Chapter Nine

I stayed locked up in my room, resting and trying to regain my strength. I had been moving around too much since Will attacked me and my body is in full throttle pain now. I know Charlie would give me my space and that is the main reason why I love him, he knows when I need time to myself. I am underneath the covers and look down at the the marks on my forearm and feel afraid; scared of being by myself on this mountain. A knock comes to my door and Bryce walks in, "Hey."

"Hey," I whisper, wiping my eyes quickly and turn around to face him. He stares at me full of worry. "I'm fine." 

"Okay. Charlie when out to explore, I stayed to make sure everything is okay."

"Thank you for everything." I say almost crying. Bryce sits on the bed, in front of me.

"Don't worry about it, you're a good friend, we take care of each other." I look into his eyes and feel calm. "I'll let you rest." He says, getting up but I grab his arm before he walks away.

"Wait, can you please stay with me?" I ask, frightened.

Bryce stares at me up and down, "Yeah. Are you sure you are okay?" He asks, sitting beside me, leaning back against the post.

"I just feel like I am going crazy. Bryce, something did attack me, it had fangs."

"Slow down, it's okay. Come here." He whispers, bringing me close to him, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Charlie! I need to find Charlie to make sure he is safe. He is out there alone, Bryce." I get up and go for my coat.

"Woah, your hair is damped, it is cold out, and you are injured." Bryce tries to reason.

"No, there is something out thre and it's like it hunting us. Charlie is out there alone." I zip my jacket up and limp towards the door. Bryce grabs my arm but as I look at him, he nods and walks with me. We go downstairs and he puts his jacket on as I walk out. "Do you know which way he went?"

"This way." He responds walking right. I follow behind him but keep looking behind me. We get to a two way path. I look around and see footprints to the right and some going straight; I look to the right and there are four footprints then there are two striaght.

"Go straight. Down there is where I fell and there are signle prints this way." I say walking forward.

"Wow, you're smart." Bryce says continuing straight. I look around and it seems to be a iced bridge going to the mountains across. We walks across and reach the edn, where Charlie is walking up, writing in his notebook.

"Charlie." I call out and go to him, he looks at me confused and then at Bryce.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks, putting his hands on my shoulder. "You know your hair is damped."

"Look I told her but she didn't listen."

"You need to get warm, Scar." Charlie says.

"I had to make sure you were okay. There is something out here Charlie and right now you need to believe me." I reason grabbing his hands and trying to drag him but he takes his hand away and puts his hand on my arm.

"You know, Charlie, you should really listen to her." A familiar voice remakrs behind Charlie; I look over Charlie's shoulder as he turns around. It is the man from before. I quickly drag Charlie beside me. 

"Leave us alone." I demand, trying to be strong.

"What would be the point the that, Scarlett? I've missed you." He says, stepping forward and I back up, along with pushing Charlie back. I stop as I hit Bryce's shoulder. 

"What do you want?" Bryce asks, stepping forward. I grab his shoulder and he stops but he is tensed.

"Isn't it obvious, Bryce? I want her." The man says coming closer; he turns his gaze to me and can see my confusion and then back to Bryce and he begins to laugh. "You haven't told her, have you?"

"What is happening? Bryce?" I ask walking to Bryce's side and touching his shoulder. He doesn't answer for the longest time that I shrug his arm, "Bryce?"

"Bryce-y boy. You know how important she is, especially to me." 

"Charlie, get her out of here, right now." Bryce pushes me back, slightly into Charlie and then charges after the man; tackling him. Charlie grabs around my shoulders and begins to drag me away. I begin to run but turn around to see Bryce handling the man.

We are back at the cabin and Charlie rushes me in the house and everybody is back in the house. "What the hell, guys? You almost gave ma a heart attack." Caylee says coming from behind the counter with a sucker. I turn around and look at the door and try to see the way we came from. Nothing.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Audrey asks, getting up along with James.

I ignore them and turn to Charlie. "We need to go make sure he is safe, Charlie."

"He seems to have everything on lockdown back there." Charlie whispers. "You need to get warm, if he is not back in a few minutes we can go back out, all right?" I rub my forehead and nod. He guides me upstairs and whispers something to the others. I go up the stairs but bump into Will. He puts his hand along my arm but Charlie quickly slings it away.

"Scarlett, listen I am really sorry. I do care for you just they forced me to."

"Leave me alone, Will." I whisper walking past him. I walk into my room and Charlie closes the door behindhim. "Charlie, what in the hell is going on?" I ask sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. 

"I do not know." He sighs. Something then covers me and as I look up at Charlie I see that he had put a red throw over me. He then sits beside me and puts his arm over me, shrugging me, trying to warm me up. My leg is shaking, uncontrollably. 

It seems like forever since I saw Bryce, I am laying down on the bed while Charlie is pacing back and forth. Suddenly, we hear a door slam downstairs and then there is a lot of gasps; I shoot up quickly and Charlie and I exchange looks. I stand up and wait for my door to open as I hear footsteps. The door creaks open, slowly, and Bryce walks in with blood running down his head and mouth. I walk forward and Bryce slumps against my shoulder and I quickly drag him to my bed, with the assistance of Charlie. "Charlie, we need something to patch him up." I say, full of worry.

Charlie runs out the room and slams it. I look down at Bryce and can see he is in pain, he turns his face towards mine and is full of sorrow. "Scarlett...I'm sorry..." He whispers, trailing off.

"Shh, don't talk now." I say, putting my hand against his cheek; he turns hid head to the side and closes his eyes. 
