Chapter 2

Sashi sighed as she looked out the window of the plane. She didn't want be in this plane. She didn't want to go to London. She just wanted to go home, run into Penn's arms, and kiss him a bunch of times. Wait. Kiss him?

"Well, I mean, the kiss wasn't that bad. Heck, it actually felt nice. Wait. I think I'm falling in love with Penn!!"

"Hey kid. Are you okay?" A voice asked. Sashi turned around and saw it was girl. She looked to either 16 or 17 years old. She had beautiful brown wavy hair and brown eyes and fair skin.
She wore a white flowing shirt with dark blue jeans, and brown boots. "Wow. She looks prettier than I do." "Eh. More of the less." Sashi said. "Really? Mind if I ask what happened?" The girl asked. "It's a long story." "Well. We have about two hours left up here. Might as well do it now." Sashi thought about it for a moment. She couldn't tell this stranger about the multiverse. "Hey. If it helps, when I was in Berlin, I nearly died in the hands of an actual group of witches." The girl said. "Wait. Seriously?" Sashi asked in shock. The girl nodded. "Yeah. It was some santanic thing." She said. Sashi looked at the girl at awe. She was pretty AND faced actually witches.

"Well. I suppose I can tell you. Just promise me that you won't tell anyone." Sashi said. "Sure. Just don't tell people about the whole witch thing." The girl said. "I'm Sashi Kobayashi, by the way." Sashi said, extending her hand. "The name's Suzy. Suzy Bannion." The girl said, shaking her hand. "Okay. So, my friends and I used to travel throughout the multiverse and basically saved the day." Sashi explained. Suzy's eyes widened. "You mean that you were heroes?" She asked. Sashi nodded. "Okay then. Who were your friends?" Suzy asked. "Their names are Penn Zero and Boone Wiseman." "Okay. I assume their both boys?" Sashi nodded. "Well, Do you like one of them as in do you love one of them?" Suzy asked.

"Well..." "Come on, kiddo. Spill it out." Suzy said. "Okay. I have this crush on Penn." "Really? You have a picture of your friends?" Sashi nodded and pulled out her phone and showed Suzy a picture of her, Penn and Boone. "The redhead is Penn and the brunette is Boone." "Okay. I can see you and Penn together." Suzy said, giving back the younger girl her phone. "Anyways, my parents never knew about it. Until a few days ago." "What happened?" They caught me after we defeated the part time villains." "Who are?" "Our art teacher, Rippen and the school's principal, Larry." "Okay then. Go on." Suzy said.

"Well. After I was caught, my parents made me quit, and they send me to a boarding school here in London." "What a coincidence. I'm going to a boarding school there as well. What's the name of the school?" Suzy asked. "Miss Helena's School for the Wayward Children." "Why Look at that. I'm going there as well." The brunette girl said. "Anyways, So whatever happened between you and Penn?" Suzy asked. "Well, last night he sang a song for me." "Aww. Which one?" "Remember Me." "From Coco? Man that song makes me cry." Suzy said. "Yeah. It made me cry to." Sashi said.

"Then, this morning, right before I came in this plane, he kissed me. On the lips." Sashi said. "Aww. That's adorable!" Suzy said. The two girls giggled.

"Attention everyone. We are about to land." The intercom said. "Well. That we're the quickest two hours of my life." Suzy said. "Yeah." Sashi said. Suzy smiled at the younger girl. "Okay. So her parents are not here. Neither her friend and Possible boyfriend. Well, looks like I'm doing some babysitting."


Once the plane landed, the two girls went over and got their bags and left the airport. They grabbed a taxi and went over to the school.

The place looked like your average school, except two times lager. Sashi gulped. "This place is huge." She said. "Yeah." Suzy said. They both got out of their taxi and Suzy payed the driver. They entered the building and immediately noticed the elegant display of the school. To their left we're a couple of booths that both Sashi and Suzy guessed that was the check in. They walked over to it.

"Well. I'll see you later on." Suzy said, giving the younger girl a warm smile. "Okay. See you later." Sashi said. The two girls made their separate ways. The Asian girl had to wait about twenty minutes before she got to the front. There, she came face to face with a woman who looked to be in her late 60s. "Hello dear. What's up name?" The woman asked. "Sashi Kobayashi." Sashi answered. The woman scanned down through the list. "Ah! Here you are." She said. The woman pulled out a pair of keys. "Here are the keys to your room." "Thank you." Sashi said, shoving the keys into her skirt pocket. The woman then pulled out a big pink bag with Sashi's name on the top. "And here is your uniform and everything else you need. You room number is 11A. Just take the elevator to the second floor of the building and you'll find it there eventually." The woman said.  "Thank you." Sashi said and left. That was when Sashi's eyes widened. "Wait. I have to wear a uniform?!"

Sashi shook her head. "Maybe it won't be so bad." She said under her breath. She found the elevator and took it to the second floor. After getting out, she walked around, looking for her room. Five minutes later, she found it. "Let's hope I don't have a jerk for a roommate." She said. She opened the door and was surprised to see that Suzy was there.

"Suzy! What are you doing here?" Sashi asked, clearly surprised. "Well. I talked to the staff about it, and they said that I could bunk with you." She said. "Really?" "Yeah." Sashi ran over and hugged the brunette. "Thank you!" "Aww. No problem, Kid." Suzy said, hugging the younger girl. Sashi looked out the window of their room.

"Maybe with Suzy things won't be so bad. But I still miss you, PZ."
