Connie and Steven!

Connie's POV
First day of highschool and still no one comes up to me. I should give it some time. I'm not good at making friends. I want people to come to me. If only someone would. I never had any friends. I was early to class. So I read my book. A guy and a girl come into the class. The girl walks past me but still smiles and waves at me. The guy talked to the teacher. Soon he passes me and goes to the girl. They start talking.

The guy was quite cute. He was short, maybe shorter then me. He always wore a smile. The girl was the same height. They both looked and sounded very friendly. They might talk to me.

Soon more kids come in to the class. Before I know no one comes up to me, like always, and  the day finishes. I was leaving my locker when I remembered I left something back at the classroom. I headed back and I saw the kid again.

Steven's POV
There she stood. Right in front of me. We just stared at each other. Then she walked passed me. She tried to open the locked door. When couldn't she look through the window. She was looking for something.

"Um.. looking for this? You dropped it when leaving class." I hand her a glow stick bracelet. She gently grabs it off me. She nods blushing.
"I uh..I noticed weren't really hanging out with anyone and I was just wondering if you'd like to be friends." I finally said. She nodded, smiling ear to ear. She looked so cute I blushed. She then ran past me. She stopped far away from me and then waved. I waved back and she left. On the way home I kept grinning to myself. 
Sorry it was short. But I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

Word count: 322
