Snippet 14

Timeline: Shippuden Era


Sakura can't keep up, she's tired.

With her being in the best condition, she should have the advantage considering Sasuke just battled with Danzo.

But that's the problem, it's Sasuke.

She could've killed him right now, but she just...can't.

Sakura hates herself for that.

Now here she is, battling her old teammate in the iron bridge.

She can take him out right here, right now...but she couldn't.

Sakura knows, that she'll always be weak when it comes to Sasuke.

She's on her knees, panting for air, Sasuke standing infront of her. Silence took over.

Slowly raising her head, she stares at his face, looking for something, anything-

Kami-sama! Any sign of sanity left! Any sign of her Sasuke-kun!

But none.

And for the first time...Sakura gives up.

Slowly, she grabbed his left arm, and positioned it near her chest.

"I've lost. Thank you, Sasuke-kun."

For a brief second, she saw his arm flinch, for a brief second...his eyes flickered, as if hesitant.

And for the last time, Sakura smiles.

She hears his hand crackle.

The sound of a thousand birds was heard...

Along with the metallic smell of blood.


Forgot to post it here woops
