Sardonyx's Live! Part 1!

Peridot's POV
I get dressed getting ready for  Sardonyx's live. I stand in front of the mirror and puff my chest trying pose a confident.

"Oh who am I kidding!" I fall on to my  bed. Suddenly someone starts banging on my door. I was ready for it to break in half.

"PEEERRRDRRRIDOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!" Boom. My door goes flying to the other side of my room.

"PERIDOT! GET UP IM HELPING YOU GET DRESSED!!" My mum jumps in my room and starts making me wear all types of different clothes.

I look towards where my door used to be to see Yellow P snickering at me. I hissed at her whilst my mum wasn't looking.

"HERE THIS ONE?!" She holds up blue pants and black jacket. I sigh as she looks at me in worry. She really wanted to 'help' me out.

"Well I guess I have no choice." I sigh again sad I grab it off her. She brightens up and pulls my cheek.

I change into a light green T-shirt and put on the thickish sleeveless black jacket. I wear my light blue pants and red shoes, just normal running shoes.

I walk into the kitchen and see mum texting someone happily. She then spots me and waves for me to walk over to her. I walk over to her and she hands me her phone.

"How cute right? I know you've already seen it but..." it was a picture of Yellow Pearl and Blue Pearl cuddling from the other day. I awed at it.

"What's going on here?" Yellow walks in with her car keys swinging around her fingers. She gives us both a confused look and we both just shrug like we don't know.

"Ugh whatever. Hurry up meet me at my car. We're gonna be late." Yellow walks out the door. I had texted Lapis before saying I'm going with Yellow instead. She was wearing a thin black jacket over her shoulders without her arms in the sleeves. She wore a light blue shirt and dark black skinny jeans. She held a yellow bag over her shoulder with her stuff.

"Well I'm off, bye mother." I say as I finish tying my shoe laces. We wave at each other.

"Take care of Pearl!"

I walk out the door and a cold wind hits me as I close the door.

"Woah.." smoke comes out of my mouth. It was freezing! I quickly walk over to Yellow's red ferrari. Our families were pretty rich. Yellow begged for it forever. Since she got the car she won't be getting any gifts for her next five birthdays. She said it was totally worth it.

She starts the car up and I turn on the radio to my favourite radio station. Sing me to sleep comes on. I sing along with it. I look up as we drive across the city at night. The roof had opened up. The city glowed. It was beautiful.

We stop at a red light. Sing me to sleep stops and Ocean Eyes comes on. Yellow turns it down.

"I hate this song..." she mumbles.
"Why? Doesn't it remind you of Blue?" I snicker and she starts swearing at me quietly while blushing like crazy. The light turns green. She drives faster then before,not going over the limit. I try not to be pushed into my seat from the force.

We reach Ruby's house. She needed us to pick her up. So she got in then me and her just talked about work, Yellow joining in every now and then.

Ruby wore a dark red half sleeves shirt and a red jacket over it. She wore dark blue pants. Her shoes were red in different shades. She also wore her red headband like always.

We soon arrive and Yellow parks her car away from everyone else. But as soon as we get out of the car, another car parks right next ours.

"Heeeeeyyyy~~~" Lapis come out of the driving seat of the car. Sapphire and Blue Pearl also exit the car.

Lapis wore a rainbow (the ones people make as diy) T shirt and some light blue shorts. She wore a thin brown jacket and green shoes.

Blue Pearl wore a long dark blue skirt and a light blue shirt. She wore a thick dark blue jacket over and blue shoes.

Sapphire wore a blue mini skirt with white knee high socks underneath. She wore a light blue T shirt and long white arm gloves. Her hair,like always, covering her eyes. Same as Blue Pearl.

Yellow Pearl stares at Blue in awe. She blushed like crazy and covered her mouth.

"Let's get going." I say as everyone starts walking. Blue and Yellow were linking arms (well Blue was) and Ruby and Sapphire were just chatting in front. I was behind texting Jasper.

"What? She's not coming? She's sick?!Seriously?"  Lapis questions looking over my shoulder.

"Hmm. That's what she says. It's obviously a lie. I wonder what she's actually doing..." I grin and put my phone away.

I stuff my hands into my pockets. Then I feel someone else's hand in my jacket pocket. The space tightens up and the person holds my hand. I look up to see Lapis. She was holding my hand. Maybe she was cold. I held her hand tighter.

"Hey nerds!!" Of course it was Amethyst. She wore a dark purple jacket and black thin shirt underneath. She wore black tights and purple light up shoes.

"Hello." Pearl walks up to us. She wore light blue shirt with a yellow star and a blue jacket like Lapis but lighter and looked more white.  She wore white tights and blue shoes.

"Hey Pearl and Amy/Amethyst." Everyone starts chatting again as we head to our seats. Lapis pulls her hand out.

I sit down and Lapis sits down next to me almost immediately. I look at her and she just grins leaning on her palm. I look away blushing and Amethyst sits next to me.

"Hey Amethyst." I put away phone once again.

"Yo Peri."  She replies
"How're things for you nowadays?"
"Good I guess.. Maybe a little stressful."
I pat her back trying cheer her up. She laughs.

"It's nothing bad ya idiot. Just love problems." She glances over to Pearl.

I lean over to her and whisper in her ear,"I feel you." She smiles softly. Our faces were pretty close so I could see her eyes soften. I grin back.

"Ahem." Two voices grab our attention. It was Pearl and Lapis.

"May I sit here?" Pearl asks Amethyst and Amethyst starts to panic a little.

"Uh Ye-n- s-sure!" Amethyst scratches the back of her neck.

I snicker and turn around to Lapis. She had a frown on her face.

"What's wrong?" I look at her worried.

"Hmm nothing." She looks away unamused.

I notice a little stick in her hair. I go out to pull it out. She turns around and our faces were closer then mine and Amethyst. We were an inch away from kissing. She closes her eyes and when the thought of me kissing her comes to my head, I pull away and fall back into my seat.

"S-s-stick" I hold it up and she frowns again.

She leans forward to me whilst I'm still lying on my chair. She leans closer and closer. She stops at the same spot we were in before. And inch away from a kiss. She closes her eyes and I go to close my too.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD EVENINNNNGGGGGG EVERYBODY!!" Sardonyx's voice booms throughout. Lapis leans back with a tsk sound. I sit up properly too and feel a little disappointed. What if she wasn't going for a kiss? I look back at the stage.


"WOOOOOHOOOO!!! GO SISSS!!" Amethyst stands up in seat and starts yelling. Then suddenly from the other side Sugilte could be heard screaming. A lot of people were here so a lot of cheers could be heard.

The show went on for two hours at least. Everything was going fine. When we were going to the car park. Amethyst calls me and Lapis over to her and Pearl.

"Hey guys, wanna go shopping tomorrow?" Amethyst grins at us. Pearl and Lapis nod.

"My schedule is open." I say and they all laugh. Me and Lapis start heading back when suddenly Lapis pulls me into the toilets.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed sorry for any gammer or spelling mistakes. The next chapter will be out soon I hope.

Art is mine btw.
