HighSchool Starts!

Steven's POV
"Cookie cat! His a pe-"
I slide on my phone to close my alarm. I was already up before the alarm went off and was watching it. It was my first day of high school! Lars and Sadie are going to the same high school as me too!  That's not the only thing! We're all going to the high school my mum teaches! Well I mean works at. I practically jump out of bed and fall to the ground with a thump.


"STEVEN ARE YOU OKAY? I HEARD SOMETHING FALL TO THE GROUND!" My dad busts through the door. He sighs in relief when he sees me on the floor. I look up and grin at him. He lifts me and puts me back onto my feet.

"Hurry up and get changed, Kiddo." He starts walking out of my room."Don't want to be late now do we?" I shake my head even though he can't see me. I close the door and change into my uniform. Sucks that I have to wear uniform but at least i have my friends. I grab my cheese burger backpack, that I spent all night preparing, and rush to the kitchen. My dad was cooking some pancakes. I throw my backpack onto the chair next to mine. I grab my fork and knife and slam my fist onto the table. My dad turns around and slides me a plate of pancakes. We look at each other and then start singing.


"Woah woah woah! Copyright! That song ain't from your show. You can't sing that!" Ayesha(the author) cuts us off.
We look down," Sorry..."

"You better be. Queens out." She disappears.

Dad continues making more pancakes this time for himself. I gooble up my pancakes. He soon finishes and turns off the stove. He grabs a chair next to me with his plate of pancakes. Both of us munching on our pancakes, he finally decides to say something.

"Yu eited or kool?" He mumbles out while still eating.

"Bup! M guna mak show man frens at kool!" I gulp the last of my pancakes and drink  cup of water to finish it off, "Plus! I can't wait to see mum!"

"Of course...Say hi to her for me. I miss her a lot. But we're both always busy." He grins to himself. The front door's bell rings. I grab my backpack.

"BYE DAD SADIE MUST BE HERE!" I shout quickly as I run to the door. I open the door to see Sadie smiling and waving.

"Hey Steven! Are you excited?" Sadie says as we start walking towards Lars house.

"Of course! Hey Sadie?" I turn to her and she hums a "Hmm?" To me. "Let's make some new friends! Lars always leaves us alone and makes new friends for himself. It just isn't fair!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah! Let's make some new friends!" She turns around and grins at me. I grin back.

We start talking about our holidays even though we called each basically every day.

Without looking Sadie bumps into someone. "Sorry!"

"Watch it, idiot!" I couldn't make out who it was because of the sun.

"Sorry.." Sadie says again.

"That hurt, Fatty!" The person turns around. It was a man. He was wearing sunglasses. He had a red jacket over his uniform.

"I-I-I-" Sadie looks like she was about to cry as she over herself. I stand in front of her and growl.

"This is a highschool. Not a kindergarten, kid." He snickers at me. It doesn't effect me.

"You're not cool! Be real! I know you have a soft side!" I shout.

"Awww his cute. Buck that's enough." A girl peeks over his shoulder.

"I need to teach her lesson." He grins evilly and cracks his fingers.

"Hey! Cut it out!" We turn around to see someone we knew. "She said she was sorry."

"L-lars!" Sadie blushes and smiles.

"Lars?" The guy looks at him as the girl behind him shouts out his name.

"Wha-?!" He steps back as he sees the girls face. Blushing grabs on to the back of my shirt,not visible to anyone in front.

"Wha-What are you doing here?!" He shouts.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.
Where I got the idea for fatty thing.

Word count: 735
