Chapter Eighteen

I wake up in a white room, with monitors beeping. I look over to see Charlie and Bryce sitting in a chair, asleep. I look over at the papers on the desk. Doe, Jane.  I frown. "Pst. Charlie. Bryce." I call out and they both move slightly. I take the pen of the desk and throw it at Charlie.

"Huh? Oh, Scarlett. Bryce, wake up." Charlie says excitedyly and shakes Bryce awake.

"Scarlett." They get up and rush to my side.

"I think I'm Jane." I say smiling and raising my eyebrow.

"I didn't want your parents to freat out so I tole them your name is literally Jane Doe. I worked on the paperwork and that is pretty much like your second life. Don't worry, I'll get you home." He says and my smile fades. Bring me back home. Not us? "What's wrong?"

"You're not staying?" I ask serious, about to break down.

"Scarlett..." He trails off.

"Really, you're going to leave me now? So Jarsen was right, you can't be with me? I am so stupid to think that I could actually open up." I say putting my head on the pillow and close my eyes. "Leave. Both of you."

"I'm staying."

"I said leave. Wait what?" I ask opening my eyes and Bryce begins to smile.

"Why would you do that, Bryce? I am still scared and then you do that. Jeez." Bryce leans down and caresses my face with his hand and kisses me. "I'm sorry." He whispers.

"Should we go before the doctors come?" Charlie asks wary, looking out the small window on the brown door.

"Yes. Scarlett, can you walk?" Bryce asks and I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. I take a few steps and stop as my wound worsens but I push past it and go to the door. Charlie peaks through and nods; we rush out the room and run to the entrance. Running outside the cold weather hits me as we follow Charlie to his car where it is already cranked up and has warm temperature inside. Bryce brings me close to him and throws a blanket, one he stole from the hospital, over me. I am wearing only the hospital gown and no shoes; and I am shivering in Bryce's arms.

"Bryce, I don't want to go home." I whisper, he applies his lips to the top of my head.

"It's okay. I will be there with you along with Charlie." He responds, rubbing me with his arms to keep me warm.

"Scarlett, Bryce. It is going to be a long ride. So you may want to rest."

"We can rent a room in a hotel. I have money. You can call your parents." Bryce says and he then intertwines his hands with mine.

We step at a hotel and I am laying down in the back, covered up, waiting for Bryce to pay for the room and Charlie to find me some clothes. Charlie gave me his jacket to keep me warm while I wait but it is no use because I am still shivering like crazy. Charlie yanks the door quickly, causing me to jump. "Sorry. Here I got these from the store across the street." I grab the clothes and he blocks the window for me to get dressed. I put on a black sweater and black yoga pants; then I put on warm socks and luckily Charlie found my extra shoes in the back of the trunk. After getting dressed, I walk out the car with the blanket around me and hand Charlie his coat back.

Bryce comes out with two keycards and hands one to Charlie. "Our room number is 106. Let's go." We rush in the hotel, with a magnificent lobby, huge desk, bright lights, and couches everywhere in the middle with a big flat screen TV. We take the elevator up and find our room in the middle of the hallway. Bryce opens the door and we walk in; there are two bedrooms, one to the left and one to the right, a huge living room with a couch, counter, and another TV.

I go to the couch and sit down, which causes my wound to hurt. I lift my shirt up to see a bandage over my wound; I touch my neck and can feel the indentions of the bite, which makes me shutter. "Hey, there are two bathrooms, so if anybody wants to take a shower." Bryce informs to me and Charlie. I nod and immediately go to the shower.

I take a warm shower and put my clothes back on. I go back into the living room and Charlie finishes talking to his parents. As Charlie goes to take a shower, Bryce comes out the other bathroom, and Charlie must have gotten him some clothes too, he is wearing a white shirt and also black pants. Bryce wearing that shirt makes me blush because I can see his abs through the white, damped, shirt. I pick up the phone and dial my mom's number, waiting for her to pick up. "Hello?"

"Hey mom, it's me." I say nervous.

"Sweety. I have been so worried. I have been trying to reach you."

"I know, I've been so caught up in my research and I sort of lost my phone on the mountain."

"It's okay. Just as long as you are safe. I was afraid that something had happened." I know what that something is. "Don't worry, you're getting your phone back. A nice man from the mountain said he found your phone and he is going to bring it down."

"What? Who?" I ask, scared. Bryce leans us, quickly, curious.

"His name was...uh...hold on...honey, what was that man's name? It was an odd name...That's right, Jarsen." My heart stops as she says that name. "He wanted me to tell you an inside joke 'I'm coming for.'" 

"Mom, I have to go. Love you." I hang the phone up and put my head in my hands.

"Scarlett, what is happening?"

"Jarsen. He's coming." I whisper and Bryce puts his arms around and I put my head on his shoulder. This isn't over; just the beginning. 
