14. Afterparty in Montreal

Valeria walked out of Seb's bathroom, having just finished her make-up. They had decided to show up to the party together, so it would be their first public appearance as a couple at something work related. They knew that that was a point of no return, so Valeria had put a little more effort in her outfit, hair and make-up. She had opted for a navy mesh sleeve chiffon cocktail dress and silver platform heels. She had curled her hair and pinned it at the back.

'you look amazing' Seb told her, as he finished tying his tie. 'But you do all the time' he added.

Valeria gave him a smile, walking towards him. She helped him with the tie and looked up to him. 'you look quite good too, even if I think you look a lot better in a racing suit' she told him. With the heels she was just as tall as him, she rested her arms on his shoulders and lost herself in his blue eyes.

'Ti amo' he told her. 'so much. And I'm really sorry about earlier.' He continued in Italian.

'it's OK. It's water under the bridge. I think it made us a bit stronger. But now, stop looking at me like that because it took me so long to get ready and I'm not getting in and out of this dress again' she joked.

'Sure' he smirked. 'Ready to go?'

Seb and Valeria walked into the party, hand in hand.

'Stop feeling nervous, your hand is like a sweat machine' Seb whispered in her ear, making her laugh.

'I'm sorry' she smiled. 'drink?' she asked.

'sure, whatever you're having'

'don't make promises you can't keep, Vettel. This is an open bar and I'm British. That's how I make my money back'

He softly chuckled. He knew Valeria was just trying to make him feel better, but she didn't have to. Her presence was enough for him to forget what he was angry about.

They walked to the bar. Seb watched her as she started chatting to the bartender. Valeria could just about talk to anyone, she was one of the most outgoing people he had ever met.

'You never come out to these. What's up with you?' Kimi had just appeared out of nowhere, a drink in his hand.

'Did you not see? I was robbed of a victory today'

'you know I don't really look at the results' he shrugged 'it's a hobby for me'

Seb smiled. Somehow Kimi, like Valeria,  always managed to put him in a good mood.

'she's nice' Valeria turned around to Seb again with their drinks. 'I have just tipped her in euros cause I have no Canadian money. Hope she doesn't mind' she was mostly talking to herself. 'sup, iceman?' she smiled, as she realised Kimi was there.

'how did you get him to drink?' Kimi asked her.

'he's upset. That was my way in.' She joked. She had ordered him a cocktail and a Jagerbomb. 'wait, I'll get you a Jagerbomb too' she turned around again.

'Kippis, Prost, Salute or whatever you use to cheer. Cheers' Valeria said, downing her first drink. 'fuck the FIA' she whispered, making both of them smile.

She turned around to look at the crowd. She could recognise a few faces, there were quite a few drivers around, most of the crews and some of the F1 staff was there too. She mentally reminded herself to remain professional, especially to shut her mouth about anything to do with Formula1.

'Excuse me, who are you?' Dan's voice made her turn around.

'your best friend?'

'absolutely not' he laughed.

'Sorry, I meant your only friend' she corrected herself as Dan gave her a hug.

'I'm not used to seeing you this tall' he joked. 'you look great'

'always the tone of surprise' she told him with a smile.

'ahem' Seb pretended to be offended.

'What? You got Vettel out? That's some grade A magic right here. Sorry about the race, Seb' Daniel told him.

'Yeah, it sucked' he replied simply. Valeria had just finished her second drink.

'Now, enough chit chat. Drink up. I'm getting us another one, then we go dance our worries away, alright?' she told him. 'drink, Dan?'

'no, I'm good thanks'

Valeria walked to the bar again and ordered the drinks. She walked back to her boyfriend and gave him one. She excused themselves from Dan and Kimi, who had started chatting and brought Seb to the dancefloor.

'I can't dance' he told her.

'me neither, but who cares?' she grabbed his hand and moved him around, making him laugh. She spotted Pietro and Domenico and some of Seb's mechanics fooling around in a group and decided to join them.

'I can see you have made peace' Pietro whispered in her ear.

'Yeah, yeah we did. We're all good.' She replied, watching as Kimi joined them too and started dancing around with Seb. The German looked rather uncomfortable, as the drunk Finn twirled him around the room.

'You guys look great together. I'm glad you're finally showing the world' he told her.

'thank you. It feels scary. Everyone is going to be on my case a lot more, now, but it was time. It's nice not to sneak around anymore'

Valeria and Seb spent most of their time at the party dancing and fooling around. For a moment, Seb had forgotten all about the anger of the day. Just watching Valeria smile and have fun was enough for him. He knew they had taken a massive step, that day. And he knew that they did it at the right time. He was tired of hiding their relationship to the outside world but still he knew he couldn't have her around the garage just for himself as she still had a job to do.

'penny for your thoughts?' she asked him, having just managed to free herself from drunk Kimi moving her around the dancefloor like he did with Sebastian not long before.

'Nothing much. I was just thinking about us' he turned around to her and grabbed her hand. 'thank you for today.'

'bitte schön, Bärchen' she replied. Seb looked at her surprised. 'what? I googled German terms of endearment' she laughed. 'it's only fair I start trying a little harder. Hockenheim is just around the corner' they heard a click from a camera and they both looked up. 'should we give them a run for their money?' Valeria whispered to him. He smiled, gently resting his hand on her cheek. He slowly pulled her closer, savouring every instant. Her beautiful brown eyes slowly closing, as their mouths got nearer He felt her lips on his and he enjoyed the softness for a moment, playfully biting her bottom lip. They heard another click and smiled through the kiss. 'well that's official then. Good luck getting rid of me' she joked.

'I'd never' he told her, as a slow song came on. 'care for a dance?' he offered her his hand.

'Sure' she smiled, letting him lead her away. Valeria rested her face on Seb's shoulder as they slowly and, badly, moved along to the music. Happy to be with each other and forgetting about everyone else.

'Schatzi?' Seb asked. They had just got back to the hotel and Valeria had moved her packed luggage into Seb's room.

'yes, Seb?' she asked.

'Do you want to move in with me?' he watched her look at him surprised. 'you're allowed to say no. I know it hasn't been that long, but it feels right.. and if it's too much just tell me because...' he was interrupted by her lips on his.

'shut up.' She laughed. 'yes. Yes I do.'

'Really?' he beamed.

'yes, really!'

'I love you so much'
