Chapter six

Sashi woke up.

She woke up and noticed that she was in the hospital, outside the rooms. Sidney, Boone, And her parents sat across her, asleep. She looked to he right to see her brother asleep as well. But where's...

"Good morning, love." Penn said. Sashi looked up and realized that she had fallen asleep against Penn's chest. The redhead gave her a soft smile. "Morning. How long were you awake?" She asked. "About 15 minutes." Penn said. "What happened? Is Suzy alright?" Sashi asked. "Relax Sashi. Here's what happened." Penn said, and began to explain everything.


After the arrest of Miss Helena, the cops began calling everyone's parents, including Sashi's and Suzy's.

Sidney, Boone, and Penn sat in the bench, with Sashi using her lover as a pillow, for she had fallen asleep. The redhead took off the leather jacket that he was wearing and draped it around the girl, not wanting her to get cold. He ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "I'm glad you're okay, Sash." He whispered. Penn looked back at the scene in front of him. Suzy had already been loaded and was being taken to a hospital. But there was still a lot of stuff going on. And while he didn't know Suzy that much, he knew that Sashi would be beyond devastated if she died.

All of a sudden, a car parked close to them. It was Sashi's family. They walked over to them. "Is our daughter okay?!" Her mother asked. "Don't worry, Mrs. Kobayashi. Sashi's perfectly fine. Her friend Suzy in the other hand, not so well." Sidney said. The Kobayashi Family then turned to Penn. Nobody said anything. George then nudged his parents to say something. "Right. Penn, we apologize for what we said about you and our daughter. We have come to realize that maybe you are the right boy for our daughter. And the fact you just saved her kind of proves it." Mrs. Kobayashi said. Penn heartily chuckled. "It's fine. Really. I understand that you were just looking for your daughter like any parent would." Penn said.

"Well, we should probably get to the hospital. Who knows what's going on with Suzy." Boone said. They all got in the car, and drove to the hospital. Minutes later, they arrived and were told by the doctor that they had to wait for a while. They group sat down on chairs, with Sashi still asleep. Two hours later around midnight, everyone was asleep, except for Penn. He was looking out the window. A yawn escaped from his lips. He looked at Sashi. Penn sighed and grabbed her head and placed it against his chest. He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good night, my love." He said and drifted to sleep.


"And that's it?" Sashi asked. "Almost. When I woke up, the doctor came by." "Well, what did the doctor say?" Sashi asked. "Relax Sash. Suzy's gonna be okay. She came out of her surgery an hour ago and is recovering." Penn said. Sashi sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." She said. "Wait. What time is it?" She asked. "It's around 9 in the morning. Speaking of which, your parents said that we're going back to Middleburg today around 12." Penn said. "Okay. Do you think that we can- " "Yeah. He said that she was awake." Penn said.

They both got up and walked over to Suzy's room, which was across the hall. Sashi knocked on the door. "Come in." Suzy said. They opened the door to see the older girl lying in the hospital bed. "Well, if it ain't the love birds." She said. Penn and Sashi chuckled. "How ya doing?" Penn asked. "Better. Though what happened?" She asked. Penn and Sashi then explained everything to the older girl. "Wow. So we did take her down." Suzy said with a smile. "Yeah. We sure did." Sashi said. Suzy then looked at Penn. "I had a feeling you were secretly a badass." She said. Penn chuckled. "I've been getting that a lot." He said.

"Anyways. My parents said that we have to leave for home at 12. So, we came by to tell you goodbye." Sashi said. "Well. I guess I'll see you two in a while." Suzy said. "Take care, Su." Sashi said, hugging the girl. "Same to you." Suzy said. Suzy then looked at Penn and grabbed his hand. "Keep an eye on her. She's a special one." She said. "Will do, Suzy. Take care, okay?" He said. Suzy nodded. The two left the room and closed the door. "Are you gonna be okay?" Penn asked. Sashi looked at him and nodded. "I will be as long you're with me." She said. "Good to hear." Penn said, kissing her on the cheek.


Sashi looked out the window of the plane as it flew in the sky. She was happy. She was happy that she was going back home and that her friends were okay. "You okay?" Penn, who was seated beside her, asked. She nodded. "Yes." She said. She then had a doubtful face. "You really do love me, right?" She asked. Penn gave her a sweet smile before kissing her. He pulled back and smiled at her. The redhead wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer.

"Of course. To infinity and beyond."

Author Note: And. We. Are. Done!! The story is now finished. It has ended! Thank you all so much for your support and kindness.

Also, couldn't help but to incorporate the famous Toy Story quote. I thought it would be the perfect ending. And yes, I am hyped for Toy Story 4. Sure, it's not necessary and doesn't need to exist, but I think it will be good.

See you all later in another story! Bye!!!
