Chapter Eight

I am running again in the woods and panting hard as I turn around. I trip on a tree trunk and fall on my knees, scraping them. The man from before appears in front of me and grabs me by my shirt and slings me against a tree. "I told you I would be back." He whispers walking to me with his fangs out.

"Scarlett, wake up!" Bryce calls out shrugging me by my shoulders and as I open my eyes he caresses my face and I can't help myself; I bring him close to me as I sit up and cry into his shoulder and neck. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here."

"Bryce, I swear there is someone on this mountain and something is terribly wrong." I cry out. I lean back slightly grab his shirt and look him in his eyes, his emerald green eyes.

He puts his hand back on my face and I lower my head, "Don't worry about that. I will keep you safe, okay? Me and Charlie will."

"He might be after us all, Bryce." I whisper. Bryce shakes his head and forms circles along my face with his thumb.

"It's okay." He puts his arm around me and I just fall on his chest, crying. I fall asleep in his arms.

As I wake up, I am on top of Bryce's chest and his arm is around me and I am holding his hand. I slowly slide up but the pain brings me back down, causing me to slam against Bryce's body. I turn my head towards the covers and bury it; Bryce rolls over and moves a strand of my hair behind my ear to look at me. "Let me check your wounds." He whispers sitting up, taking his glance away from me quickly. I sit up also and lay my head on the bedpost. He uncovers the bandages along my forearm and the claw marks are dark and red all around. I close my eyes as he analyzes the rest of the wounds.

"Hmm, I don't remember these being here." Bryc says addressing the scrapes on my knee and I can only stare at them, scared. "Scarlett?" He calls out.

I snap back to reality, still stricken with fear. "Bryce this is from my dream." I say getting out of bed.

"Wait, take it easy. You were realyy injured." Bryce gets up and comes to my side.

"I'm fine." I sigh. "Listen, you need to start on your paper, don't worry about me." I limp towards my bag and grab fresh clothes. Bryce still stands behind me and I pause, "Literally. Bryce, please. I am fine. Don't get behind on your essay, I should really work on mine." I look up at Bryce and he is full of worry but then nods and walks out. I slump down on my bed as he closes the door. I change, while sitting on the bed, into a black short sleeve shirt and black yoga pants.

I worked on my paper the full day and got at least three pages in and managed to go downstairs, which was very painful, to find out that I am alone. I fix me some noodles to eat, wash the dishes, and go back upstairs, where I decided to take a shower but very carefully since the water is rough against my wounds. I wrap a towel around me as I get out the shower and just put my clothes on and don't worry about brushing my hair.

I clean off my bed and just lie falt on the bed, feeling relaxed. I close my eyes, sighing. "Hey beautiful." I hear a familiar voice say, I turn my head towards the door, where Will stands. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Is everybody back?" I ask sitting up.

"No, I went out on my own. I wanted to see you all day." He says, softly walking close and sits on the bed. "I love you."

"Will...I really don't think we can workt that way." I say slowly.

Will looks at me full of sorrow and then angry, "Are you serious? I cut all ties with my friends just to be with you. I mean seriously, how could you of all people be so picky on who you want?"

I stand up quickly, angry, not caring about the pain. "What the hell does that mean?"

"What I mean is that all you have is your brains, there is nothing special about you. Why would anybody like you, chubbs."

"You asshole! Then why even bother." I yell.

He gets up and charges after me; slinging me down on the bed. He lays on top of me, pinning me down with his weight; he forces his lips on top of mine, I try to resist him but there is no point in trying. He moves his hand to the hem of my shirt and raising it up, till he reaches my breast. Will moves his kiss from my lips to my neck and then he goes lower to my torso. I scream as he begins to slide my pants down and begins to moves his mouth lower and I continue to scream, trying to kick free.

"Scarlett!?" I hear two voices call out. Charlie and Bryce.

"Help! Charlie! Bryce!" I yell. They bust into the room and quickly rush to Will breaking him away from me. Bryce has his hold on Will, while Charlie brings me close to him, wrapping me in his arms. Charlie's arm is wrapped around my shoulders and I grab hold of his arm as I crawl away from Will. "Bryce, come on." I say reaching my arm out and he frowns at me but then comes towards me. I put my arm around his shoulder and walk out of the room with him and Charlie.

"Scarlett, I didn't want to..." Will begins to say but I keep going and go into Charlie's room. They lay me down gently on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Charlie asks, full of worry.

"I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes." I sigh. I recall the events over and over in my head and that's when everything clicked. I sit up quickly but they grab my shoulders; I shrug them off and get up. I head upstairs, quickly, as I reach the bottom step the others come in. I go to them and push them all, one by one. "You are all assholes! Why would you try to do something like that?" I scream out.

"What are you talking about?" Audrey asks, crossing her arms.

"I'm talking about Will."

"Oh my god," Caylee says smiling. "He went through with it? With you?" She begins to laugh along with the others.

"No, he didn't do it. Why would you do something like this?" I ask, almost full of tears.

"Because we really need that scholarship. If we got rid of you then that would be our biggest competition out the way."

"So you wanted to kill me? By throwing me off the mountain and trying to get Will to..." I trail off and can't complete the sentence.

"We just wanted to frighten you." James says, smiling.

"This isn't funny, James." Charlie speaks up, stepping beside me.

I just sigh, and turn around, heading upstairs. Will is coming down the stairs and we both stop, I can see the sorrow in his eyes but I walk past him, bumping his arm. I go into my room and slam the door. I take my laptop and begin to to type as fast as I can about the mountain. As I get a good amount of words in I take my flashdrive out and save it immediately; I take the drive and shove it underneath my mattress. If they are trying to sabatoage my work then they might come for my paper and destroy it; I need to hide it. 
