10. Fluff

Tommy ducked down under the branches, bow in hand as his horse rushed through the forest.

"Okay, Toms... You can do this. It's just a target. It's just target practice." He murmured to himself and grabbed an arrow from his quiver and nocked it place on his bow. He pulled the string back, and when the trees opened up he shot into position and released the arrow.

Missed the bullseye by an inch. Fuck.

"Fuck. Okay, the next one. Next one. I can get the next one." Tommy muttered.

Arrow, nocked the arrow, hit the target, swear, try again. It was a repeating process that was beginning to take a toll on him. His horse slowed down as time went on, and it was then he realised it was getting darker.

"Sorry, girl. Come on, I'll walk back." Tommy sighed, dismounting her and resting his head against her's. A soft neigh sounded and he lightly tapped heads with him. "Bonk." He laughed and it seemed she did too.

"Tommy? Tommy, where are you?" Wilbur's voice sounded through the clearing.

"Over here, Wil." Tommy called back, slowly leading his horse back towards the stables. Wilbur appeared and looked around quickly before spotting Tommy leading his horse back.

"Surprised Clemintine didn't buck you off to rest." Wilbur commented as Tommy got closer to him.

"She's been getting better at just slowing down." Tommy responded, slightly leaning against her as they walked. She supported his weight and let Wilbur take her reins as Wilbur picked the 15 year old up on his back.

"I can see that, such a good girl, aren't you Clem?" Wilbur cooed softly at the horse who neighed in response. Tommy smiled, running his fingers through her main as he rested on Wilbur's back.

"Dad and General Technoblade already ate. They'll join us for dessert after we eat." Wilbur told him, trying to make sure the younger didn't fall asleep.

"Hmm..." Tommy hummed, forcing his eyes open. "Okay. Let me walk. I'm falling asleep." Tommy squirmed and Wilbur let him down with a chuckle.

"Okay, okay, let's get going then, yeah?" Wilbur helped Tommy undress Clem and put the saddle off to the side as Tommy reached for the brush. Gasping lightly as Clem knocked it from his hands and started pushing him towards the door. A silent 'tomorrow' being said from her as she pushed Wilbur out too.

"Okay, Tommy'll be out tomorrow to take care of you." Wilbur chuckled as Tommy hummed sleepily and nodded.

The two of them walked back towards the castle where General Technoblade greeted them back with a warm look in his eyes that only they could see, even with his face set in an emotionless mask.

"Hi Techie!" Tommy smirked as Techno's eyebrow twitched.

"Come on, Gremlins. You both need to eat, and your father wants to talk to you, Wil, before you eat." He informed, resting a hand on Tommy's shoulder as Wilbur nodded and walked off to go find his father. The hand on his shoulder looked to lead him to the dining room, but in reality was a reassurance that everything was okay.

"Okay, now... Tommy, can I talk to you?" Their father asked after they finished dessert. Tommy looked up as Wilbur's face brightened and a smirk gathered on his face. Tommy nodded and Techno led Wilbur out of the room.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Tommy asked, sitting in his seat and being respectful for once as he thought back to see if he had done anything wrong all day.

"No, no no no. You didn't do anything wrong." Phil assured, a nervous smile. "I had a question for you, actually." Phil responded, standing from the head of the table and sitting next to Tommy and grabbing Tommy's hands in his own.

"What is it then?" Tommy asked, leaning back in his seat with how tired he was feeling.

"What do you think of General Technoblade?" He asked, and Tommy felt something stir from inside. It was a warm comforting feeling and Tommy spent a minute trying to form words on how he felt.

"I like him. He's cool... I guess. Why?" Tommy asked, tilting his head to the side as Phil chuckled.

"What would you think if Techno and I married?" He asked, and Tommy froze a bit.

"You two are dating?" He exclaimed in shock, "Why didn't I know about this sooner?" He whined, and Phil barked out a surprised laugh at what Tommy decided to focus on.

"Have you ever heard the term or phrase Queer Platonic Relationship?" Phil asked, and Tommy nodded. If he remembered correctly, Tubbo and Ranboo were in a relationship like that. They often jokingly called each other names as if they were in a romantic relationship.

"Yeah..." He nodded a bit and Phil seemed to relax before confusion took over.

"Goo-wait what? When did you learn about that and who told you?" Phil was confused as Tommy laughed at him.

"I'm sworn to secrecy." He nodded as if it was a very serious thing. Phil nodded and relaxed once more.

"Well, Techno and I aren't romantically involved, but we do love each other. We've known each other for years before I met Kristin and had you and Wilbur." Tommy's face scrunched up at the implication of what that meant. "Techno and I had been in a Queer Platonic even then, and Kristin had accepted that and when her and I married, offered for Techno to marry us as well." A soft and fond look fell on his face as he remembered back to that time.

"Techno refused, seeing as Kristin and I were happy with each other, and for a while he stuck around before he disappeared one night. I think Wilbur still remembers when He came back, he would have been around 4. It was the night you were born, actually." Phil chuckled as Tommy's attention was held to him.

"That's the night she died... right?" Tommy asked, his voice unbearingly soft and Phil's eyes softened.

"No. She died a week later. Techno had watched over you and Wilbur during the day while I took care of kind duties, or while I took care of Kristin. One day, Techno forced me to spend time with you and Wilbur, and he was taking care of her... Techno do you want to explain?" Phil called out, and a quiet squeak of surprise sounded from Wil as Tommy looked at Phil in surprise.

"Sure... Are we telling them everything? I don't think Wil's heard this part." Techno asked as he and Wilbur walked into the room in gentle but assured and confident strides. Phil nodded as Techno stood next to Phil, Wil doing the same on the other side of Tommy.

"She had been getting better, but she told me that she could tell that she wasn't going to make it. Had me promise to watch over the two of you, and to watch over Phil. As she and I had bonded years prior due to making sure Phil didn't overwork himself." Techno explained, a soft look on his features for everyone to see.

"She died leaning against me, having wanted a hug from me, as it was something that she liked... She liked my hugs for some reason, and she knew she was going to die that night by some weird unseen force. So I did." Techno stopped himself as he rested a hand on Phil's shoulder, the latter resting a hand on his and squeezing it gently.

"As you both know, Techno and I are also immortal." Phil added, Wilbur nodding as Tommy looked on shocked.

"You're what!?!" He exclaimed, eyes wide as he stared at them in shock.

"Bruh." Techno groaned as Phil realised they hadn't told Tommy yet.

"Yeah, Toms... Phil has wings too. They can't die." Wilbur looked down at Tommy in amusement as he freaked out once more.

"You have WINGS!?!" Tommy's face showed a mix of shocked, hurt, betrayed and amazement. Amazement won out as he looked towards their father, only Wilbur and Techno having noticed his conflicting emotions.

A ruffling as Phil moved a part of his cloak and dark Raven wings slipped out and into view. Tommy gasped in amazement as he stared at them in awe.

"Woah." He gasped happily as he almost reached out to them, he managed to stop himself. Though Phil reaching towards him with the wings in an offering manner, Tommy reached out and touched them lightly.

"Cool, right?" He asked, and Tommy nodded as he ran his fingers over the silk feeling feathers.

"Yeah." Tommy was stuck in awe as Techno locked eyes with Wilbur and shrugged.

"Did Tommy ever answer the original question?" Techno asked, amusement dancing over his face as Tommy and Philza flushed a light pink.

"Yeah, I said you were cool." Tommy smirked, as Techno looked slightly lost and looked to Phil.

"I asked how he thought about you and then asked what he thought about us marrying." Phil explained. Techno nodded a bit, before looking at Tommy expectedly.

"I'm okay with it." Tommy nodded, and Phil brightened up a lot. Tommy watched them carefully, and when they looked at each other they held a love that was different then how some of the guards looked at each other. Tommy nodded again and looked up at Wilbur who was smirking at him already.

"Do you see it too?" He asked, and Tommy nodded and together they somehow slipped from the room without the two noticing as they talked quietly.
