"I have to answer it, I told her I would," I say, looking towards a very worried Will Solace.

"Okay, do you--I mean? I can stay, I can go,"

"Stay, Please," It was the quickest conversations I've ever had. I answered the phone and I heard her voice. 

"Hey, Nico?" I hear her say. She sounds nervous and I try and calm my nerves. I walk into the kitchen where I see the picture of my family making the pie. I didn't cry, instead, I smiled at it.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I needed time to let everything sink in,"

"No, I understand, it was a bombshell, I know, but I was wondering if you would like to meet up sometime?"

"Uh sure, my place?" I asked. I wanted Will to be with me if she came over. 

"Uhm, Yeah, text me later about the date and place?" 

"Of course, Talk to you later?"

"Yes, goodbye Nico,"

"Bye," I heard her hang up and I started breathing heavily. I didn't feel like crying-which was good-Will looked over at me. His look was sympathetic, but he wasn't looking at me like I was a helpless puppy--which I appreciated--I put my phone on the counter and sat back down on the couch. I didn't lean into Will or wrap my blankets around me. I just sat and focused on a point on the wall. I saw Will looking at me, but I didn't care. I just stared at the wall. I stared and stared and stared until I found Will in front of me. I had to look up to meet his gaze.

"Nico? What'd she say,"

"She's coming over one day, soon, and we're going to talk," I hated talking to people but I was going to talk to her. If she needed answers about my--our--dad, I would answer. It was only fair to her because I wished I had someone to give me answers, and she has someone, sadly that someone is me. No matter who she was or wasn't to me, she deserved answers.

"When?" He asked placing a hand on my shoulder. How could someone be so warm?

"I don't know yet w-we didn't decide," I took a shaky breath and sat down on the marble counters. Will was standing next to me, leaning against the counter.

"Do you want me to be here for it? I understand if you want me to leave while she's here,"

"No, I planned it here because I want someone here--you know that fake emergency thing? Yeah, you might need you to pretend your bleeding and come running out here with a missing leg," I smile the shake my head. "I just wanted someone here, that's all,"

"Okay," he smiled and then clapped his hands. "You need some sun, and I know just the place to do it!"

"Why do I need some sun?" I roll my eyes.

"It makes people happier, scientifically proven, now--go get ready to go to the beach," He smiled his goofy grin. 

"Ha, I don't do the beach," I roll my eyes and sitting criss-crossed on the countertops.

"You do the beach today, come onnnnnnn," He whined.



"Not a chance in the world,"

"Pwetty Pwease wifa terry on twop," He whined. I jumped down from the counters and walked into my room. "Nico?" He called out.

"Fine," I grumbled and slammed my door. I had literally nothing to wear to the beach. Like nothing. I just couldn't say no to the damn puppy eyes he was giving me. I walked back out of my room and called for Will. "Will, I want you to know I'm not going to swim or wear shorts or a swimsuit!" I call out once I realized I had none. He walks up to me abruptly. 

"Oh, yeah you are!"

"I don't have any, I know this may seem as a shock to you but, I'm not the beach-ie type,"

"Wear some of mine," He smiled. I looked at him like he was insane. 

"You're like 6 foot tall, I'm like 5'6, you think I'mm going to fit in any of your swim trunks? Plus I'm not even going to swim so, if you don't mind me, I'm going to put on my jeans," I turn around but he grabbed my sleeve. 

"Follow me!" He laughed and dragged me through the house out the door and into his blue truck. "Buckle up," He smiled and shut the door and walked to the other side and hopped in. 

"I have towels in the back, along with sunscreen, and we're going to Walmart because sunshine is like a great medicine for sadness and the beach makes people happy and happy people laugh and laughter IS the best medicine so we're getting you a damn swimsuit!" He was yelling and laughing at the same time. It was a funny sight and I almost laughed, but instead, I just smiled.

I sat back in the car and calmed my breathing. I really hated driving, or even just riding, it didn't matter what, I hated cars. We got to Walmart and he rushed me to the swimsuit section. They were all bright and I hated them. "Solace, I'm not wearing these,"

"Why not? OH! Look at these, their hot pink," He laughed. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the darkest part of the section. They were plain back but that was fine with me.

"I'll wear these, now let's go," I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you only wear black? There are so many more colors!"

"I'll stop wearing black,"


"When people discover a darker color,"

"You need to get a brighter color, come on, doctors orders!"

"You're not a doctor yet," I mumble as he pulls me back to the swim trunks. He hands me yellow and blue ones and holds them against my waist. 

"Perfect, these, there happy and bright!" He laughs as he pulls me over to the check out station. I pull out my wallet and try to pay but he beat me to it. 


"Nicccoooo," He mimics and thanks the check-out clerk. We walk out of the store and he tosses me the shorts. I roll my eyes and walk into the truck.

"Why don't you ever let me pay for anything!" I complain.

"Because you shouldn't have to when I recommend it or tell you to get it," He laughs.

"But I want to! You're being too nice!" I argue.


"I can cook! I'm just doing what I can!" I yell back. I this point we were yelling and all the sudden, once we were at a red light, looked at each other and laughed. I actually laughed, he was just being so stupid. I took the fact that he was laughing as I sign that I won.

"You have a cute laugh," He stated once we had finished our laughing fit.

"No, I DO NOT!" I roll my eyes.

"Yes, ya do, and I'm not letting this one go, you have a cute laugh, deal with it,"

I rolled my eyes in response. "Okay, change in the gas station while I grab snacks," He said pulling over into a gas station.

"Ew, I would get chlamydia and herpes and syphilis, if I changed in there." I point to the gas station.

"Get over it, come on," He smiled and walked out of his truck. I trudged out in my black jeans and a black T-shirt with my black jacket, holding bright blue and yellow swim trunks. Then I realized something. I didn't have anything to cover my scars.

(Small discussion of self-harm, just a small small bit)

I cut when I was younger when my dad first left, and I was living on the streets, I cut a lot. I would cut with broken beer bottles whenever they were closest, but it was usually with a razor blade. I had a collection of scars that might not ever fade. They were all like the others horizontal, except for one, a scar that went vertically from my wrist to the middle of my arm. That was when Racheal found me, she helped me, but I can talk about Racheal later.

(Will be more self-harm talk in the future, but no actual cutting, I will put another A/N when it comes up)

"I'll be back," I say as I walk away from Will. "with about 12 diseases," I mumble under my breath.

I change and I put my jacket over my arms. I didn't zip it up but I held it across my chest so no one could see my stomach. I walked out of the bathroom and saw a smiling Will by the Icee section filling up one cup, holding another--that was empty--

"Awe look at little Nico in his bright shorts, isn't that better than black? Anyway, what flavor?" He handed me my cup, I filled it up with the Coke flavor and he smiled once I put my lid oo=n.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because you think we're about to have a fight about who's about to pay," He smiled and he was right. I was planning on doing it before he could. My hand was already holding my wallet. "But, I already paid and I knew your face would be mad and flustered and when your mad your face does this thing and I like to see it," He smirked and waved at the cashier, who he had already paid.

"I can not believe you!" I bark at him. "I can pay for my own crap! Here!" I yelled taking my wallet out and throwing 20 dollars at him. "This is for the damn coffee!" I took out 15 more dollars, "This is for the Pizza you bought when I cut my finger!" I pulled out 7 dollars. "This is for these damn swim trunks," and I pulled out 5 dollars, "And this is for the damn drinks! Now am I forgetting anything?" I asked him impatiently.

"Yeah, uhm no, take this back please, I don't want your money,"

"Gods! Please just take it!"


"Oh, my gods! Seriously!" I take the money and put it in his glove compartment. "One day you're going to need some damn gas money and you'll have to spend it!"

"Okay, sure," He laughed.

"Why the hell are you laughing you asshat?"

"You're doing that thing you do when you're mad," He kept his eyes on the road the entire time.

"What am I doing?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm not really sure, whatever were here," He laughed and opened the door, grabbing his drink, which I had discovered was also Coke. I grabbed mine and walked out trailing behind him. he was skipping and jumping and being way to happy.

"The beach is so nice and peaceful, it's a bit late so we may see the sunset! Luckily it's still warm enough to swim!" He beamed.

"No, I'm not swimming, I'll sit down and watch you swim, but I'm not swimming,"

"You're swimming,"

"No, I'm not," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah ya are," He laughed, I gave up and rolled my eyes. Once we got next to the beach I sat down next to the water, but just out of reach from it splashing me. I took a sip of my drink and before I knew it, a shirtless Will was running in front of me into the water.

"Nico di Angelo, get your ass over here!" He laughed as he stood up from just rolling in the sea-green water. 

"I'm good over here," I smile, hoping I'm not blushing. I am not falling in love with a straight guy, I didn't work out. I shook the thoughts out of my head.

"Nicooooooo," He complained and I just rolled my eyes and let a small smile peek from my lips. "Fine," He sighed, and I thought he was going to go swim in the deeper part of the water, but instead he climbed out and then he picked me up. My jacket had fallen off of my arms and I quickly tried to hide my wrist before he noticed. I succeeded, but since I was worried about the scars, I didn't have time to react before I was submerged in water.

"WILL!" I yelled.

"NICO!" He mimicked.

"Why the hell did you do this, now I'm cold and it tastes like salt in here," He just laughed at me and let me go. I realized how deep we were and I could barely touch the bottom. Damn, I hated how short I was. I was also kind of glad of how deep we were because it was easier to hide my scars.

"Isn't this fun?" He laughs and I roll my eyes. Then I wave comes and hits us, nearly knocking me out, but he grabs my shoulders, my mouth was wide open and I could feel my shocked expression. 

"I guess a little," I admit, and then I realized that I barely had thought about Hazel all day. I shook her out of my mind once a wave came and hit us again, this time I swam with it. I saw Will smiling and then whenever a wave would come, we would dive into it. I was really having fun and I actually realized that not every idea Will had was bad. 

It was about 30 minutes later, but the sun was gone and we walked over to the sandy beach. My drink had melted but I just moved it over as Will laid down a towel. He sat down on it, and I sat down next to him. I was cold, but couldn't find my jacket so I just scooted closer to Will. I didn't lean on him or anything, I just was really close to him.

"So, I'm waiting for you to say 'Jeepers Will, you were right! And awesome!' or you know, something along those lines," He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Will you were sort of right, this wasn't a horrible idea," 

"Thanks?" He laughed. I let out a small snort and he looked at me smiling. 

"You even make snorting cute!" I hid my face in my hands. He called me cute, why did he do that? I huffed and hoped the red was gone. I looked up at the horizon and saw the sun setting. It really was beautiful and the way the setting sun was reflecting of Will's hair, the entire thing was beautiful.

"I'm going to have to answer questions about my family," I say, not removing my eyes from the water.

"Yeah, I know," Will said sympathetically.

"Your probably the only person who really knows about them. With the cooking and the...pictures," I shook the pictures out of my head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked he put an arm around my bare back, I leaned onto him but kept my legs covering my stomach. I was a bit thin and was a tiny bit insecure about it.

"There's not much to say, I had a crappy childhood. My mom, my sister, my dad, I had to live on my own for awhile. Then I tried--that's not important, anyway, a girl named Racheal Elizabeth Dare found me when I was around 16, she was around 19 and she was becoming a therapist. She saved my life and she helped me become a writer, anyway--there's no more to say. It was bad, I got better,"

"But, you're not better,"

I looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"You don't just get better, I mean you do but not how you're saying, your better than you were, but you can't be better," He sounded like something had happened to him that made him know that, and I wanted to know what it was. Who could hurt Mr.Sunshine?

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked hoping he would.

"Me? I'm fine, I'm just saying--it is always there, and you always think, what if, ya know?"

"Yeah, I do," I smile weakly and push off of his chest. I turned to where I was facing him and changed the subject. "How was your day?"

"You kind of know," He smiled weakly. Whatever he wasn't telling me, clearly still bothered him, I had never seen his smile so dim. It made me sad. I hated how happy he was, but I hated how he wasn't happy even more. Who could have done this to him?

"Oh, yeah," I look down at my lap. 


"Mmhm?" I look up at his blue eyes.

"When you were telling what wasn't important before you met the Racheal  girl?" I looked back down at my lap, making sure the scars were hidden.

"Nothing, just I got into some trouble," I mumble. 

"Okay," He said and started to stand up, "Let's go, I'm hungry,"

Word Count: 2764

Ugh, I think I liked this chapter, hmm IDK whatever. I wanted this to be this cute moment but I also don't want things going to quicklyyyy fhdusilbafafbvhiwbvhfi struggles.
