Snippet 23

Sakura got diagnosed with an unknown illness, making her incapable of healing.

Yet despite this information, the village persists her to continue her duties as the head medic of Konoha. Being the selfless person, she agreed.

Her daughter and husband's constant protests did not stop her. Everyone's health was her priority, she'll be okay.

Until she suffered from over fatigue.

Tests after tests, Sakura was advised to drop her role as head medic if she wanted to live longer.

The doctor left to give the them some privacy.

"You never learn, do you?" Sasuke sighed as he holds her hand. His wife could only chuckle in response.

"Consequences of my actions, I suppose."

"What will you do now?"

The couple looks at their daughter.

"You've dedicated your life being a medic, what will you do now?"

Sakura pondered over the question, and all she could offer is a small smile. "Stay as healthy as possible and live my life to the fullest."

"After all, I don't know when I'll die."

Sarada felt her heart constrict. It's true, they don't know when the time will come, the most they can do is make as much memories as they can.

"Then let's find our safe haven."

Sakura and Sarada looks at Sasuke with wide eyes.

"Let's find a place where we'll find solace."

With Naruto's acceptance and full support, the Uchihas resided on the mountains nearby the village. Sarada comes back on Konoha every now and then to pursue her dream in becoming Hokage.

Sakura lived for seven years before her passing.

Sasuke and Sarada won't deny that those seven years are where they were the happiest.
