Chapter 4

Okay, here's where things will begin to connect. Enjoy!!

Sashi woke up with a yawn. She was happy. Why? Because, it was friends and family day!! Sure, there was the possibility that Penn and Boone are not gonna be there, but at least her family will. She actually kind of missed them.

Getting out of her bed, she went over to the closet that she and Suzy shared. She grabbed her uniform, which was a white shirt under a gray sweater(pic above), a dark blue and green plaid skirt, black tights, and black dress shoes. After changing, Sashi saw Suzy, who was already dress, coming out of the bathroom. She noticed Sashi's smile.

"Well, someone's happy today! Wonder why?" She asked. "Well, I'm going to see my parents again after a month has passed by, so yeah. I'm happy." Sashi said. "Really? Are we sure it's not just your parents?" Suzy asked with a smirk. "Okay. I'm excited that Penn might bet there with Boone, but I kind of doubt that." Sashi said. "Come on, Sash. There is still a possibility. So, don't give up that easily." Sashi sighed. "Guess you're right." Sashi said.

The girl grabbed her hair brush and brushed her hair. "So, did you hear what happened?" Suzy asked. "No. What?" "More students went missing." Suzy said. Sashi sighed. Ever since she and Suzy arrived at the school, people, who were only students, were going missing. Of course, this caught the interest of the two girls and they did some investigation around the school and the internet. It turns out that this happened ever 4 years, and this year was the 4th year.

After brushing her hair, Sashi went over to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and put on some makeup. She wanted to look pretty in case if Penn did come. Sashi grabbed her phone and hid it in her skirt pocket. She was ready to go. "Ready." She said. "Good." Suzy said. They both got out of the dorm and Suzy locked it.

The two girls walked over to the auditorium of the school. Since it was Friends and Family Day, they didn't have any classes. They walked inside the room and sat down in the middle of the room. That was when the director of the school, Miss Helena, came up to the stage. Speaking with of the lady, Sashi knew that there was something off with the woman. She was just really creepy and strict.

Miss Helena greeted the students and told them that the event won't start till 1pm, so, they could hang out in the school till then. But there was something on Sashi's mind: What happened to the people who were late?


Inside the school basement, a girl with black hair sat on the floor. She looked to be beaten up and in the verge of death. "Please. I won't be late again." The girl managed to say. The person's response?

Shooting a bullet through the girl's head, killing her.

The person dragged her body to the pile of all the missing students. All of them, dead.


Eventually, 1pm rolled on by and the students were allowed to go outside. Suzy and Sashi walked out side by side. "Do you know if your parents are here?" Sashi asked the older girl. "Probably Yeah." Suzy said. The two made their way to the field, where Suzy saw her parents. "Well, I'm off. See you later." She said. Sashi nodded and waved Suzy goodbye.

Sashi then noticed her own parents and her younger brother standing there. She ran over to them. "Mom! Dad! George!" Sashi said. "Sashi!" Her family said, hugging her. "I missed you guys so much!" She said, hugging her mother. "Oh we missed you to sweetie." Her mother said. It was till then at that moment that Sashi noticed a yellow cab driving over to them. The cab stopped and three people came out. A girl with short brown hair about Suzy's age, a boy who was actually Boone Wiseman! And last, was the guy she was waiting for, the live of her life. "Penn?" She quietly asked.

Penn, who now wore a red and black flannel skirt, blue jeans, black converse sneakers, and a brown leather jacket, looked around and then, his eyes laid on her's. He cracked up a smile and walked over to her. Sashi just ran up to him and basically tackled him to the ground. The redhead laughed as the two of them fell on the grass, his hands on her waist and their faces centimeters apart. "Nice seeing you again, my love." Penn said with a small smirk. Sashi just giggled and kissed him. Penn broke of the kiss. "Sash, as much as I want to continue this, anyone could be watching us." He said. Sashi blushed of embarrassment. "Oh yeah. Right." She said.

The two teens stood up, and Sashi hugged him again. "I missed you so much!" She said, nuzzling her head into his chest. "I know. I missed you so much." Penn said, hugging the girl tightly. Sashi pulled back. "What are you doing here? Did you hitch a ride with my parents?" She asked. "Nope. I came here on my own with Boone and my cousin, Sidney." Penn explained. His smile then turned into a frown. "You're not hurt right?" He asked. Sashi shook her head no. "What gave you that idea?" She asked. "Look Sashi, there's something going on in this school." Penn began. "You mean people going missing? I know about that." Sashi said. "You do?" Sashi nodded. "Well, after I heard about that thanks to Sidney, I just knew I had to come over here and make sure you were still here. And thankfully, you are." Penn said with a small smile.

"Wait Penn. You mean to tell me that you flew to another country in the last minute, just to make sure I was alright?" Sashi asked in surprise. "Of course I did, Sash. I love you. I wouldn't know what to do if you went missing. I would never forgive myself." He said. "Thank you." Sashi said, hugging Penn once more. "No problem, though I have been meaning to ask you something." Penn said. "What?" She asked. Penn pulled back to look at her in the eye. "Sashi Kobayashi. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked simply. Sashi gasped. "Penn, I would love to, but my parents-" "To hell with it, darling. If your parents don't approve of us, we won't let them stop us." Penn said. "Well, in that case, yes!" Sashi said. The two now lovers hugged once again, not knowing that they were being watched by Boone, Sidney, and the newly joined Suzy.

"Seriously. There my new OTP." Suzy whispered to Sidney. Sidney chuckled. "Took the words out of my mouth, uh..." "Oh right. I'm Suzy Bannion. You are?" "Sidney Prescott." Sidney said as she and Suzy shook hands. Suzy then eyed Boone. "You're Boone Wiseman, right?" She asked. "Yep. I'm guessing you're Suzy?" He asked. Suzy nodded. "Nice meeting You." She said, shaking the former Part Time Wiseman's hand. "Same to you." Boone said. Penn and Sashi broke up the hug and went over to the other three. "So, I finally get to meet the famous Penn Zero. Nice meeting you. The name's Suzy Bannion." Suzy said. "So your Suzy. Well, nice meeting you as well." Penn said, shaking the older girl's hand.

"Sashi! What is the meaning of this?!" A shrill voice asked. The group of five turned around to see the angry faces Sashi's parents and a nervous George who mouthed: "Duck for cover!" "Oh shit." Sidney quietly muttered. "We thought we told you to stay away from these two!" Her mother said, referring to Penn and Boone. "Sorry mom, but you can't change my mind. I love Penn." Sashi said, holding the redhead's hand. "Sashi! This boy is dangerous!" Her father said. "Dangerous?!" Penn incredulously asked. "Hey! Back off, sir!" Suzy said. "Quiet you!" Sashi's father said. "Why you..." Suzy began. Sidney and Boone quickly held her back. "Mom, dad! Please! I love him!" Sashi said in desperation. "No! You are to break up with him, now!" Sashi's mother said. Penn took a deep breath and spoke.

"Mr and Mrs. Kobayashi. I understand that you care for your daughter, but you can't control her life! She needs her freedom! And if I can be honest here, I love Sashi more than life itself. I've been in love with her ever since out first mission together. Sure, she may be a bit violent sometimes, but I still lover her. As for what happened back in the theater, Sashi was just merely doing her job, protecting people from danger. I know that it might seem dangerous, but Sashi is like a downright pro at this. Not to mention, the part time hero business was dead after a week, so, she technically not in danger anymore. But, before all of that, when I was reluctant to take the job, Sashi was the one who convinced me to do take it. Now, there where times that I couldn't really stand her(*cough, cough* Mountain Beast Episode. *cough) but I still loved her and I will never stop. In other words, I am not a dangerous person, and I will keep dating your daughter! And there is nothing you will do about it! Just let her go and let her be her own person. Whether you freaking like it or not."

The redhead took another deep breath. "I bid you a good day." He said and walked off, leaving a flabbergasted pair of parents, a smiling Sashi, and a smirking Boone, Sidney, Suzy, And George. "Woo! That was awesome!" George said as they others caught up with the redhead. "Yeah! I thought that they were about to murder you." Boone said. "Well, if they don't want us to date, then that's their problem." Penn said, holding Sashi's hand and giving her a pack on the cheek. "Since when did you get so brave?" Sidney asked. "No doubt from Sashi." Suzy said. "Yeah. Guess you right." Penn said.

"So now what?" Boone asked. "Now." Penn began as he stopped walking and looked at his new girlfriend. "We have to find a way to get you out of here." He said to her. "How?" Sashi asked. "Leave the window up when you go to bed tonight and pack some of your stuff. I got an idea." Penn said with a smirk.
