13. As Family

Blonde hair shone brightly on Two year old Tommy as he sat in his brother's arms, floaties on his arms and around his waist as he kicked his legs out. His blue eyes were bright, like the sky on a sunny day. He looked almost like a replica of their father in most regards, but he was the opposite in personality. He was loud and wasn't afraid to voice his opinion, despite being two and not really having one.

The brown hair of the brother holding him fell to his chin, and a bandana held it all back and out of his face. The nine year old had a pool noodle around his waist as he sat on the steps, one arm under Tommy and one in front of him to keep him in place but still having fun. Wilbur's warm chocolate eyes scanned the pool, and landed on their oldest brother.

The semi long pink haired thirteen year old was swimming in the deep end, taking deep breaths and diving down to the bottom and grabbing rings that Phil had thrown out for him. His red eyes pierced through the water easily, and was easily spottable across the pool. The pink hair that Techno had fell to the top of his shoulder blades since he recently decided to grow it out, something about it being fun to braid when he was bored.

Their father, Phil, sat in a chair nearby with their mother, Kristin, and watched over them. His blonde hair and blue eyes were piercing in their own way as he made sure all of his kids were still safe and having fun. Kristin chuckled as she spotted her worrying husband, her black hair fell down to the middle of her back, and was currently braided out of her way. Her own brown eyes were soft, warm and welcoming.

"Don't worry so much, Phil, they are fine. There are life guards, and Techno is such a strong swimmer. He wouldn't be diving under so much unless he was sure he could do it." Kristin assured, grabbing Phil's hand in her own. Phil looked over to her and sighed, a smile gracing his features and melting his eyes into a soft blue that told her that he was just scared something would happen.

"Sorry, Kris, just... Tommy's two, should he really be in the water?" Phil asked, and Kristin chuckled at his worry. She pointed over at Wilbur, who had decided to stand and wait up till his ribs, keeping Tommy only halfway submerged and spinning in circles. From where they were they could see that Wilbur was either saying something, or babbling along with Tommy who was giggling like a mess.

Wilbur was in fact babbling nonsense with Tommy, only exclaiming in shock when Techno swam up on them, popping his head out of the water and his first words being 'boo' and startling the two younger siblings.

"Come on Tech, that's not fair! I can't swim as well as you can!" WIlbur whined and Techno chuckled in response.

"Not my fault you scare easily... Or sink like a rock." Techno smiled at him and Tommy babbled, kicking his legs out and smiling up happily at Techno.

"Rat! 'et rat!" Tommy giggled and Wilbur burst into laughter as Techno's face adopted one of offense.

"I am not a wet rat you gremlin!" Techno exclaimed, swimming backward and watching how Tommy fell into a giggling mess that seemed to have found himself hilarious. "Dad!" Techno turned to where the two adults were talking, when he saw he had both parents' attention he continued. "Tommy called me a wet rat!" Techno crossed his arms as Wilbur began to cackle.

Techno's hair was long from the water, and stringy from the chlorine and very much looking like a wet rat to his younger brothers. Phil chuckled as Techno sputtered in offense as Kristin put a hand over her mouth as she laughed.

Techno felt utterly betrayed by them as he huffed and swam back out to the deep end, Wilbur finally got a hold of himself and helped balance Tommy once more. Tommy still found himself utterly hilarious, as he was still giggling to himself about calling his oldest brother a wet rat.

A day at the pool was definitely what this family needed.
