Chapter 3

Takes 4 weeks after chapter two. Also, appearance of another iconic horror movie heroine. Enjoy!

Penn laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It been four weeks since Sashi left. And ever since then, things have been interesting.

For one, he finally got his parents back the last 2 weeks. He was so happy that he finally got them back, but yet, he was saddened that Sashi was not there to celebrate with them. Second, after that, Phillis and Phil combined into some space gorilla, much to the confusion of Penn, his parents, and Boone. The two left, taking the theater and restaurant with them, therefore, leaving Penn and Boone jobless. Third, school had been strangely quiet without Sashi. It was weird for the guy. Fourth, Penn just flat out missed the girl. He just wanted to fly to London, find Sashi, take her into his arms, and kiss her endlessly.

"Wait. Kiss her?" He asked no one in particular. "So this is what love feels like? It's so... strange, to say the least."

There was a knock on the door of the house. "I'll go get it." He said, getting of the bed. He walked down the stairs and opened the door. It was a girl who looked to be 16 or 17 years old. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a white short sleeved shirt, black jeans, and black boots. She was none other than... "Sidney?" Penn asked. "The one and only!" She said, hugging the redhead, who hugged her back.

"Sid, What are you doing here?" Penn asked. "Oh. I'm just here to visit." Sidney asked. "Sidney! Good to see you!" Penn's mother said. "Uncle Brock, Aunt Vonnie! Holy moly, you back!" Sidney said, hugging the two older people. "Say, do you think you know who followed you here?" Penn asked. "Kid, relax. Ghostface is long dead." Sidney said. "Alright, if you say so." Penn said.

"So. What exactly bring you here?" Vonnie asked. "Oh, I thought that I would just pay you all a visit. That and when Aunt Rose And Uncle Chuck told me what happened, I had to see it for myself." The girl explained. "Well. That's nice." Brock said. "Do you want anything l, sweetie?" Vonnie asked. "Yeah. Do you have anything for breakfast?" She asked. Penn chuckled. "Why didn't you get any in the first place?" He asked. "Simple. I was lazy." She said.


Penn was in his bedroom, sitting in front of the desk, using his laptop. He was doing research on Miss Helena's School for the Wayward Children. He was curious of how the school was. Apparently, the school required students to wear uniforms, be on time for classes or detention, eat whatever they serve you, etc. "Wow. Talk about having no freedom." Penn muttered.

There was a knock on his door. "It's open." Penn said. The door opened to reveal Sidney. "Hey kid. What ya doing?" She asked. "Eh. Doing research on a school." Penn said. "Oh yeah. Your parents told me what happened. Sorry to hear that." She said with a sympathetic smile. "It's Okay." Penn said. Sidney grabbed a chair and sat down next to the redhead. "What did you find?" She asked. Penn showed Sidney everything he had founded. "Wow. Talk about having no freedom." She said. "That's what I said. Penn agreed.

The two spent a couple of minutes doing research. "Did you find anything?" Penn asked. "Actually, yes." Sidney said. The girl handed her phone over to the redhead. Penn looked at the phone to see something that made his heart stop for a while: Missing report cases of students form the school that Sashi was in. "Sashi, please don't..." Penn muttered and he scrolled down the page. "Relax, Penn. Sashi's not in that list." Sidney said. Penn gave out a sigh of relief.

"So, how long has this been going on?" He asked. "4 weeks." Sidney said. "Shit." Penn said. "Yeah. And get this, this happened to the school every 4 years. This year marks the 4th year." Sidney said. "Crap. Sashi's in trouble and doesn't even know it!" Penn exclaimed. He quickly stood up and grabbed a suitcase. "What are you doing?" Sidney asked. "Isn't obvious? I'm going to London." Penn said.

"What?!" Sidney asked. "Sid. The love of my life is in danger. I have to go to London and get her out of there." He said, already packing. "Hey. Check this out." Sidney said. Penn walked over to the computer. "Friends and Family day. Day where friends and families of students can see them to see how they are doing." Penn read. "Well. Now I have an excuse to be there." He said. "Okay. But are you seriously going alone?" She asked. "If I have to, then, yes." Penn said, resuming packing his stuff.

Sidney sighed. "Fine. But at least let me go with you." She said. "Wait. You wanna go with?" Penn asked. "Well. Yeah. To keep you out of trouble." She said. "Okay. Sure." He said. "Now, I just have to convince mom and dad to let me go-" "No need to sweetie. You can go." The voice of his mother said. "Really?" He asked, seeing his parents standing by the door. "Of course son. This is true love we're talking about. If you love her, then go save her." His dad said. "But also, take Sidney with you. Just in case." His mom said. Penn nodded. "Say, Sid. What's the fastest flight we can get?" He asked.

"Tomorrow at 10am." She said. "Okay. I call Boone and see if he wants to go." He said. Whipping out his phone, Penn dialed his friend's number and pressed the phone against his ear. "Hey Boone. What's up? Yeah, I'm good. Listen, something's going on at the school Sashi's in. I'm heading out to London with my cousin Sidney. Wanna join us? Okay. Yeah, we're leaving at 10am, tomorrow. Okay then. See you tomorrow." Penn hanged up. "Well?" Sidney asked. "He's coming." He said. "Three tickets it is." She said.


It was around midnight when Penn finally went to sleep. He was flipping around on his bed,  it able to sleep for an hour. But he finally managed to. Everything was packed, the tickets were printed, and everyone was ready.

"Hang on Sashi. I'm coming to save you." Penn muttered before going to sleep.

Sorry if this feels a bit rushed. 😬😬
