Snippet 19

"Was it worth it?"

Sakura looks at him longingly.

"Was your- OUR sacrifice worth it?"

"No." He choked.

"Why so?" she mumbles. Just the sight of a silver band delicately wrapped around his ring finger made her chest hurt.

"She isn't you." he whispers.

"Then why didn't we fight...for us?"

"I'm sorry." Was all he could say.

Her lover's fate has been sealed. He was bound to marry someone, but that someone isn't her.

It's never gonna be her.

Because he's always been out of her league.

But then she felt warm fingers poke her forehead.

"Maybe next time." And she tries so hard not to break down then and there.

She saw how teary-eyed her lover is.

"Next time." she repeats.

But they both know there will never be a next time.

Forget to post it here haha
