7. White Haired Tommy

"Okay, so what do we do if we see Philza?" Techno asked, facing his younger brothers who had finally joined in their family tradition of hunting. Tommy, who was only 14, answered him with an eye roll.

"We call for you and let you fight him."

"Good. And what do we do if he attacks you?" Techno continued.

"We try and escape him and alert you." Wilbur, 17, answered him this time. Techno nodded as Tommy shifted in his stance, looking around as their father joined them.

"Okay, the world is ready for us to travel too. Infinite Lives are enabled. Are we ready?" Phil asked, ruffling his youngest childrens' hair.

"Yup!" Tommy nodded, voice cheerful and his eyes bright.

A portal opened beside them, with Techno going in first so Phil couldn't immediately escape, even though they'll spawn with compasses pointing to where he was.

"Then let's go!" He cheered, pushing Tommy into the portal and dragging Wilbur in after him.

Going through a portal can be very disorienting, especially if it's the first time you've gone through one, like with Tommy who hasn't left home in almost 9 years.

Whereas it isn't his first time going through a portal, it's definitely been a very long time since he has. And when he landed beside his older brother, he almost collapsed from suddenl having gravity affect him.

"Okay, Theseus, it's okay." Techno murmured, pulling him from the spawn point and holding him up as Phil and Wilbur appeared beside each other, Wilbur actually collapsing and groaning as he held his stomach in slight pain. Their dad being just fine as him and Techno always use portals and go to different worlds like this.

"Three. Two..." Phil took off running before he said one and Techno growled, activating his compass as Tommy pulled his out.

"Okay, Tommy, go collect wood from the trees. Wilbur, you'll go mining when he makes us all tools. Tommy, I then want you to hunt cows, pigs and chicken. Oh, and sheep and make sure to collect the wool. Make sure to have at least nine stacks of wood logs. We'll need it." Techno demanded, sending them off as Tommy ran to the closest tree and began hitting it with his fist, collecting the wood log and splitting it into planks and immediately making a crafting table, which he placed down before finishing off the tree.

He didn't know why he had this specific Job, but maybe there was a reason. Techno's been doing this for years, he obviously has a reason for everything. He made a sword, shovel and Pick for Wilbur, a crafting table and handed him a stack of sticks and then Wilbur disappeared to find a cave and collect any ores he thought important. He tossed Techno a sword and then Techno disappeared.

He was left alone as he began to collect as much wood as he could, maybe he could take on his father by himself. Surely, surely, he's not that hard to beat. The memory of waiting for months before they saw their older brother and father flashed into Tommy's mind but he pushed it off.

"Hey Toms... Mind letting me have that wood?" He heard his dad ask, and he almost said sure but remembered this was a Manhunt. He turned to face his father as he secretly messaged Techno.

"See. I would! If we were currently hunting you down." Tommy nodded at him, backing away as he autocollected falling sticks, any apples and saplings. His crafting table was picked up and stored in his inventory, which was visible to only him on his left arm. Tommy pulled out a sword and stored his axe away.

"Sorry Toms... But I do need that wood." Phil began to advance on him. It was then that he remembered that Techno had warned him when he first asked, that dad turns off everything that would make him hesitate on his kids. Phil would absolutely kill him if Tommy refused him.

For some reason Tommy found that exciting.

"Come and get it then." He took off running and he heard his father exclaim in shock before continuing to run after him.

Tommy remembered which direction Techno had gone in, and his communicator was freaking out, and he got direct coordinates from his oldest brother to lead Phil. Tommy just hoped that Phil didn't catch on to what they were planning.

Tommy was gasping for breath after a couple minutes, but he couldn't hear Phil behind him, but he could most definitely sense him gaining on him.

"Come on Toms, I just need a little bit of wood!" Phil grunted, most likely having run into a branch or tripping slightly over a hole Tommy had just barely avoided.

"No!" Tommy responded, jumping over a ravine that he faintly saw Wilbur in. Luckily he placed stone and hid himself as he watched wide eyed. Their father jumped over the ravine way too easily for Tommy's liking.

He checked his coordinates and found himself only a hundred blocks from where Techno told him to lead Phil. He might not make it. Fuck. He snagged some berries off a bush without stopping and popped them into his mouth, not even checking on what they looked like as he ran out into a clearing and nearly cried. There was nothing here.

"Tommy, place a block exactly at those coordinates and fucking JUMP!" Techno's voice sounded from his communicator and into his headphones, Tommy whimpered but did so. Counting down how much longer he had.

He hit the coordinates and placed a wood plank he made earlier while running, jumping as far as he could as their father fell into a sand pit. Tommy fell into the grassy plains gasping for breath as Wilbur ran from where him and Phil had come from.

"Tommy, keep running!" Wilbur screamed out, Tommy barely had any time to figure out why before a sword pierced his chest and he cried out in pain. His vision turned white, faded to black and a respawn button appeared in front of him.

A cold feeling rushed through him as a single hair turned white. A small whimper left him as he looked down at his shirt, lifting it and finding a scar where Phil's sword, somehow an iron one, pierced through him.

He hit the respawn button and he heard Wilbur and Techno's voices fill his ears once more.

"Thank God. Okay, He got the wood, but it was only a stack of planks. Good job Tommy." Techno assured the blond as Tommy ran towards one of the trees, already beginning to collect the wood.

"Sorry. I..."

"Don't worry about it. You ran over three thousand blocks, I kind of figured you would collapse after landing. I just thought I would have more time getting to you before he was out of the pit." Techno responded, Tommy collected the wood and turned around and he could have sworn he had seen Phil from the corner of his eye.

He brushed it off.


He died again. Phil had snuck up behind him and a sword appeared through his chest. Now Phil had all the wood he could ever want and four stacks of beef.

"Christ! Why? I was doing so well!" Tommy screamed in the dark void, another white strand appearing in his hair.

He punched the respawn button and appeared in a, now, clearing. He had a full streak of white in his hair now. When would Phil let up on him?


Sword pierced Tommy's thigh a couple hours later, and he screamed in frustration and in pain as he pulled the sword out himself. Turning on Phil who had thought him dead already.

"Okay. I am sick and tired of seeing the respawn button this many times." Tommy growled, ignoring the pounding headache as he rushed Phil, who rose an axe to meet the sword.

"Tommy no! I said to not engage him!" Techno's voice filled his ears. He tore his headphones off and tossed them to the side.

"I am sick, and tired, of feeling the pain of an iron sword." Tommy growled, pushing the axe away from him.

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it? You're just a child." Phil responded, a brief flash of remorse flashed in his eyes as Tommy felt tears spring to his own. He blinked them away, raising the sword and twisting his upper body to hit Phil. He missed the ravine they had been standing beside, and he fell to his death.


"Tommy. I need you to fucking listen to me know." Techno's voice growled lowly in his ears as he respawned. Tommy scoffed as he tore the headset off. He was going rouge, whether Techno liked it or not. He was beating Phil.

He cut down a singular tree, making a crafting Table and running four thousand blocks away from where the compass said Phil was, he made sure to check it often. He found a ravine and jumped inside, landing in the water. Messages were blowing up his communicator and Tommy glared at it.

He wasn't listening to them, and he would be damned if he let them get in the way of his mission of letting Phil win.

Philza has made the achievement [Free the End]

Tommy screamed in anger.
