SPOILER: Will's last name was confirmed so like,,, any reference to his name previously is no longer relevant to this story and now it's William Andrew Solace.

End of spoilers !!!!

I was right. Three days was nearly impossible. However I just busied myself as much as I could. I made sure to pick up as many shifts as I could and just keep myself busy. The thing was, we didn't even text that often because Will was spending most of his time studying.

Now he was currently taking the test.

The three days were up, but now was the most stressful part of it all.

I was nervous for him.

Jason was waiting for me in his truck as I walked over. He didn't work today, but he was going to help me move some of the bigger things from my old apartment to the new one. As soon as Will took the test, he had a week until the internship started. I didn't want him super busy the entire week before he started, so, I told him I would start moving some of the stuff - and at first he didn't like that idea - but then he realized it made more sense.

I greeted Jason warmly as we started our way to my old apartment. He also had a truck, so we'd be able to bring quite a few things with us.

Will and I had already decided we were going to buy a new bed frame (and mattress), new desks, and a new couch, but everything else we were keeping. I was bringing the book shelves and drawers, but Will's TV was better, so he was bringing that for the TV in our room, and then my TV was going into the living room.

Wow. Teamwork.

There were still a lot of things I'd have to bring over, things we didn't have space for when we moved the first few bags in.

But, getting the shelves, drawers, and entertainment center was going to help a lot, that way we'd have more room for the smaller things tomorrow.

We managed (with more struggle than I'd like to admit) to get everything down and into the bed of Jason's truck.

Then, we made the long ass drive to the apartment. I was so ready to just get there so I never had to take this long drive again. Maybe I just liked to complain but, fuck, it was such a long drive. Soon, the longest drive would be thirty minutes, and that was to Naomi's house.

Which was great for me, because hour and a half Uber drives were expensive as fuck.

It took forever, but we finally got there and brought everything up. Will said as soon as he finished his test he was going home and loaded some of his things in the truck and would meet us here. I checked the time and noticed he still had an hour until the test was done.

I knew he would pass, but he wouldn't get confirmation until a few days after.

He was probably going to go crazy waiting for those results.

Because of the trial, his internship allowed him this extra time. The trial stopped him from taking this test, which he was supposed to take a while ago.

It was the last thing stopping him.

It was very fucking important - and I swear I was feeling part of his emotions because I started feeling uneasy the moment I woke up.

I sighed, trying not to worry too much about it at the moment, and just tried to help Jason the best I could - despite the fact I'm a short, skinny, Italian twink with hardly any muscle mass.

The drawers were first, and Will and I had basically planned out where everything was going already. So, we pushed the drawers where we had originally planned, and then the TV would go on top of them.

One by one we brought all the furniture in.

Now, an hour had gone by.

I kept checking my phone, expecting a text from Will soon. It was either going to be very cocky or very iffy. Either way, I'd be able to gauge his emotions better.

"You probably wouldn't know, Mister. Drop out," Jason teased. "But after standardized tests, phone's aren't the first thing they pass out." He laughed.

"Then what do they do?" I said, growing worried.

"First they collect the test, then they have to get the tests out of the room, then they pass out the phones... and even then, most people don't turn them on until they leave."

I simply nodded. Made sense, I guess, but still. I wanted to make sure he was okay and not having a mental breakdown in his truck.

"Calm down," Jason said, patting my shoulder. "Let's go grab something to eat,"

I followed him out the door. I did just need to calm down. Will was the smartest person I knew (when it came to books anyway, common sense was so-so) he had this.

We went to Jason's truck and debated on where to go. I wanted to grab Will something as well for when he got here, and went to text him, but then realized he probably wouldn't respond, so now I had to think about what I wanted and what he wanted.

I could barely get past the first part sometimes.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Jason, thinking it would be easier to just agree with whatever he wanted.

"I don't know. Kinda want pizza." He said, turning on his AC as he pulled out of the parking lot. "But at the same time I don't."

"I could eat pizza," I said. It wasn't something I ate often, but it wasn't something I was against.

"Ooh! Wait what about Subway? I love Subway." He said, turning to me like I was his mother and he was trying to convince me to get him a puppy.

"Then let's eat Subway," I laughed as he got so happy over a simple sub.

He handed me his phone and asked for me to find the nearest one. It dawned on me that this would be my life for a while. I didn't have a damn clue where anything was out here.

I turned on the GPS feature and placed the phone in a cup holder. Jason listened to the robot voice as I checked my phone again.


Glad that's over.

I'm leaving now

I'll be there in like 45 mins.


how do u feel abt it?

Decent enough. There were a few that I knew I knew, but couldn't remember.

Which sucked.

But the rest seemed alright.

I don't wanna get cocky just in case

But, I think I'm gonna passssss

of course u are. ur a week away from being doctor solace

How much for you to call me Doctor 👀


what do u want from subway?



And what I usually get, please.

okayyy, i'll see u soonnnnn

I'll see ya ;)


I smiled as I tucked my phone away. Jason, who was keeping half his attention on the road, and the other on me, laughed. "I'm assuming it's good," He said, raising his eyebrow.

"He's pretty sure he passed - so yeah, pretty good." I smiled, trying to hide my blush from thinking about the whole Doctor thing.

"Never in my life would I think you'd find someone so perfect for you," He laughed. "But here we are," he turned all his attention back to the road. "I'm happy for you."

I nodded. "Thank you..." I mumbled, thinking about how lucky I really got. "He's pretty dope."

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say dope," He laughed, pulling into the subway parking lot.

He parked and then jumped out of the truck, locking it behind him. "Dude." I laughed. "I didn't know you liked Subway this much,"

"It's the best." He said, walking into the building, while I had still just gotten out of the truck. Which, for the record, his truck was a lifted truck, which really wasn't my cup of tea because I'm short as fuck.

I walked in shortly after and he was already ordering. I smiled at him and waited behind him in line as he told the lady making his sandwich what he wanted. Once he was done, she turned to me. I ordered my usual, turkey and lettuce only. Sounds gross but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I then got Will's, which was the opposite of mine in almost every way. He even liked the weird fucking water-looking sauces - which despite knowing him for two years, I didn't know the name of it, so it was just awkward pointing. I knew what he wanted, and that was the important part, who cared if I knew the names or not.

We then both paid and got out drinks and chips. I went with grabbing the bottles instead of the fountain drinks so Will's wouldn't get flat.

I got a coke zero and got Will a root beer, which had been our newest soda obsession.

Jason grabbed a regular coke like a psychopath.

Then, we climbed back in his truck - I literally had to fucking climb - okay, not really, but I really wished his truck wasn't so high. This is Nicophobic.

While driving back, I saw a notification from Will.


I'm heading to the apartment now.

Attachment: 1 image.
your food is waiting on u

AH! Thank youuuu, I am so hungry.

and a rootbeer btw

Wow it's like you can read my mind

maybe i can 😳


Rolling my eyes, I put my phone back away and listened as the radio man talked about the weather. I always thought radio people talking about the weather was pointless. If I'm listening to the radio, I'm in my car, too late to 'not leave the house without an umbrella'.

It took another five minutes, but we were back at the apartment complex. I grabbed everything from Jason's truck and we went back up to our room. Once we got in there, we sat on the floor considering that was the only place to sit at the moment. We hadn't been able to fit the barstools from the old apartment on this trip. Whatever, I liked the floor.

Jason started eating, quite excitedly may I add. I opened mine and took a few bites before the door swung open. My goal wasn't to make Jason awkward, but as I stood up right away and hugged Will as tight as I could, that's probably what I did.

"How ya feelin?" I asked, pulling away. Sure, I already asked him through text, but it was different face-to-face.

"Pretty okay," He smiled. "Really wish I know what I got already, but I'm feeling hopeful," he said, laughing nervously. He looked behind me and saw Jason, who was gleefully taking another bite of the sub. "Hey man." He said with a little wave.

"Hewo." Jason said, trying to swallow his food.

"Slow down and taste it, Jase, Jesus Christ," I laughed as I moved back to my spot on the floor, Will sitting next to me as I handed him his food and drink.

He kissed my temple and whispered a "thank you" before opening the bag. He looked around. "There's furniture in here now," He noted.

"Yeah," I laughed, bumping against him for a moment. "Good observation."

"Thank you." He laughed, taking a bite of his food, nodding in approval. Unlike Jason, he chewed his food before speaking. "I left everything in the back of my truck, not tied down, so hopefully nobody takes it." He laughed, then shrugged.

We continued eating, catching up. I always hated being the person who knew two people, who only knew each other through me... if that made sense. Like, if I left, they didn't know the first thing about each other. The only thing they knew they had in common was that they knew me.

It always made me feel bad for not talking, but I just wasn't someone who liked talking a lot if we're being honest.

Eventually though, everyone had finished their food. I only managed to eat about half of mine, along with Will, but that just meant we'd eat it for dinner tonight. We all started working on getting things upstairs, which once again, I helped as much as my skin and bones self could.

I mainly just held doors open and gave them instructions, but you can bet your ass I was the best damn instruction-giver there was.

Once everything was actually in the apartment, we started pushing everything where it needed to go. We put Will's TV in the bedroom, then his drawers, which were thinner, but went up higher, into the office, where we planned to keep random shit so we didn't lose it.

Now, the only thing left to move was the little things, like I had pillows, blankets, and other random things still at my apartment, and I'm assuming so did Will.

Oh, and my barstools. I fucking loved those barstools.

So, once we did all we could do at the new apartment, we said goodbye to Jason, thanking him for his help, and the blond went on his way to go do whatever he had to do, and Will and I were going to go, first, back to my place to get everything left, and then to Naomi's, where he would get some of his other things.

Naomi, who didn't have a need for the room, obviously didn't care what he left, so as far as Will was concerned, he would just come back when things were less hectic to finish the move, I however, was going to have to turn my key in tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure I've already complained about this, but the drive from the new place to the old place, and visa versa, sucked. It was long, and boring, and I'd seen everything there was to see.

Luckily, Will made pretty interesting conversation. I sucked at creating conversation, but could keep one going, especially with Will.

He talked about some of the questions that he knew he knew, but had forgotten due to the stress of it all.

"I know I did fine on the EKG questions, that's mainly memorization, and I learned that back in highschool anyway," he said, turning the corner. "But it was the hypothetical situations that threw me off, and if you asked me now I could answer them, but I totally blew."

"If that's the main problem you had, I'm sure you did fine then," I reasoned.

Will laughed. "That's what I keep telling myself," he turned his air vent away from him. "I just want the results already," He whined, leaning further back into his chair, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"When did they say you'll get them."

"Sometime in the next 48 hours - which is better than I thought, especially since I had to do a retake..." He said, speeding up a little to avoid a red light. He slowed back down. "Usually it can take months,"

"Months? To grade a few tests?"

"Try like 500,"

"500?" I asked, legitimately shocked.

He nodded his head. "And I'm an S name, so I'm near the bottom of the list."

"Ew. That sucks." I said. "Wait, that also meant you were also always in the back of the line, didn't it?"

"Yes." He laughed. "And it sucked. Fucking Miss. Reinfeild always did everything in alphabet order, and I had her, not only for kindergarten, but first and third." He said, laughing. "She was a bitchy old hag, I hate her."

"What did she ever do to you?"

"I think she had a crush on my dad," He said, a look of disgust on his face.

I went to ask more questions... because to this day I was curious about his biological father, but I could tell he was ready to change the subject.

When he started talking about the clouds in the sky, it only further proved my point.


When we finally arrived at my old apartment, Will grabbed the stools while I grabbed the rest of my things. Which included a photo album which I kept in the drawer which also had all my alcohol, which I was leaving here for the next guy - some people called leaving your shit in your old apartment rude - I thought of it as generous. I also grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap. Finally, I started just putting all my random things in my bookbag. I had a bunch of random rocks I thought were cool, I had a McDonalds toy, which I probably should've thrown out, but I thought it was kinda cool.

Lastly, a box of random letters I had been given throughout my life. My restraining orders, first royalty checks, a rude letter from my father, and some notes Bianca gave me a while ago were in there.

I tried not to ever look in it, but sometimes you just had to go through memory lane. Will had walked back upstairs right as I finished, holding the box of notes in my hands. "Ready?" He asked, panting slightly considering he had just taken two trips, carrying two barstools each trip, down four flights of stairs.

"Yup," I smiled, I took a moment to look at everything.

I looked back into the apartment.

Trigger warning. Mentions of Henry (and sexual assault) past self harm/past attempted suicide.

I saw the spot where Will had once laid down the night after I had attempted.

I saw the bathroom where I had attempted on multiple occasions.

I saw the couch where Henry pushed himself on me.

I saw the kitchen where I had found myself stress baking on so many occasions.

I saw where Will and I had fights, where Will and I kissed, where Will sat during the interview and ate the hot cookies, burning his tongue. I smiled a bit.

I finally walked out of the apartment and locked the door for the last time.

I took another look around.

To my left was where my father had been living for gods know how long. A little closer to my left was the stain of his nose bleed from when Will knocked him out.

In front of my door was my neighbor, Mr. Craig who once spotted me some weed. Nice man, always smelt nice. Loud ass grandchildren though.

I started walking to the stairs and saw the door of where the lady who told me I was fine when Henry first came into my life lived. Stupid bitch.

End of trigger warning.

I passed the elevator which never fucking worked, and then started going down the stairs. The ones I had puked all over on many different occasions.

I handed the key into the front desk, and walked out the front doors for the last time.

I had some good memories here, most of those being with Will - but I also had some pretty shitty ones. Extremely shitty ones.

I wasn't going to miss this place at all. 

I was going to wait and post this on sunday so i could try to keep to a schedule but oh my god. 

i just hit 100k reads. 

i can't believe it, really. i can't. i've been writing this since 7th? 8th? grade?? i took like two long ass hiatus thus why it isn't finished... but this fic is like my baby. i'm literally in 11th grade now the fawkkkk

im being so serious when i say i love you all. thank you for your continued support it means so much to me. 
