Snippet 2

Setting: Shippuden Era (Team Hebi)

Karin likes to believe she is his, but his recent habits proved otherwise.


"Hey, Karin."


"You've noticed, right?"

"What do you mean..." she grumbled as they walk, staring at the back of the Uchiha who's at the front, aura surprisingly calm with a mix of...pride?

Suigetsu rolls his eyes. "I know you noticed, Sasuke has never been this giddy since our team formed."

Ever since they got that damn Bingo book, Team Hebi has noticed their leader's strange behaviour.

The memory of his widened eyes as he stares at one page confused them, soon became baffled  when he smirked.

All they want to know is who and how the hell can someone give him that kind of reaction.

I mean, they tried only ends with an upset Uchiha that sends them his infamous glare.

Karin wouldn't have cared if it were a boy, but if it's a girl, then that would be a different case.

Either way, she's jealous, she admits. How can a person easily get acknowledged by Sasuke Uchiha?

They noticed their leader stopped in his tracks, and so they followed.

They stood for awhile, and Sasuke's relaxed expression did not go unnoticed.

They looked around, and saw that they were surrounded with pale pink trees.

"Cherry blossoms?" Suigetsu asked.

"No..." mumbled Jugo. "More like almond trees."

"Doesn't matter, still looks like cherry blossoms to me." Suigetsu shrugged, and his eyes widen. "Unless these trees remind you of someone, Sasuke?"

Karin's heart dropped.

Sasuke frowned, but stayed silent. He didn't deny Suigetsu's question. The white haired male cackled.

"Oh man! Oh man! I wonder who's this lucky person is!" Suigetsu boomed. "Hey Karin! Who do you think this person is?"

"Shut up! I don't know and I don't care." But she does.

Jugo gave an apologetic look towards Sasuke before speaking. "One of my birds was able to take a peek while you were looking at the Bingo book."

All three turned their heads to the man, white with a face of amusement, red with a perplexed look, black who seemed to be shocked at what he heard.

Jugo continued. "They said they saw someone with pink hair..."

"Pink hair?" Suigetsu echoed. "That's new." And placed his hand on his chin.

"Almond hair..." And then it clicked.

"Could her name be Sakura?"

"Shut up." Sasuke growled, he turned his body, and proceeded to walk.

As the other three followed, Suigetsu whispered to the redhead again.

"Hey, look at Sasuke's ears."

She did, and wished she could unsee.

Because Sasuke's ears were red.


Oh- this is long but...

No thoughts, head empty, Sasuke thinking of Sakura during his travels with Hebi is canon to me. 😭

I chose Hebi here bcs Team Taka was formed after Sasuke learned the truth so I doubt he even thought of Sakura during that time.
