It had been a week and now I had to go and tell Hazel about the dick head living down the hall. I had thought about my decision for awhile and I knew it was for the best. She would want to know, and it would be up to her to meet him. 

I walked out of Will's room, Will was already making tea getting ready to drive over half an hour to go work with his mom, he was such a mama's boy and it made me love him more.

"Going to tell Haze?" Will asked as we walked down the steps, hands intertwined.

"Yeah, I was going to ask her if I could bring her lunch and we ate at her shop. She agreed and I asked her what she wanted, she said McDonald's, I said 'that sounds great' then she said 'see you then,' and then we said bye and now I'm going to Uber to her store for lunch, so you're going to have to eat alone," I tell my blonde boyfriend as we finally approach his stupid ass truck.

"That's fine, good luck," Will laughed, cranking the truck as I buckled.

We drove in pretty much silence, we were both too tired to carry on a regular conversation. Will dropped me off at Bailey's, and then left to go to work. I walked in and everyone was doing their jobs, so I quickly got started on mine.

At lunchtime, I took off and grabbed the McDonalds and then Ubered to Hazel's.

She was working on a very impressive ring when I got there, she continued until she could get to a stopping point, then gestured me to the back room. We ate for a while, I asked how much she was making off that ring, she said a number that blew my mind.

We then started talking about the future, she said she wanted to have a kid in the next year, but didn't want to rush the marriage and that they were still young, I simply said that their children would look adorable.

She asked what I would want one day, I said I didn't know. She then wriggled her eyebrows and asked if I saw myself with Will, which got my mind thinking, and I imagined waking up next to Will every morning, we would hopefully have kids, two or three, we'd be living in a house, one similar to his moms probably, definitely move out of New York.

Then I thought about growing old with Will, his blonde hair turning grey, he'd still have his stupid blue truck, even if it didn't work. We would binge TV together, and then I looked at Hazel and blushed. Damn it, she was good.

After talking about the new season of Voltron, I decided to get down the whole reason I planned the lunch thing. 

"What I'm about to say, I'm sorry for not telling you a week ago when it happened,"

Hazel looked at me skeptically but didn't say anything.

"The other say, Will punched our father," I stopped for a second. "I yelled at him, but not enough to stop him from wanting to meet you, if that's what you would want,"

Hazel looked down at the fry she was about to eat. "Bastard," She mumbled. I had never heard a rude word out of her mouth before then. "He's such a bastard,"

"I know," I said. I hated the look of sadness and anger that washed over my half-sister's face, but I was glad 'bastard' wasn't directed towards me.

"How did everything go down, if you don't mind me asking,"

"I don't mind at all," I started. "First, he lived four doors down from my apartment basically the whole time I was there,"

Her jaw dropped.

"I know," I replied, also still shocked. "Then when we were approached in the hallway, we being Will and me, I didn't know who he was, but Will noticed immediately, and punched him. Nothing too bad, but we had to bring 'em in, and then we yelled, and basically I told him I didn't want a relationship with him, at all,"

"Can't blame you, sorry you had to find that out," There was a silence. "Thanks for telling me, by the way,"

"It was only right, but if you want to meet him -"

"No thanks,  I never want to see the douchebag ever again," She smiled lightly. "Excuse my mouth,"

I laughed lightly at the fact she thought that was bad. If she was around me when I yelled at Hades, she would never look at me the same, but I know she'd still care for me, in the same weird way I care for her.

"You're way to innocent Hazel Levesque,"

"Whatever," She laughed.


I went back to work and that sucked, but then Will picked me up from the hell hole and my day got 10x better. On the way home, he asked me how it went, I replied with pretty good, and told him the part about Hazel's 'potty mouth' that she later compared to the 'mouth of a sailor' and I couldn't hold back the laugh.

Will laughed a little too, and then I asked him how work and classes went, he said good, nothing exciting and I said it was probably because he missed me and my awesomeness at lunch, he just rolled his eyes.

When we got home I changed into something way more comfortable because jeans are nowhere as comfortable as no jeans, it's just basic science. 

Will and I were getting to the point where we no longer cared if we were dressed all the way. We used to stay up till three AM with jeans on until we changed into pajama pants, and then went to bed, now we sometimes are in boxers only and no longer give two shits.

I was always really cold, and skin on skin contact was so much better so I really enjoyed our new found comfort within each other.

We flipped through the shows on Netflix before settling on some dumb documentary, I wasn't really paying attention, I was on my phone and was running my hand through Will's soft blonde hair as his head laid in my lap. 

I scrolled through a picture of a cat and I loved it, it had blue eyes and white fur and I wanted to name it 'Malfoy'.

I showed him the picture by putting it in front of his face, blocking his view from the TV. "When we're married, I want a cat,"

Will jaw opened wide and it took me a second to realize what I said. My face blushed bright red. "I meant, uh, when we, no when, I just want a cat,"

Will was smiling now, ear to ear, his teeth were so bright they were blinding. "You said when we're married,"

"No, I said I wanted a cat," I said, my face still blushing. Will sat up, still smiling ear to ear.

"No you said, and I quote, 'When we are married, I want a cat,' emphasis on WE not when YOU are married, when WE are married, as in you and I,"

"In that context, it would actually be 'you and me' I think,"

"Nerd," Will scoffed before kissing me on the cheek. He then got a call on his phone and ran to answer it.

"Who is it?" I asked, still sitting on the couch.

"The hospital?" He said, then answered the call. I stood up and walked next to him, not knowing if it was going to bad or good news.

Bad. It was bad news. I could tell by the way Will's face dropped almost imminently.

He hung up the phone and immediately rushed to his room. I followed him and he was already dressed. He was mumbling about something, about how he had to go, and I carefully grabbed his shoulders. "Will, what happened?" 

"My mom, I need to go to the hospital," 

I grabbed his hand and led him to the couch. "You can't drive in this condition, let me get some clothes on, I'll drive,"

"I need to go now," Will said, trying to stand up. "I need to go, she's hurt, I need to -"

"Will, if you go all shaky like this, you'll get hurt, wait a second, okay? I'll be dressed in a second," I didn't wait for a response before running into my room, throwing on a shirt and a pair of light grey joggers. I grabbed a hoodie and ran back out of my room, Will was pacing in front of the sofa and I grabbed the keys, we rushed down the stairs and went into the truck.

"Where is it?" I asked, cranking the truck and Will began to type the address into a GPS in his phone and ran the volume up. He placed his phone in the center console so I'd be able to hear it's instructions.

The almost hour ride was in silence, Will kept pulling at his fingers and fiddling with the hem of his shirt. He wasn't crying, but he looked on the verge of tears, like the only thing stopping him from crying was hope.

I took the last turn and pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. Will quickly got out, running into the hospital, me following after him. He asked the nurse about Naomi and she said how his mother was in surgery for a broken rib and punctured lung. 

I wasn't a doctor and didn't know anything medical, and it sounded bad, I could only imagine, Will, knowing the levels of danger in this injury, could be feeling. I knew Will well enough to know that he was thinking of the different outcomes, and out of all of them, only one of them seemed half-positive.

The girl escorted us to the waiting room where we were met with Athena, Artemis, and Tim. Tim was sitting on the edge, then the twins were sharing a seat, and Will sat next to the twins. I carefully sat down next to Will, observing the faces.

What pissed me off the most of this situation wasn't how little Tim was paying attention to the crying girls, or how I could see the gears turning in Will's head. What pissed me off the most was Tim seemed like he was waiting for a refill on an already half-filled drink, not that his wife had just broken her rib and punctured her lung.

"What happened?" He asked Tim through gritted teeth. 

"The stairs, I guess,"

"What do you mean? I guess?" Will said, glaring daggers at his step-dad. "You should know this, what happened?"

"Like I said, I guess he fell down the stairs, she probably deserved it,"

Will's face turned a shade of red that wasn't a cute blush, it was from pure anger, and I didn't know what was about to happen, but I quickly beckoned the two girls over, they sniffled before coming over next to me, I pulled them into my arms, wrapping them up protectively.

I knew the two other boys wouldn't do anything to hurt the girls, but I didn't think they should be in the middle of an argument, literally, in case something happened.

"She deserved it?" Will questioned. "Did you do this to her?" He asked.

"Why does it concern you?" Tim asked. I couldn't believe my ears. Tim had done this to his wife. I subconsciously looked down at the girls and noticed bruises on their wrists from what looked like a hand gripping them too hard too many times.



As someone who grew up without a father, being called a bastard hurt a lot more than when you had a father, because when you had one, you can easily not take offense to the word, but when your stepfather says it, it has a whole new meaning, Will clearly hated the word.

"You dick!" He exclaimed. And then, Tim had swung his fist right into Will's face. There was blood dripping from his nose, and gasps came from the others in the waiting room. Will swing back, punching Tim square in the face.

Tim kicked Will onto the floor, then pinned him down, punching him a few more times. Will managed to raise his knee and kick the older man in the balls, so Will was able to roll out from under him.

Will then kicked his side, before falling back onto the ground after being punched in the face again, but what concerned me the most was that when Will fell, his eyes were closed, and he didn't get back up. 

Tim then kicked Will in the back of his head. The two girls were crying in my arms at the sight, and I held them tight, whispering in there ear, telling them it would be okay, but I felt like I was lying, because I didn't know if it was going to be okay.

Moments later, Tim was being escorted out of the hospital. I heard cop cars, but I was to busy looking over as Will was lifted onto a gourney and wheeled away. I wanted nothing more than to follow after him, but I knew Will, and I knew he would want me to keep his two sisters company while he couldn't.

"It's okay," I whispered to the girls who had there heads burried into my chest. "It'll be okay,"

At that point, I wasn't sure if I was comforting the girls or myself.


Okay guys, important questions below.

Who Bottoms?

To play, comment who bottoms out of these hella gay duos! (For the YouTubers and stuff, and not book and movie characters, please know this isn't meant to assume there relationship or sexuality, its a game leave me alone, jk I love you :)

Dan and Phil

Keith and Lance

Will and Nico

Jason and Percy

Draco and Harry

Sirius and Remus

also how was this chapta am i right?:)))
