21. Super Hero/Super Power

Tommy giggled as he followed his best friend around the orphanage, his four year old legs and amusement endless as the 5 year old walked them to their other best friend, Ranboo. They had been together for almost 2 years now, though a bit longer since they had all been 2 when they arrived.

"T'bo!(Tubbo!)" Tommy giggled, purposely mispronouncing the words to Tubbo's name as he tripped over a block. Landing on his knees and scrunching his face up in pain. Ranboo had run over and picked him up before he could start crying at all. "Boo!" Tommy giggled, and the two cooed at him as they sat in their corner of the playroom.

Tommy's speech was a bit behind, since no one wanted to be around the three kids long enough to teach Tommy how to speak, which left two five year olds to try and teach him, and with them all being so close in age it was a struggle and failing battle to begin with.

"Hey, Toms. What do you want to do today?" Ranboo asked, already trying to figure out where everything was incase Tommy called upon it.

"Boo ch'se.(Ranboo choses)" Tommy decided and Ranboo faltered. Usually Tommy or Tubbo chose, and Ranboo kind of just... followed so that neither of the younger ones cried or got upset about something. He never really wanted to choose, either.

"Uh.. Tubbo?" Ranboo looked at the other child who was smiling at him mischievously. "Tubbo please." Ranboo silently begged him as Tubbo looked at the things around them and then back up at Ranboo.

"I don't know, bossman... It seems like a hard day of picking for you, right Tommy?" Tubbo giggled as Tommy smiled and nodded happily, another giggle escaping him.

"This isn't fair... Uh... How about we colour for a bit?" He suggested, and the two seemed okay with it, so Ranboo grabbed their colouring books and put everything else away as the other two settled into their 'colouring' positions.

"Children... We have to move okay?" One of the caretaker's called out, and the three looked up at her confused.

"Why?" Tubbo asked as Ranboo held Tommy just a bit closer as a crash sounded from outside the building and the women flinched a bit.

"We just have to move, okay?" She tried to grab them, but Tommy had taken off running, escaping Ranboo's arms as he ran to the door, curious to see what was going on.

"Tommy! Tommy no!" Tommy made it to the door before everything went black, screams sounding out around him as he fell, something warm and sticky and suspiciously metallic smelling seemed to wrap around him.

- - - x

"If he wakes up, he'll have memory loss, he might not remember the Orphanage at all." Someone's voice filtered through the 4 year old's mind. Why did the voice say he would have memory loss? He remembered everything perfectly! Like Tubbo, and how his favourite colour is Forest Green and his favourite animal is a bee. Or Ranboo, Who's favourite colour is purple and favourite animal was a badger, for whatever reason.

Or how they had been... They had been... The loud noise... Warm and sticky... Screams and shouts... Hands grabbing him. Tommy wanted to cry, but he felt that he couldn't, so a whimper escaped him instead.

"He's awake, everyone quiet down. Check on the other two." The voice commanded, Tommy felt the pain grow almost tenfold before a warmth flooded through him and the pain was gone. Nothing hurt anymore, and when Tommy opened his eyes, everything was a lot clearer too.

"Where am I?" Tommy asked, his voice coming out a lot smoother than what he remembered his voice being like, and where had his slur gone? He used to struggle with his words and now he was speaking as if it was nothing.

"Hello, can you tell me your name?" The doctor, now that Tommy was awake and looking around, asked. Tommy scoffed and crossed his arms, having pushed himself into a sitting position as he stared down the doctor.

"Patient seems to not remember their name, and instead is humming and glaring to block out the questions asked." The doctor mumbled to himself as he wrote on the clipboard. Bullshit! Tommy thought bitterly, wait... When did he learn that word? Oh well, it doesn't really matter at the minute.

"I am talking to you, dumbass!" Tommy tried, his voice once again clearer then he remembered it, and the doctor muttered something about only humming. Tommy was confused, he knew his name. It was Theseus Thomas Innit, he was nicknamed Tommy because it was easier to say.

"Can we see him now?" A new voice asked, and it was pretty clear, like Tommy's, and a nurse led back a group of... three! Tommy knew how to count, fuck off.

"I'm sorry, but you can't be back here. We are still try-"

"Shut up. We will probably get farther than you." One of the people, brown hair and with a smooth voice, interrupted the doctor, whose eyes glazed over before it disappeared and he glared at the man.

"Where am I?" Tommy tried, looking almost scared as he stared at the men.

"You are at the hospital in L'manburg. What do you remember?" The man with the smooth voice asked.

"My name is Tommy. My best friends are Tubbo, who's favourite colour is Forest Green, and Favourite animal is a Bee, and my other best friend, Ranboo. Who's favourite colour is Purple, and his favourite animal is a Badger." Tommy recited, he hesitated on the next parts. Pausing and glaring at the man. "What's your name?" He demanded, and a glazed look almost, almost, came over the man as he raised an eyebrow.

"Wilbur. What else do you remember?" He asked, his voice a lot gentler and soft now, but still just as clear.

"Are they communicating in hums?" The pink haired male whispered asked the blond.

"No, Techno. He has a Siren's voice." Wilbur turned and glared at the man, although it was almost playful, like how Tubbo and Ranboo glared at each other sometimes.

"We had been... We had been... The loud noise... Warm and sticky... Screams and shouts... Hands grabbing me... Black.. Nothing.... Pain... Warmth... Nothing." Tommy muttered, it was more to himself, and his voice was still very clear, how did he make the clearness stop?

"It's okay, you can stop. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." Wilbur hushed him, voice still clear. He sat down at the edge of bed and ruffled Tommy's hair, almost surprised at how Tommy leaned into his touch. Almost like a starved animal getting food for the first time in a week.

"How do I make the clear voice stop?" Tommy asked, and Wilbur smiled sympathetically at him.

"It never stops. But it becomes easier to ignore. Think about things that keep you calm. That usually helps me." He offered, and Tommy immediately thought of Tubbo and Ranboo. They were his safety net.

"W're T'bo 'n' boo?(Where's Tubbo and Ranboo?)" He asked, his voice no longer clear, and it seemed everyone could understand him now, if the doctor's surprise was anything to go by.

"He remembers everything." Wilbur looked at the doctor with a look, and he quickly scribbled on his clipboard. "He wants his friends, Tubbo and Ranboo. They are here, correct?" He added, a silent command seemingly washing through the room.

"Yes, Toby and Ranboo are here." The doctor stuttered, Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "Tubbo and Ranboo are here, yes. I'll go get them now." He corrected himself as he turned and rushed from the room as Tommy stared starry eyed at Wilbur.

"hat so co'l!(That's so cool!)" Tommy giggled as Wilbur flushed a faint rose red, the pink haired man snorting quietly as the blond one smiled almost fondly.

"Hey, Tommy? You want to meet some people?" Wilbur asked, turning to look at the child, who nodded and crawled over to him. "This is Phil, my dad, and this is Techno, my twin brother." Wilbur pointed at the two of them as Tommy stared at them.

"re co'l'r.(You're cooler)" Tommy nodded, looking up at Wilbur with a starry eyed look still. A soft 'hey!' sounded from Techno before two people burst into the room. Tommy locked eyes on them immediately and found Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo, whose wings were out and going a mile a minute, and Ranboo, whose particles were circling and buzzing like crazy.

"Bee! Boo!" Tommy exclaimed happily.

"Tommy!" The two shouted together, rushing towards him. Ranboo accidentally teleported on the bed, and Tubbo flying and landing on the bed being how they reached him.

Tubbo wrapped his arms around the younger as Ranboo collapsed on top of the two children. A doctor running in and out of breath and freezing as he noticed the three heroes in the room with the children. He promptly decided that the children were in safe hands and bolted from the room in fear.

Tommy simply giggled and held onto his best friends as the three adults in the room chuckled at them.
