51. Winter testing rows

The time Valeria and Seb spent in Madrid had been amazing, but tiring. They had used every single moment possible to spend as much time as possible sight-seeing, but the time for winter testing had come. They were travelling to Barcelona by train, just a day before the start of testing.

'I really can't be asked' Valeria huffed, as she went through tens of emails she had ignored as she was off. She accepted all the meetings different people had thrown in her calendar and double checked the subjects for any particular one she had to prepare for.

'I know, Schatzi. You and Mattia are not on best terms at the moment and it's hard to avoid him when you basically work for him. Just try and keep calm, don't let them make you feel like you're wrong. Just be yourself' Seb told her, with a loving smile.

'Being myself will get me fired... but to be honest it would solve a lot of the issues' she concluded. 'I just want to travel back in time and refuse that contract extension. I should have known from last year what the team's true colours are' she continued, binning yet another email from Fabrizio.

Week 1, Day 1

'Fuck, this feels weird' Valeria told Pietro, walking in the paddock with him. All the good and bad memories from the 2019 season came back to her as she was hit by the bright colours of the paddock.

'That is what she said' Giorgio had just appeared and had wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 'how are you Mrs Vettel?'

'I am very well, thank you' she smiled 'ready for 2020, I guess! You?'

'I'm good too, happy to still have you guys around. We need to take a lot more pictures this year. Let's start now!' he said, opening his front facing camera. 'say cheese'he pressed the button just as George and Lando joined the frame.

'we just made that shot a thousand times better. You're welcome. Keep it for when we're world champions' Lando joked.

Valeria couldn't contain a snort, as she let both of the Brits give her a hug.

'I thought you weren't allowed' Lando whispered in her ear.

'I'm so done with all that shit. I made a promise to myself that as 2020 is the last year I get to spend as a twenty-something, I am spending it as myself.' She replied to him. 'if anyone has got issues with it, they can come and tell me'

'Are you not 30 yet?' George asked her, smirking.

'Funny. Really funny.' She huffed. 'Have you scored a point yet?' she teased him, making Lando laugh loudly.

'Hey...' George started. 'I can't think of a comeback. Damn! Round 1 goes to you, Proietti.'

Valeria smiled, watching the two young drivers walk towards their respective motorhomes. She followed her colleagues into the Ferrari one, already nose deep into her phone to check her appointments. It was weird thinking she'd be sitting somewhere different that year, she thought, her eyes for one moment turning to look at Pietro and Fabrizio deep in conversation. She felt sorry for her friend who had to deal with Fabrizio, but she had bigger fish to fry. Her first appointment of the day was going to bring her to a meeting with a few different TPs who were discussing the rules proposed for 2021. She double checked the room again and directed herself towards it, meeting Mattia just outside.

'Morning' she said, politely. 'I have your notes for today's meeting' she said, passing him a folder she had put together on the train the day before.

'thank you' Mattia smiled, as he held the door open for her.

Valeria sat down at the back of the room, together with the other assistants. She turned on her recorder and focused her attention on the conversation going on.

Once the meeting had finished, Valeria joined Mattia again for an update on their schedule. As she was walking out with her boss, she caught a glimpse of Andreas Seidl who gave her a warm smile. Why couldn't Mattia take a leaf of McLaren's book and be a lot more accessible?

The Italian reciprocated the smile, just before leaving the room to go to her next appointment.

Week 1, day 3

The first few days of testing had left everyone in the Ferrari garage and all the tifosi with a bitter taste in their mouth. The car lacked pace and consistency already, whilst Mercedes, once again, had seemed to have spent time and resources exploring new avenues and ideas.

'What the fuck is that DAS system, and why do we never come up with things like that' Pietro uttered, as he joined Valeria in the garage.

'it looks really interesting.' She confessed 'and that's probably why Mercedes keeps winning' she continued, keeping her voice down so not to be heard.

'I knew you were on their side' Pietro joked. 'You are a Hamilton fan, it's obvious' he continued. He had been calling her a traitor since he had spotted her chatting amicably with Lewis that morning.

Valeria giggled, shaking her left hand in front of him. 'need I remind you who my favourite still is?' she joked.

She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket Oñoro CS meeting in 10 minutes the screen said.

'damn, I gotta dash. Mattia has a meeting in 10 and I need to sort out the room. See you in a bit, babe' she kissed her friend on the cheek and rushed back to the motorhome, damning herself for having accepted all the meeting requests without actually looking at them.

'Oñoro.. where have I heard that name before?' she wondered. She had set the table with Ferrari papers and pens and was grabbing a couple of bottles of water from the catering people.

She caught a glimpse of Mattia walking into the meeting room and she followed him in.

'Sorry, just getting these in. Anything else you need?' she asked him.

'no, that's perfect, thank you.' Mattia seemed uneasy. 'you can go if you want. This is my last meeting and I'm sure you can't wait to start the weekend'

'Sure? Thanks' she smiled. Why did it feel like he was trying to get rid of her? She tried to brush it off, as she finished sorting out the last few things 'see you next week, then?'

Mattia nodded 'enjoy your weekend' he said.

Valeria walked out of the room, texting Seb at the same time to ask where he was.

'afternoon' someone said, in a thick Spanish accent. 'could be the Oñoro dude, let me be polite' she thought, putting her phone back in her pocket. She looked up to see Carlos Sainz's cousin, and manager, she had met at McLaren a few months prior.

'Afternoon' she replied with a smile, as she spotted Carlos coming in, too. What were they doing there? And why did they have a meeting with Mattia? She thought, as she had a quick catch up with the two Spaniards.

As soon as she left the corridor, she finally had an epiphany: they were both there to discuss a possible seat! And if any seat was available... It was Seb's! Her jaw dropped. Mattia had described Seb and Charles as the best possible pairing shy of a week prior and now was looking for a replacement for the German without even being honest about it? She felt her blood boil in her veins, turning around to wait outside the meeting room. She was not going to take any of it.

Change of plans, Bärchen. Mattia has asked me to stay. I'll see you at the hotel. She messaged Seb, once more.

The meeting room door opened, eventually, an hour later. Valeria said goodbye to the two men and walked back in. Mattia seemed surprised and looked like he had been caught red -handed.

'Valeria, I thought you'd gone' he said, smiling.

'I was about to, then realised what was going on. Listen, it is not my place to say anything, but I am going to anywyas. And you know why? Because Ferrari has, once more, shown me their true colours and I have realised where my true allegiance stands. Sebastian has given this team his heart and soul for the past 5 years and this is how you thank him? Having meetings with other drivers behind his back and not even giving him a fighting chance? It's only winter testing. Last week you called Seb and Charles the best possible pairing. What a way to thank a four time world champion!' Mattia opened his mouth, but Valeria interrupted him before he could speak, raising her finger again to shush him. 'you know what? I have brushed off enough shit last year. All the team not giving a fuck about Seb's mental health as you all put Charles on a pedestal. I'm tired of Ferrari playing happy family and stabbing people behind their back. I'm tired of your attitude towards my friendships with Dan or Lando. You guys are stuck in the past and I want to be in the future. I quit. I'm done. Consider this my week's notice.' She concluded.

'Valeria, please' Mattia started.

'don't. I'm done. And don't expect me to not tell Seb. You sly...'

'It's in your contract to keep meetings confidential, I could fire you right now' Mattia warned her.

'like that would change my beliefs? Please do' she said, as she already took her work pass off and threw it on the table. 'it was nice working with you' she said ironically and she stormed out of the room.

What had she done? She had just quit her job and almost had a screaming match with Ferrari's team principal. Her hands were shaking and she felt like she was going to pass out.

She bumped into someone 'Sorry' she whispered, not looking up.

'vale? Are you OK? You look... pale' a slight German accent made her look up. Fabian was standing on front of her looking concerned. She had completely forgot he had just arrived to spend time with Seb and watch the second week of testing.

'Ich bin nicht ... gut ... nein' she started, using German so people couldn't understand.

'what happened?' he asked her, in his native language.

'I just got... finished. This team... is bad. Seb needs a lot more and deserves better. I am done. I quit' she told him in her really broken German. 'I had enough of this. Fuck them. They are going behind Seb's back and looking for a new driver for 2021 and the season is not on yet. Fuck them. I need to speak to your brother' she concluded.

'Shit, come with me. You look like you're about to faint.' Fabian grabbed her hand and walked with her outside. 'Seb is on his way here, we were going to go back to the hotel to wait for you and have dinner. Do you want me to tell him not to come?' Valeria shook her head, as Fabian made her sit on a bench and passed her her water from her bag. 'Drink, I'll go get you something sugary' he told her.

Valeria could feel a few people looking at her, her bright red uniform made it even easier to spot her. She rummaged through her bag, to find her plain clothing. Fabian had come back with a sports drink and a croissant.

'Eat this.' He told her.

'thank you. I always need a Vettel taking care of me' she joked, switching back to English. 'I go... change. I need to get rid of this uniform' she pointed at her clothes. Fabian nodded 'I'll wait here, I'll tell Seb if he gets here before you're back'

Valeria thanked him again. She changed into a pair of jeans and a hoodie and threw her uniform in a carrier bag. She thought that worse comes to worse she could always sell it on ebay to make some money.

She walked back to where she left Fabian and saw him chatting to Seb. She felt her heart sink again, not knowing what to do and how to start the conversation with her fiancée.

'hey' she told Seb with a smile. 'should we go?' she asked the two brothers, who nodded.

'I need a drink' she said, as soon as they got back. Seb had invited Fabian to have dinner with them and the three were sitting in Seb's and Valeria's room before then.

Valeria poured a large amount of rum in a glass and sat on the sofa. Fabian was looking at her, trying to read her mood and how she felt. Seb had gone to take a shower and had just joined them both.

'What is going on?' he asked after a while, his eyes going from Valeria, who was on her second drink, to his brother.

'I need to tell you something, but I don't know if I should. I feel like you need to know, but it's heart-breaking news. Or at least it was for me. And I never want to be the person breaking your heart' Valeria started. Seb looked at her worried and confused. Fabian got up 'I'll let you guys be, I'll be in the other room' he said.

'What's going on, Schatzi? Is everything ok?' Seb asked again, once his brother had disappeared.

'I quit. Well, actually I got fired' Seb looked at her shocked. What could have she done to get fired during winter testing? 'So, let me explain.' She went on to tell the story as it went. 'I have debated telling you. You don't deserve to find out this way, but I decided to tell you because the team doesn't deserve you giving your 100% if they can't be asked to put in a 1%. I hope I didn't make a mistake' she concluded.

Seb was visibly shocked. He grabbed her drink out of her hands and finished it off.

'So... my boss didn't think my fiancée would tell me I'm getting fired? What a dick' he tried to joke. 'thank you for telling me, but I can't believe you were fired because of me'

'Well, I was fired because of me. This is a weird feeling.' Valeria pulled him in a hug. 'should we and Fab go out and get pissed?'

'well, you two can. I'll only have a couple, but yes. I think we all deserve a drink. FAB! We're going out to drink, come out!' he shouted.

'Can you get Britta to get me a pass for next week?' Valeria asked.

'Sure.' Seb smiled. He couldn't believe the lengths Valeria would go for him. The one good thing Ferrari had done for him was letting him meet the love of his life.
