Break up!

Lapis' POV


"HOLY MOTHER OF THE GREAT BLUE SEA!" I scream as the impact of a slap was felt against my cheek.

"What is wrong with you?!" I lean my bedroom wall holding my cheek.

"I'm sorry. You weren't waking up. You kept calling out-" Blue gets interrupted by Sapphire. She shakes her and Blue Pearl stops.

"What? Who's name was I calling out?! LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!" They walk right out of my room not caring about me. I fall out of bed. I lay on my back and look at the ceiling.

I grab my phone which was on the floor charging. I grab and take the charger out. I had notifications, a lot of them. One stood out the most. The only I properly care to see right now.

"Peri..." I whisper to myself.

"Get up you drunk idiot." I look up to see Yellow Pearl. She came over with Blue Pearl last night and mum insisted she stay. She stayed with Blue Pearl in her room. She talked a lot to her. Blue Pearl also talked a lot. Which was shocking still.

"Drunk..?" I look at her confused.

"Drunk in love." She snickers as she catwalks down the hall.

I get up and head to the kitchen, keeping my phone in my pocket. I sit down on a chair as a plate gets placed before me.

"Thanks...." I mumble eating the pancakes. Blue Pearl sits next to Yellow and scoots closer to her. Yellow was trying so hard not to look embarrassed. Blue had a straight face. Their shoulders were touching each other. Yellow was about to burst.

"Ahh~" Blue grabs a fork and holds up for Yellow to eat. Yellow blushes hard. She slowly bites it. We all snicker.

Suddenly the table starts to shake. Blue and Yellow didn't realize but I did. I looked over and saw Mum shaking the table (not purposely).

"She's holding in the fangirl."both me and Sapphire thought.

I walk around school carrying my books around. I went to the spot I usually sat at while waiting for the bell.

"Look...I'm sorry...but this needs to end." I hear a familiar voice from behind me. I peek over the wall I was leaning on.

I see Amethyst and Peridot talking!

"Peri...? What do you mean?" Amethyst asks her.

"You know what I mean! We're are actually best friends not..more!" Peridot starts getting angry,"This was all to make them feel jealous!"

"Peri...I actually wanted to talk about that too. I was scared though. Thank god. We need to stop this. We'll tell them we broke up because we both thought we are meant to be friends." Amethyst spreads her arms out for a hug. Peridot hugs her and nods.

"Who the fuck is them?" I thought to myself, "When I thought I got rid of Amethyst, then this happens!"

I see Amethyst walk past me without noticing me.

"Hey Lapis."


"You heard huh?" I look over to Peridot as she sits next to me. She looks at me and smiles, putting a finger over her lips,"keep it a secret okay?"

I gulp and nod slowly.

Sitting near the wall I always sat at, I listened to my music and eating.

"Cuz you're the gossip girl~ I thought you were real to me~The Goss~ip~girl" I sing to myself.

"What's looking good cooking?"

"Nothin much.What do you want?" I pause my music as I look at Amethyst grinning. She sits next to me. I continue to eat.

"What'd you think when you heard our little secret?" I choke.

"Whaaaaat? Secret? I haven't heard one of them in like three years! Ahahahhahaahahhahkillmeahahahhahahaha" I stuff my face with chips.

She chuckles,"Its fine. I don't care. I felt horrible. I used Peridot to make *cough* feel jealous." I miss the name because I coughed.

"Hey at least you get a chance at Peridot now, am I right? I'm right." I cough like crazy. She starts laughing her head off.

"Hey Lapi-" Peridot comes into view. "Oh. Hey Amethyst. Well I guess you're busy right now. I'll tell you later."

"No no. I think I should leave now" Amethyst walks away not even listening to us. Peridot was blushing like crazy for some reason. Was it cause of Amethyst?

She kneels down in front of me,"Wanna hang out on Sunday? I have ticket to Sardonyx's live. We can go together."

"Hell yeah! I'm comin'! What time?" I grin.

"I'll tell you that later. I just needed an answer. Amethyst and some others are coming along.." she scratches the back of her neck. I nod and put my headphones back 0n.

She next to me and leans on my shoulder. She kept cuddling close and closer. Then she stopped. Thank god anymore and I would've tackled her and never let go.

Music blasts out my headphones. This was like a dream. My favourite music playing and my crush and me on each other and at a place no one could bother us. This was life.
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any mistakes. Btw my artwork.

Word count: 878
