Author's Note

Hey everyone, I am back with another story.

First: Disclaimer!
. "Penn Zero Part Time Hero" belong to Disney.
. "Suspiria" And Susie Bannion belong to Dario Argento, the director of the movie.

I don't own any of these things.

Second: Even though I have not seen the original nor the 2018 remake of "Suspiria", I will always have a place for it in my heart. I was always fascinated with it. Mainly because I myself did ballet for 9 years. Granted, I was okay, but I still loved it. So, when I heard of a ballet horror movie, I knew that I had to do research on it. I had seen some clips and the movie looks really cool.

Third: I was kind of fascinated with the idea of Sashi going to boarding school. And I like horror. And as you might know, I ship PenAshi.

So, without further a do, enjoy as you read, romance, friendship, and horror.

See you there.
