Chapter Two

As the week went by I got my work ahead of time and tried to finish what I could but still have some left. I am in my room, a single bed with a purple blanket, tan walls, a miniature desk against the wall. I have a big bag on the bed and I am packing my clothes inside the bag and I then sling it over my shoulder and go downstairs, where my parents are sitting at the counter, eating breakfast. "I'm all set." I say, setting my bag down and walking into the kitchen.

"Okay sweetie. I think Charlie is out there already, it's going to be a long drive." My mom says, she has hazel eyes like me and my dad and they both have dark brown hair. My dad is tall and muscular and my mom is small.

"Great, well, I will see you guys in a month, right?" I ask, trying to make sure that I was right.

"Yes. Be careful up there and tell Charlie that I said to look after you." My dad says, hugging me and giving me a kiss on the top of my head and then my mom does the same.

I walk outside, noticing that it is still dark out, with my bag to see Charlie in his red sports car and has the rooftop down. I sling my bag into the backseat, "You ready?" I ask getting in the car.

"Yeah, just super tired." He yawns and he then begins to drive off. I begin to shiver and he presses a button to bring the top back up. "You can sleep, if you want." Charlie suggests, shifting in his seat.

"Okay, thanks." I say, sliding down in my seat and slowly closing my eyes. 

I open my eyes as the sun begins to come up and an orange haze is across the sky. I scoot up in my seat and look over at Charlie, he has his phone out and frowning at it. The car begins to drift into the other lane that I quickly take the wheel and slide it over. "Charlie?" I yell, scared. "Why didn't you wake me up, I can help you." I say, taking the phone away from him.

"You seemed relaxed." He explains sorrowful.

"It's okay. You need me to drive?" I ask, cautiously.

"Please; wait is that Bryce?" He then asks, pointing to the road and as I look I see a black SUV pulled off to the side of the road with smoke coming from the hood. There is a man leaning against the car, and he does kinda look like Bryce. "Let's see."

Charlie pulls off and we both get out the car, we walk up to him and he turns around, surprised. "Oh, hey."

"Hey, having trouble?" Charlie asks, going to the hood of the car. 

"Yeah, not exactly sure what's wrong with it." He says, scratching his head.

"Where are you headed?" I ask frowning.

"It's a, uh, a scholarship opportunity in the mountains."

Charlie and I exchange looks and then we nod because we are thinking the same thing. "Well, we're also heading there so if you want you can ride with us and you can call Triple A to get your car." Charlie says, shutting the hood.

"I don't have Triple A."

"You can use mine and they can take it to my garage when we get back."

"Oh thanks, that means a lot. I really need this scholarship." He scoffs.

Charlie hands him his phone and we head back to the car, "Let me see the keys." I demand from Charlie. "You can sleep, I'll get Bryce to hold the phone." Charlie hands me the keys and I look over at Bryce, describing the location. "Ane be nice." I say smiling.

"Hey, thanks again." Bryce says handing Charlie his phone back. I feel unsure about having Bryce riding with us since we barely know him. 

"No problem. Listen, Charlie almost killed us before we reached you so I'm letting him sleep, can you hold the phone?" I ask in a soft and uncomfortable tone. He nods and we get in the car with Charlie outstretched in the back; Bryce has the phone with the directions on the screen and we begin to drift back onto the road. 
