Snippet 1

Setting: Genin era

Sakura found out about Sasuke's love for tomatoes.


Sasuke wonders.

For the past week, he noticed Sakura's sudden habit.

Everytime their team goes out to eat after a mission, Sasuke always finds his plate get filled with tomatoes that came from Sakura's meal.

Sasuke wonders, if she doesn't like the fruit.

"I don't." she hummed as she continues to pick the tomatoes in her food and place it on his platter.

"I see."

Sasuke wonders, if what she said was a lie. Before this habit started, Sasuke never saw Sakura get picky on her dishes.

But he doesn't mind, he doesn't mind at all.

He continues to eat his meal, now with additional tomatoes, and silently thanked Sakura, who appears to currently have red cheeks as she stares at him.

Red like a tomato.

...Sasuke likes tomatoes.


Heyyy ;)
Some soft sasusaku to ease your heart from my angsty AU snippets 😌
