Chapter 5

It was around 9pm when all the students of the reform school were asleep. Well, most of the students. Sashi and Suzy were packing their stuff, ready to leave. They and the others had come up with a plan. Basically, around this time, Penn, Sidney, and Boone would come over to the school. They would bring a ladder with them and use it to climb up to their room, which was in the 5th floor. Then, all five of them would climb out of the window, down the ladder, and they would escape with a flight back home for the next morning.

"You ready to do this?" Suzy asked. Sashi nodded. "Yeah. Though I'm still nervous. My parents don't know about this. And things will go more insane if they find out that it was Penn's idea! They don't like him at all!" She said. Suzy sighs and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Sashi, you'll be okay. Once we explain to your parents everything, I'm sure that they'll understand." She said. "Okay. You're right." Sashi said.

Then, they was a tap on the window. Both girls looked at the window, and saw that it was Penn, hanging on the ladder. Sashi quickly walked over to the window and opened it. "Hello, my lady." Penn said with a smirk. "Hey PZ." She said, allowing the boy and Boone inside. "Where's Sidney?" Suzy asked. "She's keeping an eye outside." Penn said. "You guys have everything?" Boone asked. The two girls nodded.

All of a sudden, the door to the room opened. It was Miss Helena. "Evening girls, just came to..." the woman stopped herself as she noticed all four of them. "What the-" the woman was cut off as Penn grabbed a book and slammed it into her face, knocking her down. "Woah." The other three said. "Since when did you get so action packed?" Sashi asked. "Well, after you left, I had to take your spot. At first, I was awful, but I eventually got used to it. Also, I took some self defense classes to improve." Penn said. "Guys. We got a problem. She's waking up." Suzy said.

The redhead ran over to the window. "Sid! Meet us at the entrance of the school!!" He yelled. "Okay!" Sidney yelled back. He then took Sashi by the hand. "We gotta go. Now." Sashi nodded and the four ran out. "Someone! Stop them!" They heard Miss Helena yell. Sashi didn't bothering looking back. If there was anything that she learned from horror movies, it was to not look back.

The four teens made a turn to the left, only to come face to face with some of the security. "Shit." Boone muttered. They heard heels clicking behind them. It was Miss Helena. "Girls. What is the meaning of this?" She asked. "We're getting out of here. We know what's been happening." Suzy said. "Children. I do not know what-" "Oh spare us your lies, Helena! We know what you've been doing to these kids! We know that you've been killing students lately for you own pleasure!!" Penn yelled. "Wait. What?" Sashi asked. "Yeah. Didn't you know that? Sidney was the one to discover it." Penn said. Sashi shook her head. "Oh crap." She muttered.

"You. You little brats!!" Miss Helena yelled. She pulled out something from her pocket that mad the four teens gasp in horror. A gun. "You four will not ruin me! I'll get rid of you all. Starting with the Asian one!!" She said, and pulled the trigger. Sashi stood there in frozen shock. Her mind was yelling at her to move, but she couldn't. That was when she felt someone push her to the ground. Which was followed by a female scream of agony. Sashi looked up to see that Suzy was holding her stomach in pain, tons of blood coming out. She was shot.

"No!!!!" Sashi yelled as she saw Suzy drop to the ground. She went to the girl's side. "Suzy! Don't die on us!" She said. But there was no response. "Suzy? Suzy?! No!! No!! You can't die! I won't let you!! Suzy! Please!! Don't!!" Sashi cried as she held on to the older girl. "Sash." Penn said, laying a hand on he shoulder. The Asian girl then looked at the old woman with rage. Pure rage. She let out a war cry and charged at Miss Helena. "Sashi! Don't!" She heard Penn yell. Miss Helena didn't have time to shoot another bullet as Sashi tackled her to the ground.

The two of them went to the ground, causing the gun to fly away from the woman's hand. The two wrestled in the ground, until Miss Helena had the upper hand. She pinned Sashi to the ground, holding a knife in her left hand. "You. You as the most savage person I have ever met. I think I am doing the world a favor by getting rid of you." She said. Sashi laid there in complete shock. That's when they both heard a click.

They both looked up to see that Penn was standing there, holding the gun with gloved hands. Sashi could see that from his eyes, Penn had an unspeakable rage. "Get the fuck off of her, you bitch!!" He yelled. "Where did he get the gloves?" A security guard asked. "Hey! Do you really want to piss me off now?!" Penn asked. "Put the gun down now, boy!" Helena yelled. Penn sighed. "Will do." He said, placing the gun into the ground. "Wow. That was surprisingly easy." She said. "Yeah. But that's because the cops are here." He said with a smirk. "Wait. What?"

Suddenly, cops bursted through the scene, being followed by Sidney. "Miss Helena! You are under arrest for multiple murders!" An officer yelled, pulling the crazy woman off Sashi. "Anything you say will be used against you in court." The officer said, hand cuffing her. Helena grumbled something incoherent as she was dragged off. "Also, we need to transports this girl to the hospital." The officer said, looking at Suzy. A couple of other police men carried Suzy outside and into an ambulance.

"You kids alright?" The officer asked. The trio nodded. Penn looks over at Sashi. "You alright?" He asked. She nodded. Penn gave her a small smile and pulled her into a hug. Sashi wrapped her arms around his neck and began crying into his shoulder. "Shh. It's gonna be okay. You're gonna get through this. I promise." Penn said, getting rubbing her back. "I was so scared! I wasn't thinking straight! It my fault Suzy got shot!!" Sashi cried. "No Sash. It is not your fault. Trust me on that. If anything, it's that devil woman's fault." Penn said with a scowl.

"Hey guys! We should go outside!" Boone said. Penn nodded. He scooped up Sashi into his arms and began walking out. "Penn!! Put me down!" Sashi said, slightly giggling. "Sorry my lady. Can't do that." Penn said. Sashi sighed in defeat and nuzzled her head in Penn's shoulder. "Oh thank god you're okay!" Sidney said, side hugging her cousin. "Never knew that you had the guts to hold a gun." Sashi said. "What can I say? It kind of runs in the family." Penn said, looking at Sidney.

The four walked out of the school. They walked over to a bench and sat down. Sashi began falling asleep. "Get some sleep Sash. You really need it now." Penn said. She nodded and closed her eyes. As long as Penn was with her, she would be okay.

"I just hope Suzy is okay."
