Mothers and their goddamn ships!

Peridot's POV
"And so she tells me that she didn't have the 'time' to do it! Like what a b*tch! I gave her like a half a year to get me ONE pair of socks! She works there! Like come on!!" Mum complains.

"BAHAHAHA what'd you say to her?!" Yellow laughs having the time of her life.

"You can forget it, I'll do it myself! B*tch!" Mum shows disgust on her face.

I groan and keep playing my game on my phone. Dinner takes longer to be done when mum tells stories. But sometimes they are pretty funny. I sip my drink.

"So Peri, I heard you're relationship with Amethyst was just to make your crush jealous? I'm hoping it worked." Mum and Yellow snicker.

"PFFFFFFFFFFF *cough cough*! YELLLOOOW!!!" I slam my hands on the table as she snickers and runs away to her room. I growl and wipe my mouth.

"W-whatever. I'll kill her later." I mumble.

Mum laughs,"I,Yellow Diamond, approve of you and Lapis. I mean come on darling. You're older then Pearl and she's already got a girlfriend!"

"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Muffled screams and banging come from Yellow's room.


"FUCK YOU!" She screams back,when embarrassed, Yellow shows angry.

"Anyway darling, if you need help I'll be here for you." She winks at me.

I grumble something she can't hear.

"Honey, you've had a crush on her since you first meet her. It's so obvious. If I could tell you the truth I would! But I need you to do this yourself! Go get her Peri!" She slaps my back. I rub my back as she places a huge plate of nachos in the middle of the table.

"PEEEAAAAAARRRRRRRLLLLL!!!" Mum screams at the top her lungs.



I remember that I forgot to message Lapis the details to Sardonyx's live.

Lapis's POV
Today I'll tell my mum. I hope she understands.

"Hey mum."


"I think I'm gay." She stares at me and laughs.

"Honey I know. In our family you either be gay or see gay. " she sips her tea in a fancy manner. My face glows.

"That explains so much! Then you don't me bringing someone home right?" She stares at me and grins. She winks. I blush like crazy and walk away to my room.

"She got the wrong idea!" I throw myself on my bed. My face buried in my blue and green pillow. A thought of a sweaty and blushing Peridot underneath me comes to my head.

"That doesn't sound that bad..." I say blushing to myself.


I snap out my day dream and pick up my phone. It's from Peridot.

PeriDork: *random address,time and date*

WaterWitch: whats that for

PeriDork: For Sardonyx's live!

WaterWitch: Ohhhhh! Lmao ok. I'll pick you?

PeriDork: Uh yea thanks

WaterWitch: No prob Babe.

PeriDork: what.

WaterWitch: Sorry gtg mum

PeriDork: K bye.

I laugh my head off imagining Peridot so embarrassed at that. My laughter soon dies down. A smile still on my face as memories of me and Peridot run through my mind. I soon drift to sleep.

Peridot's POV (next morning)
I walk down the hall with Yellow by my side. We kept talking about random stuff until we run into Pearl and Amethyst.

"Yooo! Blond sisters!" Amethyst laughs with Pearl.

"Ugh whatever you couple." Yellow snickers.

"Well I mean we could make a good couple but there's a better couple in the school. Like-" Pearl talks all sassy.

"You and Blue Pearl." Amethyst and Pearl snicker.

"Wh-wha-wha-t no-nonsense!" Yellow blushes gripping on her books.

"Oooh she's mad~" I snicker. Pearl and Amethyst laugh. Us three notice Blue Pearl behind Yellow.

"Oooh~! Yellow~~~! Forget about Blue! I can be your Pearl~~" Pearl talks loud enough. Making Yellow confused and embarrassed.

"Oh forget Pearls! I'm so much more fun. I can show you things no Pearl could show you~ Come on. Yell~ow~ Pearl~" Amethyst presses her chest on Yellow's arm. Amethyst moves away and grabs her cheek making her completely lose it.

I see Blue puff her cheek. She pushes the three apart and stomps away.

"B-blue?" Yellow snaps out of it. Then her face starts to turn pale. I tap on her shoulder.

"What's wrong? Aren't you gonna go after her?" She turns her to me like slowly.

"I have to! Before she gets to Lapis!" We all start to turn pale. She runs after her.

"Let's follow close behind!"

Yellow's POV
I run after Blue. I didn't know she was there. Those two must've seen her and thought of making her jealous! Idiots! I'll kill them later.

My running comes to a stop when I hear a song. I walk slowly,trying to make no noise, towards the sound. Then I see Blue already with Lapis! Curses!

"Can't you see that I'm the one~ who understands you~ Been here along-so why can't you see~~You belong with me~" Lapis sings gently to her sister (a/n: Ik in the show Lapis hasn't sang but I think Lapis will make a great singer. So in this book she just likes to sing to make herself or others happy).

I stomp in front of them. I grab Blue's hand, before anything could happen, and runs away.

I turn the wall and stop. I sit down and try to catch my breath. Blue just stands and avoids eye contact.

"What?" She asked still not looking.

"Ugh stop being so jealous!" I pull her hand and she fell down on me. I lean her head on my chest.

"I only ever loved you." I mumble blushing like crazy. "You don't need to worry.." she clenches my shirt.

"When are you going tell everyone about us?"

"When it's the right time." She nods and sits next to me and leans on my shoulder.

Me being me, I was boiling red. She's too cute for this world. I hug her tighter.

Peridot's POV
Woah. I can't believe she just said that. I could never say something. We were all hiding in the bushes and omg. Amethyst was taking pictures and sending them to The Mums. Pearl was blushing but still watching. Lapis and I were just shocked. Suddenly Amethyst's phone starts blowing up and she just ignores it.

All four's POV
We look at each other. Then we look away embarrassed that we got caught.

"When can I get the guts to tell her?" They all ponder. A frown overcoming their faces.

Thanks for reading! That's a lot for today. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any mistakes.

Word count: 1140
