the cookies" she said and he laughed.

He switched of the tap and tore of more paper towels. "It doesn't look too deep" he said. "It hurts" she pouted and he couldn't help but smile at her. She look like a five year old. But he wasn't going to tell her that.

"I bet it does. Hold the towel hard to the cut while I get a plaster" he said and he went to retrieve some plasters. "Where is everyone?" he asked. "Junior and Dinis are having a nap. Katia and your mother went for a walk. And Irina just arrived before you did. She's upstairs. Well I think it was her. I heard someone speak Russian as I was in the pantry" Molly said. And Cristiano was happy Molly's hurt finger hadn't been a result of her and Irina having words.

"Mickey mouse plasters" Cristiano laughed as he opened the first aid box. "There's minnie mouse ones too" Molly said. "It's a Minnie mouse one you shall have so" he said and she laughed. The sound of her laughing made Cristiano go still. It was a sound he and he suspected no one had heard in a while.

"Now" he said placing the plaster on her finger. "The good news is that it's not too deep so you don't need stitches" he smiled but then frowned as she shivered. Shit stiches would mean doctors.

"And the even better news" he said walking over to open a press. "I think you deserve a cookie for you traumatic experience" he smirked. "I'm going to ignore your sarcasm and just take the cookie" she said plucking it out of his hand. "How very unlike you" he said. "I lost blood. Too traumatised to kick your ass" she said.

"Cristiano" Irina called out before appearing in the kitchen. "You're home" she said. "Only just" he replied. "What's going on here?" she asked. "Molly cut her finger" he said. "And your boyfriend was just helping me with a plaster" Molly said closing the first aid box.

She heard mummers from Junior's baby monitor. "You go get him. I'll tidy up here" Cristiano said. "You can go" she said. "I'll see him later. Don't want you hurting yourself anymore" he smiled picking up the knife and placing it in the sink. "More like you are waiting for Junior to be less cranky after he wakes" Molly said walking around the table.

"Oh Molly" Irina called out and Molly rolled her eyes before turning around. "I had lunch with a photographer friend today and saw that the café had these cute muffins. I got some for everyone. There's one in there for you too" Irina said placing a bag on the counter.

"Thanks Irina. I'll eat it tonight" Molly said confused at the model's gesture. "Is there one there for me?" Cristiano asked. "Maybe" Irina smiled at him. "Don't even think about eating my one Ronaldo" Molly said as she turned to walk out of the room. "You could just stick to carrots" he called out after her. "Careful Ronaldo or I might find another use for the knife" Molly laughed as she left the room.  
