23. DSMP

Techno hummed quietly as Tommy laid curled up on the couch, his raccoon ears and tail out on display in a show of trust and vulnerability with Techno being so close to him while like this. He continued to hum quietly as he made potato soup, mixing the ingredients in a way that he was sure it would wake Tommy up eventually. But the tiny hybrid continued sleeping on as he finished the mixture and poured it out into bowls.

But now came the hard part, waking the younger up and getting him to actually eat.

When Techno found Tommy, he had found him lying in the snow, freezing and half dead with burns from TNT and cuts from Hell and back. Seeing him like that triggered something within Techno's instincts as he was reminded, quite harshly, that Tommy was only a child amidst all this mess.

He had picked him up carefully and taken him back to his cabin, where he cleaned any injury and bandaged everything up, all while Tommy stared blankly ahead. Techno would have worried more if not for the fact that when he went to just leave him on the couch to do his chores, Tommy had clung onto him with a sort of whimper sound escaping his throat. Fear had clogged his eyes, so Techno stayed.

He sat with Tommy, rubbing his back gently before lulling him into a sleep. He then, and only then, got up and began moving around.

First, he cleaned a room for Tommy near his own, making sure that it was livable and had a bed and all the necessary things a room should have. And if something wasn't there, he went and chopped a couple trees down before coming back and making them himself. Next, he made sure that there were clothes that would fit the younger without having to wake him up, something Techno only guessed at by how thin the other was when he had found him.

Food had been the last thing that Techno had worked on, and now he just needed to get the gremlin to actually eat the food. Something he could feel would be a lot harder than it seemed, seeing as Tommy had always been a picky eater.

Moving forward, he crouched in front of the sleeping teen and gently shook him awake.

"Tommy... Toms... Hey, Theseus, wake up." Techno murmured, shaking him slightly and backing away quickly when Tommy woke up with a screech. Tommy looked around wildly as Techno made sure his humming was audible, and quick to catch Tommy's attention. Tommy looked at him, and for a scarily silent moment it looked like Tommy didn't recognise him. As Tommy calmed down, recognition trickled in until it hit him full force and he was pushing himself off the couch and collapsing in Techno's waiting arms.

"It's okay... It's okay, I've got you." Techno murmured, rubbing Tommy's back gently and soothingly as Tommy slowly calmed down. "Come on, I got supper done, let's get you some food... yeah?" Techno asked, Tommy looked up at him like he was unsure if Technoblade was serious.

"Seriously?" Tommy asked quietly, and Techno nodded as he scooped the teen up into his arms and walked to the kitchen. He gently placed the teen on the chair and pushed a slightly bigger bowl of soup towards him. He knew he probably wouldn't be able to eat all of it, but it was a show of go ahead, eat as much as you need.

"You're safe here, Theseus, you're safe. You wanna know why?" Techno asked after a while. Both were nearly done eating and Techno was proud with how much Tommy has eaten so far. Tommy looked up and tilted his head to the side and Techno smiled, a full and real genuine smile as he answered.

"Because your home, Theseus."
