I woke up with Will's arms wrapped around me. I gave a small smile remembering what had happened the night before. I wanted to stay there, wrapped in Will's arms, but then I thought how awkward that may be, both of us being awake, naked...yeah, I think I'll get up... 

Plus, I had work. I slowly climbed out of bed, sighing at the loss of warmth and grabbed my pants that were on the floor. I walked out of Will's room and into the bathroom. I decided to take a quick shower, before hopping in, I noticed a few hickeys on my neck and collarbones. Most of them could be covered with a shirt, but there were a few trailing up to my jawline. 

I smiled, and blushed at the marks and went into the shower, simply cleaning myself off.

When I was done, which was only about five minutes, I walked back into my room changing into black skinny jeans and a Bailey's diner T. I looked into a mirror, making sure the shirt covered most of the hickeys. I proceeded to put on my regular chucks and walked into the kitchen to make myself coffee, and Will tea.

Minutes later, Will walked out of his room, when he saw me, and we made eye contact we both blushed like the stupid dorks we are, like gods, why was I always so awkward?

Will then did a hand gesture, pointing towards the bathroom. I nodded my head awkwardly and turned away. As soon as I heard him walk, I looked back in his direction and saw red scratch marks down his back, I let out a small squeak before turning around back to the boiling water.

I was always so damn awkward, it was just my nature I guess, but I hated it, was it so much to ask for a not awkward relationship? Apparently, yes.

By now, I had known a lot of Will's different tea, and in the mornings, he usually liked vanilla almond in the morning. I made his tea in his favorite mug so he could save time and we could both leave work at the same time, I then made my coffee and grabbed some eggs and bacon from the fridge.

I started cooking the food and making two plates. I wasn't very hungry and only put a small amount on my plate, giving Will the regular amount.

When Will got out of the shower and had changed into some joggers and a T, we both sat down and ate breakfast and made small talk, my dumb ass even mentioned the weather.

"Is that all your going to eat?" Will brings up as I had only eaten a portion of the small amount of egg I gave myself and like a bight of bacon. 

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry,"

"You're going to regret that in an hour," He warns.

I roll my eyes. "I am not, plus if I'm dying of starvation, I work at a restaurant. I'm sure I can find some means of food,"

"Fine, but if you collapse while holding a bunch of food and then it falls on you, don't blame me," 

I roll my eyes again and take one last bite of bacon, making a big gesture of it, then take the last sip of my coffee and walk towards the living room. 

Minutes later, Will was holding my backpack and his was on his back. "Ready?" He asked, holding out my bag. I grabbed the bag after getting up from the couch and headed towards the door. 

Will grabbed his phone off the counter and walked over to the door, I locked the door behind us and we interlocked hands walking down the stairs to Will's damn truck. I had a strange relationship with that stupid blue truck.

Will turned on his stupid radio, I mean honestly, it was becoming part of my morning, my morning eye roll because of Will's gods awful music. 

Will asked if I wanted to get lunch with later, I replied with 'duh, dork' and he acted fake offended. I rolled my eyes as he parked in front of the diner. I gave him a quick kiss before running inside. 

"Hey, Nico!"

"Morning, Nico!" 

Was the first thing I heard as I walked into the restaurant. "Hey guys, Good morning," I walked into the locker room like things (Great descriptive words Leah) and placed my bag down and grabbed my apron.

"I thought you weren't coming in till later today or something, weren't you camping?" Annabeth asked as she wiped off the tables.

"Yeah," I laugh. "My idiot boyfriend forgot to check the weather," I start replacing the receipt paper in the cash register. "What'd you guys do this weekend?"

"I went with Percy to watch the new--" Annabeth started, but was cut off.

"Annabeth! I swear to the gods, no spoilers!" Jason exclaimed.

"F-Fine, geez," She laughed.

Annabeth finished cleaning the tables and walked over to me, then grabbed my apron that I had placed on the counter next to the register. She went to wrap it around me and had to lift up my hair to do so, apparently, revealing a hickey.


"shit," I mumble.


"I'll give you one guess," I say sarcastically.

"JASON! NICO HAS A HICKEY!!" She calls out pointing to the back of my neck. 

"Oh, my gods, really Annabeth? What are we five?" I complain.

"With that," She points to my neck, "I hope not,"

"Oh, my god," I mumble. Jason walks over and has an extremely serious face on.

"Nico has a what?" He asked. I wanted to sink into the depths of hell. This was gods awful. They were always like my parents though, I just wish, at this moment, they were not as parent-y. 

"Come here, look," She pointed to my neck, still holding up my hair.

"Can someone please tie my apron? Please?"  I ask, ignoring the two blondes.

"Nico!" Jason gasps. "A hickey!"

"Yes, a hickey, now PLEASE, tie the damn apron," I say once more. My face was red now. Extremely red. 

"Why--What? You, did you use protection?" Jason asked, I just needed someone to tie my damn apron. 

"Of course, we're not stupid, gods, please tie my damn apron!" I complain, finally Annabeth decides to get over herself and realize I'm 21 fucking years old, and ties my apron.

~Quick Authors Note~

Look, Was this overprotective, awkward conversation necessary? No. But, Condom sense is common sense, so use protection kiddos.

~End of VERY important authors note~

The day was very...strange? It was definitely awkward and I honestly didn't care. 

Work was regular, I gave people some food, refilled their drinks, cleaned some tables, there isn't much to it. Around Lunch, I got a text from Will, basically saying he was on his way. I smiled at my phone then slid it back into my pocket, collecting the check the customer had just left.

I went ahead and took my break, knowing Will would be here any second. I took off my apron and grabbed my bag before scrolling through my phone. 

I then received a text from Will that he was in the parking lot. I walked out of the staff room and then waved to Annabeth and Jason, before walking out to meet with Will's baby blue truck.

I climbed in and smiled at him before buckling the seat belt.

"Where ya wanna eat?" He asked, running his radio down. 

"Wherever," I reply.

"But, you didn't eat breakfast, so you should pick somewhere so you want to eat because I don't want you dying of starvation," Will retorts, I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to die of starvation," I laugh, "So we can go where ever you want," 

He sighs. "Why are you so fucking difficult," He laughs at the end.

"Because, I am," I laugh. Will rolls his eyes before speaking up again, the topic completely changing.

"My mom invited us over for dinner Friday, so save the date," he winked. 

I rolled my eyes, he was such a dork, I loved this dork, why? Not really sure, but I did, I loved him a lot.

I was able to observe this when the talking died down and it was just him humming to the low tune of the radio. Sometimes he would crack a smile at random times and it made butterflies go off in my stomach. 

How could someone be so perfect? Like honestly, he really was perfect. I had never seen someone so perfect, like when he was being created, they didn't put anything else in his creation cauldron beside 'perfection'.

Maybe it was bad I thought this way. Maybe it wasn't good that I thought he was perfect and thought the ground he walked on had been blessed.  Maybe I was turning into a hopeless school girl, but damn, he was so fucking hot, it was hard not too.

I looked down at my hands breaking from my thoughts. After studying my hands for awhile, I found we were in the McDonalds parking lot. He smiled at me when he saw I noticed.

We climbed out of the car and into the restaurant. I ordered a happy meal because, well, I don't need to explain, there awesome, okay? Will got the number two, both accompanied by Dr. Pepper.

We sat down with our food and began eating. We talked about random crap and it was comfortable. I remembered when Will had first moved in, how he had eaten all my food, and how, for some reason, I had found him fit. I had more people I could have interviewed. I had like, three, but I canceled them. Funny how fate worked I guess.

"Happy Meals? I mean, they have a lot of content in them, but like, they don't, like you have like two freaking fri--" I cut Will of extremely fast.

"No, do not insult my happy meals,  or I will gather every five year old in a 20-mile radius, and we will beat your ass,"

"Fine, gods, it's just that--"


"I mean-"



I just smiled in response as I took a bite of my hamburger. 

After lunch, I had Will drop me off at my Uni, I guess I should go again, maybe turn in my short story I was working on.

It was turned in late, so the professor wouldn't except it, whatever, I sat down near the back of the classroom and pulled out my laptop. He was teaching us something about the different types of writings and what to do and not to do, but, I already knew most of these things, so I was just absently typing whatever his flat voice said.

The one damn day I decide to show up, he gives an assignment, it was easy enough and I would probably be able to do it in one night. 

As soon as the class was over, I was feeling dead. School sucked, and what I was learning, most of it I knew. I spent half of my life in a library, reading all sorts of books, I was friends with one of the librarians for awhile before she moved to Florida.

I was walking down the hallways when some guy waved to me. It wasn't an abnormal thing for someone to wave at someone, but usually never happened to me.

"Glad to see you back around," They said. They were definitely a professor. He looked familiar, then I realized he was the guy who lived four doors down. I just gave him an awkward nod and smile as we walked past each other. 

It was honestly creepy, I mean he seemed like a pretty friendly guy. He was always waving at me, but he looked scary. Dark eyes, Dark hair, pale skin, vampire-like. (A/N~OMG PLOT TWIST THIS IS NOW GOING TO BE A VAMPIRE AU----I'm kidding, toodles)

I called an Uber because Will wouldn't be near here for another hour since he was at work for another two hours.

When I arrived home, so did the professor. We walked up together and he told me about how he was only teaching a medical class for awhile, I asked if it was Will's class, he was confused, I described Will as having, super blonde hair, blue-gold eyes. He said it rang a bell, asked if he was my roommate, I said yes, not wanting to get into the whole gay thing.

I asked how long he'd been living here, he said for about three years, I asked if he was here before I arrived because I had also arrived three years ago, he said he thought after. Then I got to my door, we said our goodbyes, and damn, that was the longest conversation I had ever had with a professor. 

I went inside and started working on my assignment, after I made myself some coffee, duh.

When I was almost done, Will walked in, he had a shopping bag in his hand, a dollar store bag.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to his bag.

"Well," He laughed. "We needed some toothpaste, so I was like, 'the dollar store will have toothpaste' and then I got there and they had all of this stuff,"

He pulled a plastic flamingo out of a bag. "Like this,"

"And this," He said, pulling out a pair of bright orange sunglasses with fish ON THE LENSES! WHY DO YOU NEED SUNGLASSES WITH THINGS ON THE LENSES!

He then pulled out a pencil case that said, 'Life's Grape'. "And this, but I forgot toothpaste so then I went to Walmart and bought it. Wanna know what's funny though?" He asked.

"Sure," I laughed.

"The toothpaste, it was the most expensive thing out of all of this, combined! It was four something, and these little thingies," He gestured to the array of random crap he placed on the couch, "Three dollar something, anyway," he sighed, walking into the kitchen grabbing tea, and a pot to boil water. "How was class?"

"Good, well no, it was horrible, but good, also, we have a professor that lives four doors down, he was the one I think you thought was creepy, teaching you about creepy, what was it?"

"Forensic Pathology,"

"Yeah, well he lives down the hall," I tell him.

"I bet he has evil skeletons in there or something, decaying frog brains, limbs hanging from the ceiling," Will said, clearly freaked out, it cracked me up. He started mixing all his tea ingredients and walking over to me, holding the mug with two hands, holding it close to his chest.

I let out a small laugh, "He didn't seem like the kind of guy to have that in his house, he seemed generally nice,"

"Well, maybe, but I bet he has spiders though," Will teased.

"Gods, ew, shut up, blahhhh no," I freak out thinking about spiders climbing on the walls. 

The day continues as normal, I make dinner, we eat dinner, Will cleans up dinner, it's a great system. 

I pulled out my laptop and finished up my assignment on the couch next to Will. 

"Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeee," Will whined,

"You are the one who was telling me to go back to Uni," I point out. Will groans. 

"Yeah, but I'm Booooored," Will complained. 

"I'm very sorry," I laughed. "But, I'm not done yet, so, deal with it,"

He leaned his head on my shoulder, which made it a bit difficult to type, but I ignored it and continued typing, he smelt nice, so it was worth it.

He then kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee?" He whined.

"Nope, just wait like ten minutes," I laughed.

He then nipped at my ear, I let out a gasp of surprise, before shutting my laptop quickly and placing it on the coffee table, turning back around and crashing our lips together.

Sometimes, you need to get your priorities right.


Next chapter will be better

and...look, before you go 'there going to fast' 'this is becoming more mature and there relationship is exerting way to fast' NO, in most fanfics, not dissing on anyone though, they met, fight, get together, have sex once, then the end, no, there guys are fucking 21 and 22! okay! when you're that age, you have sex, you have a healthy amount of sex and they won't have sex everyday, and I won't metion it everytime, but serisouly, people, have, sex, it's not gross or something to not mention, people have sex.

but don't worry this won't turn into like a smut book or anything, just some fluffy boys doing some dirty stuff.
