Snippet 3

Setting: Boruto era

Sarada wonders why her Papa doesn't wear the Uchiha crest.


Three people sat peacefully in the living room floor, each doing their own business.

Sakura reading documents from the hospital, Sasuke reading a scroll, and Sarada, who was sharpening her kunais, stopped.



"Why do you never wear the Uchiha crest anymore?"

This question definitely got the couple's attention.

Sakura gave a soft laugh. "He used to wear it when you were still a toddler."

"He did?" Sarada asked, she looked at her papa to see him nodding, confirming that what mama said is true.

"Then...why not now?"

"Aa..." the Uchiha patriarch sweat dropped. After all, how can he explain the clan's dark history?

But he doesn't want to hide anymore either. So to keep things slow, he tried his best to form a simple sentence that the heiress can understand.

"The clan...didn't have a good image back then." He started, "It's only natural that there are still enemies who targets me."

He looked at his wife, seeking help. But she only gave him a look of comfort, and that's all he needed to continue.

"It's best that I don't wear it in the mean time to avoid difficulties during missions."

"That makes sense I guess." Sarada mumbles, but then another question came in mind.

"But why can me and mama wear it?"

"Both of you are in the village which is fully protected, so it's fine." Sasuke closed his eyes before adding; "Your mother can handle them either way."

Now this earned a blush from the Uchiha matriarch. "Anata..."

Sarada chuckles at her mama's reaction. "Why do you still get flustered like that?"

"It's not everyday I hear your papa compliment me." Sakura defends.

"That's true."


They embraced the quiet for a moment, until Sarada spoke again.

"So will you still wear the Uchiha crest someday?"

"When I retire, yes." and he gave his daughter a smile.

Because honestly? Sasuke couldn't wait to wear it again too, once everything's over.


"Congratulations darling!" The pinkette jumped at her daughter, who now wears a cape that has "Eight Hokage" written in the back.

"Mama, you're squishing me!" Sarada wheezed, and so Sakura released her arms.

"Congrats." Sarada heard a voice, she turns around and-

A poke.

Sasuke's finger stays at her forehead for awhile, eyes full of pride, and a smile that has always been reserved solely to her and mama.

"Thanks papa." The eight hokage smirked, she stares at her father and noticed a change in his clothing.

There in his collar is a sewn symbol in a shape of a fan that consists of color red at the top, and white at the bottom.

Sarada doesn't know why, but when she saw her papa wear the Uchiha crest after decades, it made her feel warm inside.
