18. Apocalypse

Zombies, Wilbur thought in disgust as he carried his sleeping brother in his left arm, Zombies sucked ass. Wilbur was only 15 when the Zombie Apocalypse had started, and Tommy had only been an infant. One that quickly learned to be quiet, or face death without having even lived.

Tommy was 7 now, and he struggled walking and looked like he was 5. But can you blame them? Wilbur was giving whatever he could to the young boy but it still wasn't really enough. Tommy was a growing boy and needed more.

"Wilby... Why are all the bad people around?" Tommy asked, and oh yeah. Wilbur hasn't told the kid they're dead. That's going to come around and bite him in the ass sooner or later if he doesn't tell him.

"Toms? I need you to stay really quiet, and when we get somewhere safe, I have something to tell you about the bad people... Okay?" Wilbur asked, Tommy nodded and rested his head against the side of Wilbur's neck and sighed lightly.

Great, Wilbur thought, Now I just need to find somewhere safe. Which was easier said than done, honestly. Everywhere they went, there were just more and more Zombies, and the numbers seemed to be growing every second.

Fuck it, Wilbur thought bitterly, ducking into an apartment building and beginning to go up the stairs as quietly as he could. Maybe, just maybe, there will be a room here that he could tell Tommy everything and then let him sleep.

"Wilby... A man is following us." Tommy whispered quietly, and it was true. A man with Long pink hair had been following them.

He had a sword on his back and a gas mask on his face that kind of intimidated Tommy, but only a little bit seeing as he had long, pink hair.

"What?" Wilbur asked, surprise in his voice as he turned a corner and saw the man in the building with them. Dread filled him as he realised who that was.

The Blood God.

A man rumoured to have cleared an entire city of zombies, unscathed. He keeps it clear of zombies and no one is willing to go near his territory that seems to be beginning to expand. Was this a town he was targeting next?

Wilbur hoped not as Tommy began to whimper.

Tommy first, scary blood god second. Wilbur nodded to himself as he began to move a bit faster.

"Hey! Hey wait!" A voice called out, and Wilbur suppressed a whimper. The voice was slightly echoy and Wilbur knew from experience that it was because of the gas mask. Wilbur set Tommy down beside him and turned to face the man just at the end of the hallway from them.

"Yes?" Wilbur tried sounding more confident than he was, but it wasn't going too well based on the fact the man was approaching them now. Tommy whimpered and hid behind Wilbut a bit.

"Wilby. I'm scared." Tommy looked up at his older brother, and all Wilbur could do was push him behind a bit more. A groan sounded from one of the rooms beside Wilbur and he realised just how bad of a spot he had put them in. Doors on either side of him, with a dead end hallway that led out to a fire escape where all the Zombies were in the streets below.

"Just breathe. I'm not gonna hurt you. Okay?" The man got a bit closer, and Wilbur began fighting the urge to back up, or throw Tommy back as far as he could as the Zombie noises beside him got more and more violent.

"Wilbur!" Tommy whimpered, tugging on Wilbur's sleeve as hard as he could. Wilbur looked down and panicked at seeing another fresh Zombie bite on his brother's arm. Did the blood god see that and had come to kill Tommy? Wilbur wouldn't let that happen.

"Is the kid okay?" The man asked, he had gone to look at Tommy, but Tommy had ducked behind Wilbur of his own accord as a particularly loud thud sounded from beside him.

"He's fine. What do you want?" Wilbur tried to sound strong, but he was failing miserably. He really only sounded scared, alone and traumatised, which wasn't far from the truth.

"He looks hurt. I can help you guys, if only you just let me." The man tried placating Wilbur who wasn't having any of it. He kept backing up with Tommy beside him as the man tried getting closer. A small 'oof' escaped him when his back made contact with the wall, Tommy standing beside him with a raised eyebrow.

"Stay... Stay back!" Wilbur fumbled for the knife that he knew he had on his belt... Where did his knife go? A groan from the doorway sounded much louder now and the man flinched as the door began to splinter. Tommy stared at it with a blank face as the door continued to rattle.

"Wilby... You dropped your knife an hour ago when the bad people were chasing us." Tommy looked up at Wilbur who's face paled at remembering that.

"Fuck." Wilbur muttered under his breath.

"Hey, no need for a weapon." A bang beside the weapon and he seemed to glare at it. "Besides for those guys. You may need one for them." He amended, and realised why Wilbur was panicking.

"Hey! Watch out! Behind you!" Wilbur barely had any time to move as Tommy was grabbed and teeth had sunk into Tommy's shoulder and Tommy shrieked and screamed as he thrashed around. Wilbur lunged and tore the zombie off his baby brother and kicked him out the window that they had missed was broken.

Tommy was crying as he held a hand to the wound and Wilbur grabbed him and held him close. The man had watched in shock as a Zombie broke down the door and led four others out. But they ignored him, Wilbur and Tommy and lunged out a window as Tommy continued to cry.

"Shhh. Sh... I got you. The pain will stop soon, it's okay." Wilbur sat against the wall and held his brother close to his chest. His own hand covered Tommy's wound as some stupid magic shit took affect and Tommy's wound began to heal over.

"He's going to turn. It'd be better to deal with it now." The voice tried to keep steady, but it was affecting him too and Wilbur didn't know who this man was.

"No he won't. He never does." Wilbur snapped, pushing to a standing position and ignoring the pulsing headache that was beginning to form as Tommy fell silent. Sleeping soundly against his brother.

"How do you know?" The man asked, and Wilbur glared. His legs gave out so after that and it was only luck that he caught himself on his knees and his right arm or else Tommy could have been squished.

"Woah, hey. Okay... Um... fuck what does Phil do in these types of situation?" The man muttered to himself as he approached them. Wilbur didn't have the strength to fight the man off as Tommy was pulled from his grasp. Didn't mean he didn't try though, he did. But he was exhausted and passed out soon after.

Waking up in a new area like he did really startled Wilbur. Last thing he currently remembered was waking up with Tommy and having to run, abandoning their stuff as Tommy tried to stay quiet as he whined about losing Henry, a stuffed cow Wilbur managed to find for his 4th birthday.

Just because it's the zombie apocalypse doesn't mean that Wilbur will forget the day or Time or month or year. He had a baby brother that was still growing, surviving and living. He'll be damned if he lets' that get ruined because he forgot what day it was or missed his birthday.

"Tommy? Tommy!" Wilbur panicked as he pushed himself into a sitting positon, ignoring how sore his body felt as he looked around wildly for the younger. A giggle sounded from down the hall of wherever Wilbur was and he felt his body relax.

He was safe and he was happy... But where were they and what happened?

A knock sounded at the door before it gently opened and he was faced with the Blood God. Okay, yeah on what the fuck happened?

"Before... Before you speak... I want to see Tommy." Wilbur interrupted anything the man was about to say with the request to see his younger brother. He needed Tommy in the safe room as him at least.

"We can do that... Phil!" The man turned and call back down the hallway and little feet came barreling down the hallways, bigger steps following as they presumably tried catching Tommy. Blond hair ducked around the Blood God and lunged at Wilbur who was finally sitting up.

Wilbur was lucky enough to keep himself stable as Tommy collided with him. He held Tommy close as Tommy hugged him, borderline strangling him in the position they had ended up in.

"Thank god you're okay." Wilbur muttered, looking at the, now, two men in the room with him and Tommy.

"First off... Introductions. I'm Phil, this is Technoblade." The blond man that had an uncanny resemblance to Tommy introduced them. "From Tommy, we gathered your name is probably Wilbur, since Wilby and Wilbah don't seem to quite fit." He chuckled a bit as Wilbur looked down at Tommy who smiled up at him innocently. A new scar being seen on his shoulder and Wilbur desperately willed his memories to hurry up and come back to him.

"Do you... Do you remember anything from a couple days ago?" Techno had asked, and Wilbur froze up.

"It's... It's been days?" Wilbur asked, horror on his face as he held Tommy just a bit closer.

"Uh... Yeah." Techno's crimson eyes met with Wilbur's mocha brown, and he faltered. It's fine... He's taken care of Tommy all this time... they can be trusted... right? He sure hoped so.

"What do you remember though?" Phil asked, stepping forward and sitting on the edge of the bed, seeing as Wilbur was sitting criss cross with Tommy sitting in his lap. The younger fiddling with a stuffed rabbit they must have gotten for him or something.

"Uh... Waking up. Grabbing Tommy and bolting from where we had been staying... Leaving our stuff behind, sorry about Henry." Wilbur looked down at Tommy, who's face scrunched up at the reminder of the lost stuffed animal.

"Henry?" Techno asked confused and Tommy looked up at Wilbur pointedly.

"Henry was a stuffed cow I got him when he turned 4."

"Ah, okay."

"Anyways, you remember that... Do you remember getting cornered by Techno? Tommy getting attacked? Any of it?" Phil asked, and by Wilbur's panicked turn of the head as he looked at Phil, he didn't remember that. Didn't remember any of it.

"Uh... What?" Wilbur asked, looking down at Tommy worriedly but only finding the scar on his shoulder. Another bite mark to add to the collection, it seemed. At least these guys haven't harmed him, Wilbur thought.

"Okay... How about we get something to eat, and then we can talk more... Yeah?" Techno stepped forward, and Tommy nodded hurriedly.

"Mhm mhm! I'm hungry!" Tommy reached out for Techno, who looked to Wilbur for permission. Wilbur nodded glumly as Techno picked the hyper seven year old up and out of his lap. Tommy was safe here. Tommy was happy here. Tommy was fed here. Why should Wilbur intrude on that?

"Mate, you coming?" Phil asked from the doorway. Wilbur flinched slightly, but nodded. Standing and following after the man as they listened to Tommy explain things that he wanted to do today. It seemed that running around outside was his favourite pastime, now that they were in the Blood God's territory.

"Everything is okay now... You and Tommy are safe here." Phil assured as a knock, a fucking knock, sounded at the door.

"Must be Ranboo and Tubbo. See if Schlatt's with them?" Techno asked, Phil nodded and went to open the door as Wilbur sat at the table beside Tommy who was talking animatedly about something. He didn't have the heart to ask about what.

"Tommy!!!" An excited and hyper voice called out, two pairs of little feet sounded and two other kids ran into the room.

"Tubbo!!!" Tommy exclaimed just as hyper. And before Tommy could run from the table, Techno had swooped down and picked Tommy up.

"Thought you were hungry? Or are you going to leave Phil and I with your brother?" Techno asked, his voice seemingly joking with the child. A gasp of offence escaped Tommy as he wiggled out of Techno's hold and sat back in his chair.

"This is my big brother Wilbur! He's big and strong and-and he fights the zombies!" Tommy exclaimed, introducing Wilbur. Wilbur tried for a wave as the two children analysed him. "He's the bestest!" Tommy added and the two seemed to accept him then and there.

"I'm Tubbo! I'm 7 and a half!" Tubbo, a brunette, introduced himself as the other kid stood nervously beside him. "This is Ranboo, he's 8!"

"It's nice to meet you, are you Toms friends?" Wilbur asked, Tubbo and Ranboo perked up and nodded hurriedly, happily, and Wilbur relaxed at knowing Tommy had friends, he could be a kid again. Things would be okay now.
