
I'm sooo sorry! I barely update. I just don't get the time but I'll write a few chapters now.
Lapis' POV
I was talking to Peridot on the way to my bedroom. I was really upset when she kept dodging my kiss. I felt so heartbroken. I guess I'm over it now.

"Um...could I borrow some clothes?" Peridot asks as me as I lay on my bed.

"Oh yeah. You left your pjs here last time. It's in that bag over there. The bathroom is through that door.You probably know though" I say as I grab my phone.

"Oh, thanks!" Peridot grabs the bag and walks through the door, locking it.

I quickly turn my phone on and click on my messages.

I need help! I couldn't possibly make it through the night with her here. But who can help me? Blue? No she's probably busy with Yellow. Sapphire? Probably texting Ruby or busy cooking or something like that. Amethyst? Yes! Perfect!

WaterWitch: AMEEE!!
WaterWitch: AMY!
WaterWitch: ANSWER ME RN


WaterWitch: It is NOT funny!! I need help im not gonna make it through the night

AmeFist: Ok I'll be helping you out ok? Just follow my lead and don't question anything got it?

WaterWitch: Uh yea ok
Amethyst sends me a lot of things to do. Little things to get her into the 'mood'. Suddenly Peridot comes out the bathroom wearing her Pjs. I look away blushing.

"What's wrong, Lapis?" She comes up to me as I sit up straight and place my phone on my chest.

"N-nothing! Its all good! Umm..! I'll get the spare blankets!!" I stuff my phone into my pocket and speed walk out the door. "Be right back!"

Peridot's POV
  Lapis quickly walks away. I sigh and sit down on her bed. I fall back on her bed. I close my eyes. Suddenly memories come back to me. Like the time we were having a sleepover and we were sharing secrets. Back then I liked Amethyst. But I didn't fully like her. It was just a mini crush. When I told Lapis I might like Amethyst she was so shocked. Then when I fell for Lapis, Amethyst asked me out. I felt so bad to say no. So I went along with it. Then it happened one day. She told me the truth. I remember it as clear as day.

"Sorry, I know you're in love with Lapis." Amethyst smiles at me. I blush.

"Wh-what?! N-no! I-uh..." I look down in sadness. She found out.

"But thank you. I have to tell you. I only like you as a friend but I have plan that can help both of us out. We date each other and make Lapis and Pearl jealous, yeah??" She grabs my hands and grins.

I grin," Sure, I'll help out bestie. Anything for you and Pearl to date already."


I smirk as I feel myself go deeper into memories.

Lapis' POV
I walk into the room, "Hey Peri, I-"

"She fell asleep?" I thought to myself. I place the blankets and pillow on the bed. I sit down next to her.

She grins in her sleep "So cute..." I smile to myself.
I lay down next to her and lay a blanket over the both us. I cuddle up close to her.
"She's sleeping so its okay..right?" I thought as fell into deep slumber.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Ill try to update more often from now. See you in the next chapter! Word count: 610
