Chapter 6

Kasey's POV

March 27, 2015

It had been 3 months since the rooftop. Three months. It was now 2015, and yet nothing had happened since then. I was kind of disappointed. I constantly wondered whether Ben actually liked me or not, since he didn't want to bring the kiss up. Sometimes I doubted he even liked me and I hallucinated the whole thing because I liked him that much, but I'd have to remind myself it was real. And yet, our flirtationship continued. I liked it, but I was still always wondering if anything else was ever going to happen and I just got my hopes up. Everyone knew we had "a thing", there was constant teasing.

I knew Ben and I would have to talk about it at some point, whether he wanted to or not. I just had to know if I was kidding myself. Did we really have the special connection I thought we did? At the same time, either outcome could ruin our friendship, and I always want to be friends with him. Sky would always tease me and say "my cheeks looked as red as his hair", but he never really confronted me. Until today.

"Alright Kasey, real talk. I know your little flirting game is something more. What's up with you and Ben?" Sky asked as we walked down the hotel hall. Sky had just got done making fun of the way I'd just awkwardly said goodbye to Ben, but now he was serious. I started to get the nervous feeling I've been getting, and I sighed.

"I wish I knew. Don't tell anyone this- but we kissed a few months ago on my birthday. And he hasn't brought it up since," I admitted.

"Okayyy Kasey get it," Sky smirked, and I laughed and blushed. "Already knew that, though."

"What?" I exclaimed, and he shrugged.

"Ben told me." Of course he did, they were friends. Woah. He talks about me to his friends. Who else did he tell?? So maybe this is turning into something...

"Word here moves too fast," I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Do you like him?" I pressed my lips together, not sure if I should admit it.

"Yeah, I like him a lot. I, um- I've connected with him a lot. I just don't know if he actually likes me back. I think he just thinks we're friends now," I said. Sky raised an eyebrow.

"Friends don't look at each other like that," he claimed. I felt the butterflies again.

"Like what?" I denied.

"Like you two are the only people to ever exist and you're all in love and shit. It's insufferable," Sky pretended to gag, and I swatted him.

"Well, um... I don't know. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to feel, I don't know-"

"I think you should just talk to him. Be bold, confront him. Benny's probably just a little shy. Just between me and you- he talks about you. A lot. All good things, even if he just makes fun of you to your face," Sky told me. My heart beat faster as he said that. This can't be real. I'm scared, because it feels like I am about to let another boy in for the first time in a long time. I never imagined this would happen, but somehow I hadn't stopped myself from getting close to Ben.

"You think I should just confront him? I'm scared," I looked up at him with a smile. He smiled back, putting a friendly arm around me as we walked.

"That's right Capri Sun Lady." I groaned as he said that, and we laughed as we walked into the elevator. These few months had still been the best of my life. Sure, maybe I was away from my family, but I was still living out a daydream. It was a dream to become Young Katherine every night, sharing her story of dreaming to be a reporter when she grew up. The fansies were amazing supporters and never failed to make me laugh with their silly edits on Instagram and Twitter. I had the most amazing cast and friends, and each day was a new day that I promised myself to live out fully. I never wanted this part of my life to end.


After an exhausting rehearsal, I was back in my hotel room mulling over everything Sky had said to me earlier. Sky was right, we just needed to talk. I needed to find out how he really felt so I could figure out if this was just another failed relationship. I mentally decided I would finally talk to him tomorrow, but I decided to call Amber for her advice. We didn't always get to talk a lot, anymore. She was always busy with school, and sometimes we were in different time zones. We felt distant, but I tried not to worry too much. We would always be best friends.

"Amber!" I was pleasantly surprised that she picked up.

"Hey, Kasey!" she said, sounding tired.

"Let me guess, AP Bio stress again?"

"Yes," she let out a laugh. "AP Bio and literally everything."

"Sorry to hear that. Hey, spring break soon though, right? Get excited!"

"Yeah, yeah," she sighed. I bit my lip at her disinterested responses. I'm sure it was unintentional, she was busy.

"Is everything... okay?"

"Oh, uh, yes! I'm sorry, I just got home from a study session and I'm exhausted. I miss you," she started to perk up, which made me smile.

"I miss you too." Amber caught me up on the latest school drama and other things happening in her life, and I told her about my new dilemma. I told her about my meltdown in front of Ben and our kiss when they'd both happened, and she'd freaked out of course. She'd claimed she was psychic because she said Ben sounded like a good choice at the beginning of tour.

"Do you even need to hear my answer on this one?"

"Well. I already know you're going to say I should just talk to him," I agreed.

"Duh! You need to talk to him!! Best case scenario, you have a boyfriend! Worst case scenario, he just wants to be friends and we can get back on our 'men are trash' agenda." I laughed at her answer.

"I mean, I guess... I just- I just don't think I should date-"

"You like him, Kasey. You've told me so much about him, he sounds like a great guy. You've told him so much about you. I really don't think he's going to hurt you in any way. You trust him, right?"

"Well, yeah. I guess- I guess I don't really need to be scared," I admitted, and the realization made me calm.

"That's my girl! I'm so proud of you, I know it probably took a lot to become so close to him."

"I think it was for the better. I just feel like we have something special, maybe. I hope we do."

"There's only one way to find out..."

"I know, I know! I'll talk to him!" We both giggled, and then sat in silence for a moment.

"You don't even need me, now." Amber broke the silence in a monotone voice.


"You've got everything- you're on tour, you have fans, and almost a cute ass boyfriend," she said, a little more lightheartedly.

"Not everything is as perfect as it seems," I sighed. "It never is. And, I do not have everything. You know what I don't have?"


"My best friend with me. I miss and love you. You know you can talk to me whenever?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay, good. I promise becoming rich and famous does not mean leaving my best friend behind," I joked and she laughed lightly. We talked for a little while longer, and then we finally hung up. She was more distant than usual, it only seemed to be getting worse. I know that she had school and other friends, but I missed her and the way we used to be.


It was intermission of our first show on a two show day when things finally changed. I was walking between dressing rooms when I felt a soft hand lightly tap on my shoulder. I flinched a little, but turned around to see a familiar face embellished with his trademark half smile.

"Hey Ben," I tried to keep my smile from becoming too big, and my stomach flipped with butterflies. Even though all he did was touch my shoulder, I couldn't help but smile. Anytime I even thought about him, I smiled. And this is why I need to confront him.


"Hey Benjamin-ohhhhh never mind. Can't interrupt young love in the making. You two keep going," Nico interrupted with a smirk, and then winked at me and walked away, whispering with Jordan and nudging him. I shook my head at him, but giggled and then turned back, noticing Ben's cheeks were pink like mine.

"Soooo um," he stammered, his voice low. The few seconds he waited to say something felt like a few long, anxious hours. I had a feeling he was finally going to bring up the rooftop, and I internally panicked a little.

"We've kind of been forgetting about uh... " he looked around, as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "That night on the rooftop." He rubbed the back of his neck, leaning against the door frame. Called it, I mentally congratulated myself.

"Yeah...So... What exactly are we then?" I questioned, biting my lip. Ben glanced at the clock quickly, and then back at me, gazing into my eyes. My heart was still pounding.

"We'll find out what we are after the show." Ben smirked and turned on his heel, leaving my eyes wide, wondering what that meant. The butterflies in my stomach multiplied by a thousand and I tiptoed to my dressing room, pondering all the possibilities.


Ben's POV

Our show was over, and we all went to our dressing rooms. My stomach flipped, as if someone were jumping on a trampoline inside it. I slowly wiped the dirt makeup off my face but I was too distracted to pay attention. I didn't want to admit it, but I was nervous to talk to Kasey. I had no idea what to say, because I still had no idea what she meant to me. Yes, I obviously cared about her- but feelings are confusing and I don't know how to put them in words. It was easier to avoid them, yet they never went away.

Our relationship has changed a lot these past 6 months. We started off as good friends, and now we're- well, whatever this is. I didn't think I'd had feelings for her, but I guess Josh caught on before I even realized. We've grown really close, which apparently isn't like her. I'm really glad she's grown close with me, though. I really, really, liked her and I really wanted to tell her. But I also liked our friendship, and I didn't want to ruin it. But hey, if I shoot my shot, I could have the most amazing girlfriend in the world. There was so much to consider, but I had to figure it out before I left today. I contemplated all this for a while.

"Yo Ben- you okay there?" Nico asked, and I snapped out of my stare noticing that everyone else was already leaving. I was still in costume with half of my face still covered in dirt makeup.

"Yeah. Yeah. Fine," my voice cracked, and I tried to focus on taking off the dirt makeup again.

"Oh c'mon Benny boy. What's up?" Jeff smiled and pulled up a chair, Nico and Mike Ryan following behind him. I sighed and put down the makeup wipe, and turned to face them.

"So you probably know me and Kasey are kinda close-"

"Close? HA! You guys are practically married. Just date her already," Jeff declared in his normal loud manner.

"Nico and I have bets on when you'll finally ask her out- I bet him twenty bucks that it'd be before April," Mike smirked. I felt my cheeks turn pink. Did everyone realize I had feelings for her before I even did?

"Damn, I didn't realize it was that obvious." I laughed and stared down at my lap, not sure if I was more nervous or relieved now.

"Oh we caught on," Jeff made a "duh" face at me.

"Do you... think she actually likes me? Like should I even try?"

"Are you kidding? That flirting isn't one sided. We can all see it. Whenever you guys are together, both of your eyes sparkle and you both just kinda glow. Your smiles become huge. It's the cutest thing," Nico grinned and I looked up, smiling.

"Well I told her we'd talk after the show because we need to figure out what we are. I don't know what I'm going to say though, I don't know how to word feelings. I'm not good at that."

"Just speak from your heart, Ben. Say what comes to mind. Don't think too much about it, and just let the moment happen. No script is gonna help this one," Nico advised me, and then patted my shoulder.

"Go get em' champ."

"Aight thanks man." I smiled and changed into my clothes after they left. Josh and Sky came back into the dressing room so Josh could get his charger. They were the only ones who knew about the kiss, and that I wanted to figure things out tonight.

"Let us know how it goes Ben," Josh smiled encouragingly at me. I nodded and thanked them. I took a deep breath, and went out to the stage door. I was the last one out, so making it down the line of fansies took a while. I hugged the last fansie and turned to leave, pleased to see Kasey waiting for me. She looked so gorgeous just standing there in the evening light. Although she was just wearing her usual after show sweatpants and a hoodie, she still managed to make my stomach flip. We smiled at each other, and had a silent walk to the hotel, both staring at the ground. We arrived at the hotel, and Nico's words replayed in my head: just let the moment happen.

"Hey, I have an idea- follow me," I grabbed Kasey's hand and I led her exactly where I wanted to go.

"The rooftop," she smiled. "I should have guessed." We walked over to the railing and peered up at the night sky for a few quiet moments. I was lucky this hotel had a rooftop with regular access, too. The stars blinked gracefully, and the breeze set a chill on us. It felt just like that other night. I sighed and turned to her, repeating Nico's words in my head. Just speak from your heart Ben, just speak from your heart. Here goes nothing.



"I..." I took a deep breath and gazed into her sparkling blue eyes. "I like you. A lot. I really, really like you Kasey," I said out loud, for the first time. Kasey said nothing, and just smiled big at me. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"And I'm sorry I didn't bring it up sooner. I shouldn't have just kissed you like that and just let it go. I was just really scared you didn't like me back. And we've just been such good friends and I hope that didn't-"

"Ben. I like you too. A lot," she grinned, looking into my eyes. "More than anyone I've ever met." My heart swelled with joy.

"You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that," I admitted.

"I didn't think I ever wanted to be close to anyone again. I liked my little protective bubble. But I didn't realize what I was missing outside of the bubble. So thank you for showing me how great it is," she explained.

"I'm really glad you let me into that bubble. It's a nice bubble," I joked, and she laughed.

"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow? It's okay if you don't, we can take things slow and-"

"Yes, a million times yes! Of course," she laughed happily, and I laughed with her. We were leaning into each other laughing. She gently stood on her toes to kiss me. I cupped her face gently and we kissed passionately. It all felt perfect. We pulled back, laughing giddily yet again, trying to catch our breaths.

"So, can we make 'us' official now?" Kasey asked and studied my face. I was a little surprised, but not in a bad way.

"I mean- unless you don't want us to be official. We don't have to be anythi-"

"I would love to make 'us' official now. I want you to be my girlfriend," I grinned. Girlfriend. I like the sound of that. She beamed, and I leaned in for another quick kiss, feeling ecstatic. I knew from this point on, my life was about to get a whole lot better. 
