Chapter Seven

We begin on the same trail that I went on yesterday and we continue up where we reach the highest peak. The sun is shining bright against the snowy mountain and as I look down there is nothing but ridges, snow, and trees. "This is incredible." I say smiling.

"Yeah, we should take a picture." Charlie says pulling his phone out. I walk behind Charlie and rest my head on Charlie's shoulder and Bryce comes behind me and his hands rest on my side as he leans in the picture. The sun is shining bright in the background.

"I don't think you got in the picture Bryce, Scarlett was probably hiding you." Audrey remarks coming up from the curve.

"Audrey, you just need to really shut up, right now." I say angrily and walk up to her.

"Or what? You'll eat me?"

The rage then just filled me and I ball my fists up and punch the side of her face, sending a slight pain through my hand. She looks up at me almost full of tears then angry. Audrey tackles me but I use my force to push her back and we begin to throw punches at each other. I keep pushing her further back until she grabs my hand and I spin around to where my foot reaches the edge. "Audrey! No!" I yell before we both fall down and I begin to slide down the mountain; I hear faint screams from the top but they are then covered by mine and Audrey's. The snow is covering me and I am jumping in the air and all I see is white and some brown from the trees. My body hits a tress causing my body to flip to the other side where my head hits another trees and I lose consciousness.

My body is completely sore and I am at the very bottom in the woods. I move over to the my side and look around. I am freezing due to all the snow and freezing temperatures; I attempt to get up but I shriek in pain. I put my hand against the closest tree to me and pull up on it; I lean against the tree and look around for Audrey but I don't see anybody. I begin to limp my way to the left and I reach a snow path, where it must lead to the cabin. I walk up the path but I hear something behind me and I quickly turn around to see and hear nothing. "Audrey!" I call out. "Is that you?" Nobody answers so I continue up the path.

The temperature begins to get worse and it is getting harder to keep going up the slope path. My body begins to slow down but suddenly I am tackled and turned around. There is a man on top of me, he has blonde hair and dark red eyes; his mouth is wide open with fangs out. I scream and trying to fight his strength, I try to push his face away from me but he takes my arms and digs his nails into them and slams them down on the ground. His mouth reaches the lower part of my neck.

"Scarlett?!" I hear someone yell.

The man looks up and snarls, "You got away this time but I will be back for you. We all will." He whispers in my ear and licks my neck then disappears before my eyes.

I gasp for air and start to crawl backwards, crying and panting really hard out of fear. I then jump and scream as I back into somebody's leg; I crawl forward but they grab my shoulder gently and they appear in front of me on their knees. Charlie and Bryce. I stare at them for a moment and then I just cry and put my head on the edge of both their shoulders; they wrap their arms around me. "Scarlett?" Charlie grabs my face and pulls it back. "It's okay, we're here."

"No! It's not. There was someone here and they attacked me!" I scream out. Bryce frowns and looks angry but Charlie looks at me like I am crazy. "I'm not crazy."

"I know." Bryce says. "Jesus, you're injured." He says analyzing me with his hands.

"I will stay out here and make sure that there is no one out here. How about that?" Charlie asks but I shake my head and grab his hands.

"No! Don't please!" I scream.

Charlie squeezes my hands, "Okay, okay. Let's go back to the cabin." They help me up and I put my arms around their shoulders and limp all the way up the slope and we reach the cabin. We walk into the cabin where Audrey is breathing hard as James and Caylee patch her up. She has a few scratches along her arm and dirt smudges.

"You!" She yells getting up and standing in front of me. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You started it. Just leave me alone." I comment limping past her and slightly nudging her.

Will then comes down the stairs with his jacket on, "Scarlett, I was about to some look for you."

I just eye him but don't say anything and continue upstairs; the pain just spreads through my legs, torso, and head. I reach my door and just flop against it, I sling the door open and fall onto my bed. "Scarlett? I brought the first aid kit." Bryce says coming into the room but he sees me laying against the bed and rushes to my side. "Come here." He whispers and puts his arm underneath mine and helps me up and I lay further up on my bed.

I shriek in pain and grab Bryce's hand. He turns my hands over to look at my forearm and begins to bandage them up. He then brings my face towards him and cleans up the blood. I try to move but my legs and sides just hurt. "Ah!" I pull my shirt up and there is a purple bruise along my side. "Dammit!"

"How is she looking Bryce?" Charlie asks, coming in the room

"It's not good. She had a lot of injuries and she is bruised throughout; she won't be able to move as much." Bryce responds looking at Charlie and then back at me. "Charlie, there were claw marks along her forearm." I lay my head back against the bedpost and close my eyes. My head and body is hurting. I realize that my hand is holding Bryce's but I still hold it because the pain is too much right now. "Listen, I will stay with her to make sure everything is okay. Is that good with you?" Bryce asks, looking at me and all I manage to do is nod.

"Alright, I'm just going to make sure that everything is good downstairs." Charlie says leaving the room and closing it behind him. I lower my body, while still holding his hand, I try to go to sleep but I can't with the pain and without dreaming about the man. Bryce lays down near my feet, but it doesn't matter because I ball up. Bryce is still holding my hand, gently, making me feel like I am not alone. 
