It's been around a week now and I've finally finished all my exams, as did Will. 

I'm actually extremely happy for Will because he has managed to get an internship at Apollo Healthcare. It was an amazing hospital and he was over the moon about it, as was I. He started in July, so he had only two months to go. 

As for me, I was finally able to get a good plot, and a plan for a book, was I ever going to write it? Only the gods know, but I was able to think of a decent idea.

(1.9k reads holy shit! thank you!)

"Nico I swear! Get your ass up! It's like 9 and I wanna go to the honey bee, and I don't wanna go by myself!" Will whined as I slowly woke up, he was standing at the foot of my bed, wearing joggers and a sweatshirt. He looked extremely warm.

The only logical thing I could think of was to reach up and grab his arm, pulling him down on my bed, because why the fuck not?

"N-Nico!" Will laughed as he plopped down on the bed. I snuggled up against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. He smelt nice and warm, he was soft, he was perfect,

We hadn't really talked about his stepdad much since we arrived back home. There wasn't just a reason to bring it back up. Will's mom had sent us chocolate chip cookies, not sure if they were an apology she didn't need to give, or just out of the kindness in her heart.

"Morning babe," I smiled, kissing his forehead before snuggling back into his chest.

"Mornin Neeks," He said and kissed the top of my head. I was expecting to stay and cuddle for an hour, but then my idiot boyfriend rolled over and we both landed on the floor.

I hit his arm before mumbling. "I hate you," and then, booping his nose. I stood up, not taking a double look at Will before walking away. We had a strange way of expressing our love. I went to make my coffee before Will stopped me.

"Are you deaf! I said I wanted to go get coffee!" He said exasperatedly.

"Okay, and?" I laughed, grabbing my mug. "I can drink this on our way to get the other coffee," I explained. Will carefully grabbed the mug I had in my hand, and placed it back on the counter.

"Sweetie Pie," Will laughed, clearly only using the nickname to annoy the shit out of me. "I love you, and I don't want you to die of heart failure because you drink so much coffee, okay? okay, now can you go get dressed so we can go get coffee?"

"I'm Will," I mimicked, "And I don't let my boyfriend drink all of the coffee he wants because I'm an ass,"

"Are you seriously trying to make me sound like an ass? I'm trying to SAVE YOUR LIFE!" 

"Says you!" I call back. "You eat oreo's and tea for breakfast!!" 

I could practically hear Will roll his eyes before he said his next comeback. "At least I don't drink 3478 cups of coffee a day!"

I rolled my eyes and pulled on some joggers, because there was no way in hell I was going to wear jeans, and then decided the shirt I was wearing was fine. 

"You know, I enjoy my 3478 cups of coffee a day, it makes me happy," I scowl as we walk out the door. 

"I'm going to stop trying, and just let you die of heart failure," He said, his tone serious, but joking, you know?

"Thank you," I smiled as we walked down the hall, hand in hand. I could not be happier with the way our relationship was. We loved each other, we did, but we acted like we hated each other. I mean, honestly, he was just so easy to argue with, but if I ever thought I had actually offended him, I'd feel horrible for the rest of the day, because he's adorable and perfect.

I noticed also, I had stopped thinking this was a prank. I was glad too. I had always had such horrible anxiety about the fact people would just leave. My therapist said it was the whole childhood thing, that was probably right.

We finally climbed down a ridiculous amount of stairs before I saw his stupid blue truck parked in the parking lot. For some fucking reason, our apartment had an elevator, but it broke, and no one seems to want to fix it. It's been this way for years. 

I climbed into the passenger side of the truck,  he got into the driver's side, and then we were off to get coffee. 

(Guys, this chapter sucks so far, please bear with me, as future me writing this, it gets better I wrote this at like midnight in a delusional mindset.)

When we finally arrived we went and sat down in our usual booth. It was so warm and fuzzy in here, it smelt like coffee and books, and it was honestly one of my favorite places on Earth.

Moments later, a waiter came around. He was short, and looked young, besides the fact he had quite a bit of facial hair. He was wearing a pin on his apron, it was green, and said, 'recycle'

"Hi! I'm Grover Underwood, I'll be taking your orders today, so can I start you off with anything?"

We both ordered our drinks, I got a pretty basic hot coffee, Will got a hot tea, with whipped cream. I'd like to tell you what kind of tea it was, but I wasn't sure, it had a really confusing fancy name.

"I really love this place, you know? It's just so amazing," Will said, looking around.

"I know, it's warm and comforting," I smiled at him. I was still baffled how one human-being could be so perfect. You know that video where it's like 'Okay so most guys you get either cute, or hot, not both, but then, when god was---', yeah that one, he was a prime example. He was honestly perfect.

When our drinks came around we thanked Grover and continued talking, just about random things. Everything was comfortable. The last bump we had in our relationship, big bump, had ended in telling the first partner I've loved, that I loved him, so honestly, things were going perfectly normal, and I could never see anything changing. (a/n seeing any foreshadowing here? no? okay)

After coffee, we decided to go back home since we didn't really have anything planned. We were honestly just talking about random crap and it made me so happy. Sometimes, however, I did wonder, what would Bianca think? She was extremely sweet, but I couldn't help remembering how judgemental she could be sometimes. She didn't mean to be, it's just, would she approve?

I think my mom would approve. Her last words were basically that she'd always love me, but what if she also was homophobic?

I didn't even care what my dad would think. He was a dickhead that didn't deserve to cross my mind.

"Hey, death boy? What's up?" I heard Will ask. I chose to ignore the nickname.

"Why would you assume something's up?"

"You make a face," he answered.

"Oh, I was just thinking about stuff, nothing important," I laugh. It wasn't, I shouldn't be thinking of things like that. Who cares if they would approve. I was happy again for the first time in years.

We finally pulled up at our apartment, and I got out of his stupid blue truck, I honestly don't think I will ever like that truck, like ever.

We walked up the miles of stairs and got up into our hallway. 

The hallway was empty, except for the one neighbor that kind of reminded him of the vampire. He had shoulder-length black hair, a goyte, and was pale. The reason I noticed all this was because he was approaching Will and me. 

"Hey," The mystery man called out. He looked like he could have been in his 40's. "How have you guys been?"

I was weirded out by this, why did he care? He shouldn't care. We didn't really know each other. Regardless, I answered. "Uh, good? You?"

"Great, I was wondering, I know you've missed some classes in the past, and I wanted to make sure everything was still good, still want to be, what was it? A writer?"

I was very taken back by this question. How did he know I wanted to be an author?

"Uh, yeah, went on hiatus I guess," There was a small silence. "I'm sorry, how do you know me?" I asked.

"Oh, well your roommate here was in one of my classes, and I realized he had just moved in across the hall with you, so then when he was running out of my class, because what I was doing was apparently disgusting, he said he had to give you your writing assignment, it was clearly a lie, but I just took a lucky guess,"

The guy was honestly border-line stalker.

"Oh!' Will exclaimed. "You're the guy who was teaching about the dead people,"

"It's actually called--" He shook his head. "Yes, that's me,"

The man might have been a bit of a stalker, but I could tell he could be really cool.

There was a small silence before Will gasped. "HOLY SHIT!"

Then, I saw Will's fist swing, and punch the man in the face. He immediantly started rambling. "I knew when I had met him, I knew he looked familiar, then he asked about you, and he was always asking, and talking about you, and I knew he looked familiar, and not from the fucking class,"

"Will! You just fucking punched him! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?"

"I knew he was familiar, I knew it, but I didn't, he--"


"Nico! Look at him, that's your dad! Ireconized him fron the fucking picture Jason showed us, that's your fucking dad!"

I looked down at the man, that was now on the ground. He had a cut on his face, but I saw it now. I let out a small gasp. "papa,"


